"big Love"

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As I have stated before I believe that HBO is using the controversy to gain a larger audience. The brief portions I have seen of this show is about sex this and Viagra that. To me it makes it look as if polygamy is all about sex and bickering and the audience it will draw is one who isn't looking for anything other then soft porn.

That fact that it is supposedly in the Salt Lake Valley is distasteful at best. I believe that they are trying to cause harm to the church and the writers are wrong for setting it up in the Salt Lake Valley with shots of the temple etc. If they would change the location of where it is supossidly located there wouldn't be such a mixed message being sent.


There are thousands of Polygamists in the Salt Lake Valley. In fact, down by point of the Mountain is this little town called Bluffdale. Bluffdale is the headquarters of the second largest polygamist church in America.

It's totally appropriate to locate this film in the SLV.

Mrs S.

You're quote from LDS church headquarters stated this: "Most of their practitioners have never been among its members."

That's not quite accurate. Most of the Allred Group have been members or still are members of the LDS Church. The FLDS is quite another question. If you're speaking about polygamists generally, grouping them all together despite their doctrinal and cultural differences, then the above is true. If you're speaking about individual polygamist churches, then neither the Apostolic United Brethren, nor the True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days qualifies. Both have heavy percentages of former LDS members in their ranks.

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As I have stated before I believe that HBO is using the controversy to gain a larger audience. The brief portions I have seen of this show is about sex this and Viagra that. To me it makes it look as if polygamy is all about sex and bickering and the audience it will draw is one who isn't looking for anything other then soft porn.

That fact that it is supposedly in the Salt Lake Valley is distasteful at best. I believe that they are trying to cause harm to the church and the writers are wrong for setting it up in the Salt Lake Valley with shots of the temple etc. If they would change the location of where it is supossidly located there wouldn't be such a mixed message being sent.


There are thousands of Polygamists in the Salt Lake Valley. In fact, down by point of the Mountain is this little town called Bluffdale. Bluffdale is the headquarters of the second largest polygamist church in America.

It's totally appropriate to locate this film in the SLV.

Jason Dear,

I live about 10 mins away from the compound in Bluffdale. B)

The way it is depicted on the show is like it is right in the middle of SLC, a 20 min drive from me. ;)

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The way it is depicted on the show is like it is right in the middle of SLC, a 20 min drive from me. ;)

And that matters because?


The Bluffdale group isn't the ones being shown on Big Love. Even if they were they are not in the heart of Salt Lake City. To the common critic of Mormonism, it would look as if the people in this show had something to do with the LDS people of Salt Lake and they don't. :rolleyes:

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The way it is depicted on the show is like it is right in the middle of SLC, a 20 min drive from me. ;)

And that matters because?


The Bluffdale group isn't the ones being shown on Big Love. Even if they were they are not in the heart of Salt Lake City. To the common critic of Mormonism, it would look as if the people in this show had something to do with the LDS people of Salt Lake and they don't. :rolleyes:

Of course they have something to do with the LDS Church. Their holy books are the same, the founding prophet is the same, and you live and work together.

Why so paranoid about the whole thing?

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Que Sera states:

The "LDS position on polygamy" is that it is against God's laws. How does that equate with it making a lot of sense or any convincing necessary in that direction in a conversation?

Further, in modern culture how do you see it helps rather than hinders?

Actually, I it depends on how you see "God's laws". I would say that you have to examine Biblical precident to see if polygamy would be a violation of God's laws. I would then say that if you held a court hearing to determine polygamy in relation to God's laws as spelled out in the Bible, and the Bible was your standard, the court would have overwhelming evidence to say that polygamy was in line with God's laws.

The Church position is very similar to Ashkenazi Jewry's view on polygamy. The practice was suspended by the leading rabbis in (I believe) the 16th. Century not because it was contrary to the Torah or Talmud but because it exposed Jews to persecution from European Christians. The LDS position is not that it is immoral or a violation of God's laws but that it is contrary to an important policy of the Church which was inspired of God for the benefit of members living in this aspect of existence. There is a distinction here that is important -- polygamy is not compared to adultery or fornication (which you can also be excommunicated for). Polygamy is a practice that has been temporarily suspended on earth (although a man can be sealed to many women in Heaven if he has been divorced civily or has had wives die).

