Return Missionaries - Survey


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Hello everyone. I would like to conduct a survey concerning return missionaries. Living in Provo, Utah, I hear many differing opinions about the importance of Priesthood holders serving missions, but I would like something I can quantify. If you would, please answer the questions below and include any of the following information you feel comfortable with:

  • Male or female
  • Age
  • Where you are from
  • Status in the church (non-member, convert, or life-long member, active or inactive, etc.)
  • Relationship status (single, married, divorce, etc.)

The questions are:

(1-10 scale, with 1 being not important at all, and 10 being absolutely critical)

How important is it for Priesthood holders to serve a mission?

How important is it for LDS women to marry a return missionary?

Feel free to add a short explanation of your responses, if you would like. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Edit: This is not for a class. This is for a specific issue that I've been pondering.

Edited by kowen1208
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If you would, please answer the questions below and include any of the following information you feel comfortable with:

  • Male
  • Age - 50
  • Where you are from - Originally Montana, currently Indiana
  • Status in the church - convert of 35 years
  • Relationship status - married for 24 years

The questions are:

(1-10 scale, with 1 being not important at all, and 10 being absolutely critical)

How important is it for Priesthood holders to serve a mission? 8

A mission strengthens a young person's testimony, teaches him how to serve diligently, how to be dependable, how to pray and receive personal revelation, and how to be engaged in the work

How important is it for LDS women to marry a return missionary? 8

I think it is fairly important for LDS women to try and marry a returned missionary when possible. Given the number of new adult converts in the Church, and that there are few prospects in many parts of the world for LDS women to even find an available returned missionary, I don't think it is a requirement. However, I would stress they try and marry the best they can find. It must be a spiritual person, who will make her and the marriage better for being in it.

In some nations, the woman may not have much choice but to marry outside of the church. In such a case, marrying a righteous and good man who will support his wife's religious beliefs should still be the goal. It is possible the man may someday join the Church. A key goal would be to raise up the next generation of LDS missionaries, and prepare the way for the area to be stronger in the gospel in the long run.

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How important is it for Priesthood holders to serve a mission?

8 - Barring extenuating circumstances such as physical, emotional or mental impairment, it's a great idea to serve a mission. Imperative, in fact. If you don't truly believe, there's an out for that.

How important is it for LDS women to marry a return missionary?

6 - Slightly important. I'd rather my daughter marry a righteous convert than an unrighteous RM, but serving a mission is a good indicator of someone's willingness to serve. A better question would be 'How good of a missionary were they?'

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(1) What is a "return" missionary? I assume you're doing this for a class or something, so you should know that the correct phrase is "returned missionary."

(2) Why are female returned missionaries excluded in your questions?

This isn't for a class; this is just a matter of personal curiosity.

Yes, you're correct. I mean "returned missionary."

There are dozens of questions that could be asked on the subject of missions, but I would just like to focus on these two. Like I said, just a matter of personal curiosity. Thanks.

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  • Male or female: Male
  • Age: 26
  • Where you are from: Alaska
  • Status in the church (non-member, convert, or life-long member, active or inactive, etc.): Active
  • Relationship status (single, married, divorce, etc.): Pursuing

How important is it for Priesthood holders to serve a mission?


I think it's a priesthood responsibility and that baring circumstances to the contrary Priesthood holders should serve a mission. It is fairly well established we (Priesthood Holders) are to serve a mission.

How important is it for LDS women to marry a return missionary?


This may surprise you (my answer not what follows), but there are many converts who did not have an opportunity to serve as a youth, those who were inactive (but have since reactivated), or as mentioned by others things such as health (mental/emotional/physical) may have precluded serving and thus those men missed out on that blessing but are now (or in the case of converts or health preclusions always were) stalwart members.

It is important that an LDS woman (or man) marry someone who takes their responsibilities, faith and covenants seriously. A mission may be an indicator of that as Funky mentioned but ultimately it is the qualities not the potential indicator that is important. There is a certain idea that RM = Worthy, Faithful and Strong but such isn't always the case and I think does some a disservice. Both in that otherwise worthy and wonderful men are snubbed because they lack a status and that unworthy and not so wonderful men are accepted because they hold that status.

P.S. In case anyone was curious if I was trying to sell my status as more desirable; I'm an RM.

Edited by Dravin
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* Male

* Age 35

* Where you are from: Southern Utah County

* Status in the church (non-member, convert, or life-long member, active or inactive, etc.) life-long active member

* Relationship status (single, married, divorce, etc.) divorced

The questions are:

(1-10 scale, with 1 being not important at all, and 10 being absolutely critical)

How important is it for Priesthood holders to serve a mission? 10 - for all who are physically and mentally capable

How important is it for LDS women to marry a return missionary? 6 - more important to marry a worthy priesthood holder

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how important is it for a priesthood holder to serve a mission? 8

From Thomas Monson to my own father and younger brother, countless righteous priesthood holders have not served a mission, and for various legitimate reasons. Pres. Monson didn't serve one because he was busy fighting in WWII. My father decided to join the Army. My younger brother decided to marry his highschool sweetheart in the temple.

Serving a mission is an important part of the ministry of the church and a difficult thing to be sure, however it is not for everyone. Were I to apply today under the same physical shape I was in when I did go, I would not be accepted. Serving a mission is important, but there are situations where it is not the correct thing. This is why the church has always pulled back from making it mandatory for worthiness consideration. Some people just shouldn't go.

How important is it for a young woman to marry a return missionary 3

I say this because of my statement above. If you judge a person strictly through one aspect of their life, whatever that aspect might be, you are not looking at the person as a whole. A relevant question might be asked, Are young men who don't serve a mission worthy to be married to young women of the church? I fear the bias for missionary service as a status symbol in the church is somewhat unavoidable, and I believe it is entirely unjustified.

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I'd rather my daughter marry a righteous convert than an unrighteous RM

This. 17+ years ago I married a nonmember who later converted, and he's awesome. I know people who married RM's who turned out to be toads. RM does not equal Great Husband.

I'm sorry I didn't answer your specific questions; I don't think blanket rules work for things as important as missionary service and marriage. If I had to, I'd answer your first question with "It depends on the priesthood holder" and the second with "It depends on the returned missionary."

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