Ball Etiquette


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All my experience with balls is in the military. (Wait, I meant... oh, never mind). [1] Here in the US it's also common to have formal dress dances during the last two years of high school and throughout college. I'm guessing that's what you're asking about.

You are of course free to dance with other people, but (IMHO) you should plan on spending most of your time with your date, if it's a date and not just a convenient/friendly means of both going to the same place.

You don't have to buy your date a gift. Back in the day, it was common for the man to buy the woman a corsage, but I don't know if that's a US-only thing.

Report back and let us know how it went-- hope you have a fabulous time!

[1] Each year, the US Marine Corps has a large formal-dress ball to celebrate its birthday. Hundreds of Marines, and their dates, all dressed to the nines-- big fun.

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When I was in high school we had Homecoming, Prom, Turnabout, and all of them you dressed up fancy and went to a dance. Prom was the fanciest out of all of them. Usually it happened in the ballroom of a fancy Hotel or something.

For the ones I attended I usually bought my date a boutonniere, which is a tiny flower arrangement he can pin to his tux. The guy usually brings a corsage for the girl, usually a slightly larger flower arrangement that you can wear on your wrist.

I never bought a gift for my date, but it really depends on the relationship at the time and on the customs of the area. Usually there are pictures ahead of time, and usually the guy takes the girl out to eat before the dance. Some dances will provide a dinner for the people attending. The best etiquette for a fancy dance is to spend most if not all of your time with your date.

Have fun though, I miss going to dances. They don’t really have any for married adults, and besides which my husband and I almost always get into fights at dances. But it still would be fun to go to one again.

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hehehe thanx guys!

yeah i'm not sure.. i mean... yup rofl.. the whole concepts still a bit strange...

but thank u so much for your help...

is there anything else i should do?

i was thinking of getting him something artsy... cause we are both nerds and rofl... well.. we love our stationary.. ahah i dunno if that's lame or not...


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LMBO... i did not...

but taking it in my stride cause i can't be bothered changing it..

for the record i was sitting on the ground - if any of u like to think of me on the toilet... i'm a little worried about you.... but meh

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