The atonement doesn't make sense


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Need a bit of help. I've got 3 days until I give a talk on the Atonement and most of it doesn't make any sense to me. I know I can get up at Sacrament and spout off some stories and quotes, throw a testimony on the end, and viola!

However I'd rather know what I'm talking about, so here are my questions if anyone can help me out. In no particular order:

1. Quote from "Jesus's atoning sacrifice took place in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross at Calvary"

So he atonned in the garden and on the cross? What does that mean, I'll atone for people with surname A-M in the garden and those with surname N-Z on the cross? Why did he need to atone in both places?

Whats with the crucifixion? Couldn't he just have fallen over, hit his head on a rock and died then been resurrected?

2. Quote from "As descendants of Adam and Eve, all people inherit the effects of the Fall. In our fallen state, we are subject to opposition and temptation."

I mean are you kidding? The fall again, what does that have to do with the atonement? I don't understand. Eve ate an apple, now Christ has to atone for it? I think I've missed the point???

3. How can Jesus Christ atone for every sin. His death/suffering in Gethsemene is just one guy. His suffering for 2 days makes up for billions of people sinning, and millions of murders/rapes. Seems a little one sided, wouldn't it make sense that his sacrifice covers one person? Doesn't seem like justice has been served, he suffers for a few days then all sins can be atoned for? Does anyone else think this is one sided?

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Thought I'd take a deep breath there.

So why do we need an atonement?I read that story about the kids who make up the rules, then a little kid steals and has to take the lashings, and the big kid jumps in and says I'll take them for him. Essentially mercy and justice was what the story was trying to convey. But when I read the story all I can think is:I didn't steal so why would I have to get the lashings?Not wanting to put down another religion, but feeling guilt for guilts sake, seems awfully catholic to me.Why did we need an atonement? why can't we just come on down, get judged

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The thing I've never understood about atonement (and I'm talking outside the Mormon context BTW) is the statement: "Christ died for YOU".

Not for everyone.

Not even for all the elect (if you believe in Limited Atonement and all that jazz).

But individually for YOU!

Firstly it doesn't make sense: If as the Eucharistic Prayer says it was "his perfect sacrifice made once for the sins of the whole world", how was it made just for me? Some people say "He'd still have done it if it was just for you." Well it wasn't, so how is this relevant?

Secondly it does made a difference: I feel indebted the servicemen who died in 1940 when Britain stood alone against Nazi-occupied Europe, but I'd feel a whole lot more indebted if they'd done specifically for me instead of for the whole country. But that is nonetheless how I'm supposed to feel about Christ's atonement.

I've pretty much got used to this way of thinking, and to thank Jesus Christ for what He did, but it does sometimes still strike me as odd when I stand back and look at it.

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