Led Zeppelin

Paul Osborne

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I like Led Zeppelin, too. I have all of them on original LPs (not CDs). There is the album from 1979, named "In Through the Out Door", and there is one song on it, I would prefer to "Whole Lotta Love" : it's "All My Love" (and "In the Evening").

"Whole Lotta Love" is from Led Zeppelin II (1972). I guess it became a popular album because of the mentioned song. It was the time, the beginning seventies, provcating and experimental. There were even more "terrible" songs from other ones (remember Iron Butterly "In a Gadda da Vida" or whatever ...).

To be honest, "Whole Lotta Love" doesn't count to my favorite songs from LZ. I even don't like the whole album, except the last song on side one: "Thank You".

@ john doe: I agree to you. Jim Morrison's simulating of an orgasm is not what I would like too much. They have created better songs. "Stairway to Heaven" is one of their most famous, I think.

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Actually, Whole Lotta Love was recorded in 1969 and was new proof that Led Zeppelin was an emerging super group. They even appeared in the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City at about that time, I think it was their second US tour. The song Thank You on that album is simply beautiful. And yes, All of my Love from the In through the Outdoor is another wonderful song -- a good song for couples when having sex.

I think Whole Lotta Love is great advice for every married couple that needs to spice up their private lives. Sex is important for marriage to be successful and too many marriages have poor sex lives because couples just don't know how to fix it. Self help books aren't always the answer. General Conference talks certainly won't help much in this arena. But listening to Whole Lotta Love will definately get the ball rolling between two loving persons. Right? Of course I'm right.

Thank you Led Zeppelin for spreading the message of love! You see, it is all a matter of perspective!


Paul O

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Paul Osborne wrote:

Thank you Led Zeppelin for spreading the message of love! You see, it is all a matter of perspective!

On this I might agree.

You are right, the song was recorded earlier, but it appeared here much later, I think. But I have kept it in my memory, in the beginning and the middle of the seventies it was heard in many discos, and it has become a classic.

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Actually, Whole Lotta Love was recorded in 1969 and was new proof that Led Zeppelin was an emerging super group. They even appeared in the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City at about that time, I think it was their second US tour. The song Thank You on that album is simply beautiful. And yes, All of my Love from the In through the Outdoor is another wonderful song -- a good song for couples when having sex.

I think Whole Lotta Love is great advice for every married couple that needs to spice up their private lives. Sex is important for marriage to be successful and too many marriages have poor sex lives because couples just don't know how to fix it. Self help books aren't always the answer. General Conference talks certainly won't help much in this arena. But listening to Whole Lotta Love will definately get the ball rolling between two loving persons. Right? Of course I'm right.

Thank you Led Zeppelin for spreading the message of love! You see, it is all a matter of perspective!


Paul O

It's all a matter of YOUR perspective. A song about sex is NOT about spreading love and spreading God's love. You have a right to your opinion but please state it's your opinion and not that we have to respect that your opinion is right.

I like Led Zeppelin. It was the first vinyl record I ever purchased. But I was a young teen and naive in my understanding of what some of the songs were about.

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I think Whole Lotta Love is great advice for every married couple that needs to spice up their private lives. Sex is important for marriage to be successful and too many marriages have poor sex lives because couples just don't know how to fix it. Self help books aren't always the answer. General Conference talks certainly won't help much in this arena. But listening to Whole Lotta Love will definately get the ball rolling between two loving persons. Right? Of course I'm right.

Paul O

Well, there you have it. When someone comes on this board and says they are having intimacy problems, forget telling them to get checked out by a doctor or have an honest and open discussion with their spouse. From now on we should just tell them to play this song and POOF! problems will lessen!

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Well, Pam, you need not respect my opinion about Led Zeppelin's labor of love. I'm not asking for that. It matters not to me whether people respect me or my opinions. I'm simply saying that my opinion is the best opinion and, that's my opinion. I honestly think that sex is the most important part of life and God wants it to continue and remain a hot topic for everyone. Led Zeppelin can help people feel sexy and that can add a lot of spice in any dull relationship.

And, since Led Zeppelin was your first purchase it is certainly something that you will never forget.

Paul O

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You got it beefche! Crank up Whole Lotta Love and forget about talking about the problems. Just let the music be the master and go for it. That is the advice I'd give to a couple that needs to spice up their dull relationship. It's a sure fire way to find enjoyment. One need not talk about it. Just do it. Crank it up!

Paul O

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Well, Pam, you need not respect my opinion about Led Zeppelin's labor of love. I'm not asking for that. It matters not to me whether people respect me or my opinions. I'm simply saying that my opinion is the best opinion and, that's my opinion. I honestly think that sex is the most important part of life and God wants it to continue and remain a hot topic for everyone. Led Zeppelin can help people feel sexy and that can add a lot of spice in any dull relationship.

Paul O

Really? Sex is THE most important thing in life? Where do Christ, obedience to the commandments, and working out our salvation come into things? I guess I guess I missed the scripture that says that sex is more important than devotion to God. Can you direct us to it?

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