As for it working better today than in agrarian societies of the past, I think that is very apparent. If a man would marry a wife who is a commited stay at home mother type she will have more kids than, let's say her best friend who would rather have a career but also would like kids. However, if the man was married to both the career-oriented woman could have built-in daycare from a much more nurturing souorce than a pay-to-care business. This would allow the second wife to have more kids than would be expected if she did not marry or if she married and had to rely on day-care or just quit working outside the home. This might be good for making sure women with a lot of ambition or so high an IQ that she might find it difficult (in modern society) to settle down and raise 4 or more kids. So the benifit of polygamy is much greater for the kind of woman desiring children AND a demanding career.

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Why so paranoid about the whole thing?


It is no secret the way you feel about the teachings of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saint's.

What are the feeling's that I have about HBO setting the show in Salt Lake City? "It blurs the line between the Church and the long renounced practice of polygamy." I have lived in the Salt Lake Valley most of my life as a "Utah Mormon". Jason you know enough about me to know that I do not practice polygamy. Why should I need to sit by while the Media (HBO in this case) use this blured line to demean the LDS Church? Setting this show here, with the Temple in the background, was something they did to add to this contraversary and boost their ratings IMO.

Personally, I had seen enough when I caught just a few parts of the show. This show is meant for those who are looking for either a way to live out their own dreams, :rolleyes: or those who like to watch sexually explicit material on TV. If you are able to watch this show either with your children or if the Savior were to walk in then more power to you.

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It is no secret the way you feel about the teachings of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saint's.

Are you sure? I have no problem with any of them. If they work for you, then good for you. That's my motto! :)

What are the feeling's that I have about HBO setting the show in Salt Lake City? "It blurs the line between the Church and the long renounced practice of polygamy." I have lived in the Salt Lake Valley most of my life as a "Utah Mormon". Jason you know enough about me to know that I do not practice polygamy. Why should I need to sit by while the Media (HBO in this case) use this blured line to demean the LDS Church? Setting this show here, with the Temple in the background, was something they did to add to this contraversary and boost their ratings IMO.

While the show itself may be a bad representation of a "mormon polygamist," this controversy is not about immorality in Salt Lake City. It's about polygamy being associated with the LDS Church.

We all know that.

The facts are, that Mormonism advocates polygamy in Temple sealings to this day, and that many LDS have the hopes of living it either in this world or the next.

So what's to hide about that? Are you really afraid that you'll have fewer conversions or something of the world think's you're all polygamists? Do you realize that the world thinks this anyway?

Besides, it's like they say in show-business...any publicity is good publicity. ;)

Personally, I had seen enough when I caught just a few parts of the show. This show is meant for those who are looking for either a way to live out their own dreams, :rolleyes: or those who like to watch sexually explicit material on TV. If you are able to watch this show either with your children or if the Savior were to walk in then more power to you.

I don't have HBO. I don't subscribe to premium TV chanels, and have considered canceling my basic cable subscription.

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I noticed on the airplane the other day a German newspaper with the headline "Germany needs kids, kids, kids!". The German birthrate (as well as Europe in general and much of Asia as well as career-oriented American women) is at extinction levels. Many women in modern society (who might be inclined to desire 2 or 3 kids -- or more) decide to either not have kids or maybe only have one so as to juggle career and family. You cannot tell me there are not LDS women out there who also struggle with this desire for a duel role whether by choice or economic necessity. Polygamy would benifit such women more than any other segment of the female population -- and, at least where Europe is concerned, perhaps since you cannot call the continent Christian anymore women there might be open to the idea of polygamy more so now than in the past 1000 years.

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It is no secret the way you feel about the teachings of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saint's.

Are you sure? I have no problem with any of them. If they work for you, then good for you. That's my motto! :)

Are you trying to sound offensive? Explain.

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It is no secret the way you feel about the teachings of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saint's.

