Low-fat Diet Won't Stop Cancer Or Heart Disease


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I heard this was the case all the way back in graduate school in the early '90s. Low fat, yuppie-oriented, health food diets have no effect on longevity. Now this just confirms it!!!! I can eat my Doritos and white bread as long as I exercise regularly.

There are some ironic ironies to health. Now this is not mentioned in the article but I have found studies to confirm these truths --

Too much sun exposure can give you skin cancer, but too little is associated with colon and breast cancer. And on top of this diets high in dairy products also are associated with lowered colon and breast cancer. The link? To properly metabolize calcium (which seems to reduce cancer) you need vitamine D which is produced by your skin through exposure to sunlight. So drink your milk and eat your ice cream and get moderate sun exposure -- but do EXERCISE as that will keep your arteries clean and your heart healthy (as well as fight certain cancers).

Also, go to church, get married and have a big family. Attendance in church is better for longevity than being secular and living a healthy lifestyle. Married people outlive single people and having children is good for your emotional health and, for women, reduces breast cancer and uterine cancer (and having children has been shown to make female brains more efficient -- in other words smarter). Also, a healthy sex life is good for reducing male prostate cancer as well as keeping female hormones in balance.

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Married people outlive single people and having children is good for your emotional health and, for women, reduces breast cancer and uterine cancer (and having children has been shown to make female brains more efficient -- in other words smarter).

Sorry, but what you said struck me funny..."female brains"?!? LOLOL

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As the story goes, the U.S. military spent several million dollars, thousands of personnel hours, and finally came upon a diet that is 100% effective. There are two important elements to this amazing program.



Those individuals who followed this program experienced almost immediate weight loss. In addition, cholestrol, blood sugars, and blood pressure all reduced. Stamina increased. Sleep became more regular. And, the body consumed more calories, even at stand still.

Has anyone heard of this, or tried it? Personally, I hate to jump in on something so radical, until I've heard a few testimonials from people I trust. B)

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OH My Gosh! A Pentacostal Chaplain with a sense of Humor :excl: ~ what will we get next?

You are just too funny :crackup:

You are just too right! Such a novel concept isn't it? Eat less and exercise more.

My Mother always said that the first step to losing weight was to Push yourself AWAY from the table.

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It will never catch on... unless you give it a catchy name like the Rothchild Diet, and charge lot's of money for it.

And blitz the market with:

1.) Infomercials

2.) Ophra pushing it as the next best thing to kleenex

3.) Testimonials by buxom blondes and weight lifters

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Move more, eat less is radical?

According to every study on diet and exercize I have every seen, this is basic to good health, especially in reducing the chances of diebetes, heart disease and yes, cancer. Nothing is going to guarantee that people don't get these diseases, but less fat, more fresh fruit and vegetables and exercise reduce the incidence of these diseases, no question about it from everything I've read.

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Uh, the studies say that low fat diets don't have an effect.

I have seen studies that have shown these things reduce heart disease and cancer.

1) Exercise

2) Frequent sex

3) For women -- having babies.

4) For women, don't mess around -- cervical cancer is usually a sexually transmitted disease

5) Have a large family and keep those connections in the extended family strong

6) Moderate sun exposure (not too little, not too much) combined with a diet high in milk and other dairy products

7) Going to church

8) Love your wife/husband

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The reason low fat diets, per se, don't lower the incidence of these diseases is because low fat "diets" don't work, if dieting is the only thing you are doing. Nobody I have ever met has been able to sustain (without other changes in their lifestyle) a "low fat" diet, or any other "diet" by itself. It's just to easy to lapse into old familiar habits of eating. What CAN work is a total lifestyle change--including exercise, getting out from infront of the TV and taking up active hobbies or sports (golf, tennis, jogging, walking) and generally leading a physically active life. You can't expect to just sit around watching TV or blogging on the computer all day, and think that your are going to be able to sustain a "low fat" diet. Those two lifestyles are mutually exclusive.

Personally, I find that when I jog three times a week, play golf a couple of times a week and work out with weights 3 times a week, I have no trouble ALSO keeping a healthy diet--activity motivates activity. When I sustain my activity level, I also have the motivation to eat more healthy.

So, just deciding to go on a low fat, or any other kind of diet, won't work to make you any healthier, by itself. It takes a total lifestyle adjustment.

(By the way, a healthy diet, does include a lower fat intake than most people get. Most people who eat too much fat, also eat too much carbohydrate and protein too. And the foods they eat to get this out-of-balance diet are things like hamburgers, hot dogs, fried foods (french fries, deep fried burritos etc). The typical american diet is way too heavy on protein, carbs and fats, and way short on fiber, vitamins and minerals. The average person needs only the equivalent of about a can of tuna worth of protein per day. Contrast that with the typical american diet: Breakfast: Coffee, donut and scrambled eggs. (with the scrambled eggs you may have got all the protein you need for the day. Lunch: Hamburger, fries and a coke. Dinner: A steak, mashed potatoes and maybe some bit of vegetable or salad (with enough fatty dressing to drown a horse).

Ever had a daily diet resemebling that? Analyzed carefully, it is loaded with oxidized fat (heated fat is full of free radicals that cause all kinds of havok--leading to athleroscrerosis and implicated in cancers of various kinds); it is way heavy on carbs, and about twice the protein you need (which also is converted to sugars and fats eventually). Anyone that tries to convince you that a diet high in the wrong kind of fats (heated fat or animal fat of any kind) is feeding one a load of you-know-what. The only kind of fat that is actually healthy are Omega 3 fatty acids (found in fish and some vegetables)--this fat can still make you "fat", but it won't clog your arteries, in fact, it has the effect of unclogging them, as well as doing good for your nervous system.

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I disagree with Cal. True, the best choice is a combo of eating less and exercising more, and the two do tend to complimant/reenforce one another, but it is possible to do one or the other and achieve satisfactory results, even long-term results.

Maybe it is POSSIBLE, but have you ever seen anyone do it over an extended period--say 10 years? In other words, stick to a diet, without OTHER major changes, like exercise and life activity?

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