How much work is the Bishopric?


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My brother was just called to be bishop of his ward, and I want to do my best to support him.

Can anyone give me an idea of how many hours a week his role as Bishop will demand of him?

He has a full-time job, and five children so I'm just trying to plan ahead for how best I can help out.

Thank you for your thoughts.


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Guest mormonmusic

Basic responsibilities will probably include:

1. Helping count the tithing and make a deposit each Sunday.

2. Regular PEC and Ward leadership meetings for 1 -2 hours before Sunday.

3. Arranging talks for Sacrament meeting in certain months.

4. Expected to attend Stake Priesthood Leadership meetings

5. Standing in for the Bishop when he's absent at certain meetings, Stake and Ward,

6. Presiding at meetings of certain auxiliary presidency meetings. This doesn't always happen, but the handbook used to describe Bishopric involvement in many meetings regarding auxiliairies

7. Taking calls and interviews from Ward leaders who need people called.

8. Temple recommend interviews for renewals.....

9. Interview youth for temple baptisms; attending temple baptisms

And the list goes on.

I had one Bishop that had me pretty busy with the Youth. The entire Bishopric was supposed to be there at Youth night and at firesides and certain stake events.

So, how to help him -- consider doign things like cutting his grass if he does it himself, or taking the kids off his hands so he can be with his wife. Offer to stand in for him when his ward is moving someone and he's sort of expected to be there..these would be things I would've appreciated when I was a bishopric member.

However, at least he's not as busy as the Bishop!

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mine too, applepansy, Bishop is more than a full time job. My Bishop works with me, and my hubby is 2nd couns. He , the Bishop, has found that people, nonmembers and all, now approach him at all hours for advice. ALL HOURS, while he doesn't complain about it, he is in a kind of awe at the responsibility of it all.

Babysitting is a great idea, I think, He will find it really hard to get temple time and wife time.

I wish more members understood how extremely important Home teaching is to the Bishop, that is the best way of making sure the ward's families are doing okay. It is best for him to be proactive, and not reactive by sending priesthood holders into homes before the problems start, rather than waiting for a gusher of a problem to force the family to approach the Bishop who may have no idea what is going on. Small problems can often be solved by friendly home teachers, aleviating the habit of approaching the Bishop when he may be needed elsewhere for things home teachers can't handle.

Though, I know that bit of advice has nothing to do with you in particular, it is a bit of a beef of mine.

Yeah, I feel a little better now. :)

Edited by jayanna
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In our ward the counselors were responsible for the tithing/fast offering deposits. A report went to the bishop.

The bishop is also the Priest Quorum president so he's expected to be an YMs midweek.

My bishop does not attend YM/YW midweek meeting, he has two counselors, one or both of whom attend opening exercises and make sure things are running as they should. There is also a YM president and Priests Quorum Advisor who handle activities for Priests.

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I imagine if you mowed his grass on Saturday and took out his garbage on Tuesday night, it would be a big help.

But since the garbage truck doesn't come until Friday, you may want to delay that until Thursday night. Just a thought. And since you already have your mower out, I can give you my address and you can give service to 2 people on Saturday. Think of all the blessings you will receive from that.

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When there was a rumor going around that my old man was going to be the next bishop in our ward, I asked him about it and then he pointed to a member of our ward (welfare member, to the core. We found out he was also a member of other churches to get hand outs). He then said that he is one reason why he would NEVER be Bishop. The current Bishop at that time had to bring him into his office and tell him (command him actually) to take a shower. My old man (and me for that matter) would not have been nice about it. So Bishop he never became, but he was a branch president, high counsel, lots of bishop counselors and clerks and now Patriarch.

Go figure.

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