Are you sure? I have no problem with any of them. If they work for you, then good for you. That's my motto! :)

Are you trying to sound offensive? Explain.

What? Im not trying to sound offensive. Im saying that I don't have a personal problem with your beliefs. They're true to you, and that's all that should matter.

I don't think that the LDS is the "one and only" true church. I think they're all true to the believer. That's good enough for me.

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It is no secret the way you feel about the teachings of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saint's.

Are you sure? I have no problem with any of them. If they work for you, then good for you. That's my motto! :)

Are you trying to sound offensive? Explain.

What? Im not trying to sound offensive. Im saying that I don't have a personal problem with your beliefs. They're true to you, and that's all that should matter.

I don't think that the LDS is the "one and only" true church. I think they're all true to the believer. That's good enough for me.

And that is why we can be friends. :jedi:

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It is no secret the way you feel about the teachings of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saint's.

Are you sure? I have no problem with any of them. If they work for you, then good for you. That's my motto! :)

Are you trying to sound offensive? Explain.

What? Im not trying to sound offensive. Im saying that I don't have a personal problem with your beliefs. They're true to you, and that's all that should matter.

I don't think that the LDS is the "one and only" true church. I think they're all true to the believer. That's good enough for me.

And that is why we can be friends. :jedi:

Great attitude to share with one another guys! :D

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It is no secret the way you feel about the teachings of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saint's.

Are you sure? I have no problem with any of them. If they work for you, then good for you. That's my motto! :)

Are you trying to sound offensive? Explain.

What? Im not trying to sound offensive. Im saying that I don't have a personal problem with your beliefs. They're true to you, and that's all that should matter.

I don't think that the LDS is the "one and only" true church. I think they're all true to the believer. That's good enough for me.

And that is why we can be friends. :jedi:

Great attitude to share with one another guys! :D

Heh, yes, but we [LDS] know something about what Strawberry knows whether Jason knows that or not. :)

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Personally, I had seen enough when I caught just a few parts of the show. This show is meant for those who are looking for either a way to live out their own dreams, :rolleyes: or those who like to watch sexually explicit material on TV. If you are able to watch this show either with your children or if the Savior were to walk in then more power to you.

Not true - polygamy would be my hellish nightmare, so I could safely say that it's not a way to live out my dreams. And if I want to watch sexually explicit material, I will watch a porno. But actually, I don't get into that either. There are all of two minutes worth of sex scenes on each episode, and maybe not even on every episode. The show doesn't even have nudity, except for Bill Paxton's backside once, which I'm not complaining about! It's a very interesting show with great acting... period.

Of course I would never watch it with my child. And I bet Jesus likes a good show as much as anyone!

If you don't like it, don't watch it! If it offends your religious beliefs or touches a nerve about your church's past, don't watch it!

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If you don't like it, don't watch it! If it offends your religious beliefs or touches a nerve about your church's past, don't watch it!


I don't ever remember you shouting at me this way. I am sorry, I must have offended you. :unsure:

I have chosen not to watch this show for the reasons I stated earlier in this thread.

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Sorry, I just don't enjoy when someone makes sweeping generalizations about me (which you've never done before to me), which you did in your earlier post...

SF: "This show is meant for those who are looking for either a way to live out their own dreams, or those who like to watch sexually explicit material on TV. If you are able to watch this show either with your children or if the Savior were to walk in then more power to you."

I really wasn't shouting though... gotta watch the exclamation points! :)

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It is no secret the way you feel about the teachings of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saint's.

Are you sure? I have no problem with any of them. If they work for you, then good for you. That's my motto! :)

Are you trying to sound offensive? Explain.

I'm just curious why SF thought Jason was being offensive. I thought he expained himself quite well. SF can you explain why you thought Jason was being offensive? :huh:


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Jason said

I have no problem with any of them. If they work for you, then good for you. That's my motto!

I wondered if he felt that Mormoms are only good for their labor. :dontknow:

I took what Jason said as" if the values and doctrines support and sustain your faith, then that's good for you"

Course i could be wrong lol

Yeah, I can see that now too. :P

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