And The Oscar Goes To....

Winnie G

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I thought some of us that might have wasted our time watching the Oscars tonight might like to post there winners out of the regular categories.

My Oscar goes to Two sided tape!

Lets face it if there was no two sided tape there would be breasts every were.

So I give my Oscar to two sided tape.

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I wasted my time!!

Best Picture: Crash

Best Director: Ang Lee for Brokeback Mountain

Best Actress: Reese Witherspoon for Walk the Line

Best Actor: Philip Seymour Hoffman for Capote

Best Supporting Actress: Rachel Weisz for The Constant Gardener

Best Supporting Actor: George Clooney for Syriana

To me those are the main ones. If you want to check out more go to

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I really liked George Cluney's comment. He said that everyone claims that Hollywood is out of touch with American values. Then he pointed out that it was Hollywood who was out of touch before Civil Rights, and it was Hollywood who was out of touch before Feminism, and he's proud that Hollywood is still out of touch and leading the way.

I agree.

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I thought some of us that might have wasted our time watching the Oscars tonight might like to post there winners out of the regular categories.

My Oscar goes to Two sided tape!

Lets face it if there was no two sided tape there would be breasts every were.

So I give my Oscar to two sided tape.

So does that award go for "best supporting actress" or "best actress support"?

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I really liked George Cluney's comment. He said that everyone claims that Hollywood is out of touch with American values. Then he pointed out that it was Hollywood who was out of touch before Civil Rights, and it was Hollywood who was out of touch before Feminism, and he's proud that Hollywood is still out of touch and leading the way.

I agree.

I remember about 20 years ago reading "Hollwood vs. America," by Michael Medved (who happens to be Jewish). One poll result cited was that 47% of those who work in the Hollywood industry believe it is not necessarily wrong to have adulterous relationships. The movies seem to bare (parden the pun) this belief out. How many romance movies have someone in an unpleasant marriage, who ends up having the most marvelous romance possible?

We need to be led by God. And, this is an area where traditional Protestants, Mormons, Catholics, Jews, and perhaps even Muslims can cooperate. For an interesting little organization currently attempting such a coalition, see: hosted by Orthodox Rabbi, Daniel Lapin.

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I wasted my time!!

Best Picture: Crash

Did not watch the Oscars, but did see Crash. It's a surprisingly good film about race relations. Nobody gets off the hook, but no one group gets scape-goated either.

what was interesting about crash was it that it showed every race has prej. people it kinda went in a circle, i for one enjoyed the movie, much more that the gay cowboy flick which i havent seen i know it wasnt full of the meanings that crash was even with out seeing it :o

(man i need spell check LOL)

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what was interesting about crash was it that it showed every race has prej. people it kinda went in a circle, i for one enjoyed the movie, much more that the gay cowboy flick which i havent seen i know it wasnt full of the meanings that crash was even with out seeing it :o

For my officially published review, see:

You have to scroll down the page.

In short, I found the post-modern take on racism intriguing. Everybody has their own truths, and the racial feelings people have, while on some-level justified, do in fact, lead to a crashing. Everyone's guilty, but we all are redeemable.

Not a bad theme for us folk here at ldstalk. ^_^

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I remember about 20 years ago reading "Hollwood vs. America," by Michael Medved (who happens to be Jewish). One poll result cited was that 47% of those who work in the Hollywood industry believe it is not necessarily wrong to have adulterous relationships. The movies seem to bare (parden the pun) this belief out. How many romance movies have someone in an unpleasant marriage, who ends up having the most marvelous romance possible?

Is Adultery wrong if the spouse approves? I don't think so. It's only when it's a secret that there's a problem.

We need to be led by God. And, this is an area where traditional Protestants, Mormons, Catholics, Jews, and perhaps even Muslims can cooperate. For an interesting little organization currently attempting such a coalition, see: hosted by Orthodox Rabbi, Daniel Lapin.

Yes, we need to follow God. Not the Bible, or dogmatic theological statements that are the invention of men who pretend that it's from God.

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Is Adultery wrong if the spouse approves? I don't think so. It's only when it's a secret that there's a problem.

Yes, it's still wrong. #1. Because she may approve because s/he may "approve" because of fear of losing the louse. Sometimes love is blind. #2. More importantly, and I know we'll disagree here, adultery is not only a sin against the spouse, it's a sin against God.

Yes, we need to follow God. Not the Bible, or dogmatic theological statements that are the invention of men who pretend that it's from God.

If we accept the Bible's accounts, then we see that God speaks through prophets, leaders, and teachers. These messengers of God deliver written works (i.e. the Bible), and "dogmatic thelogical statements," that help us know what to do and not to do.

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I really liked George Cluney's comment. He said that everyone claims that Hollywood is out of touch with American values. Then he pointed out that it was Hollywood who was out of touch before Civil Rights, and it was Hollywood who was out of touch before Feminism, and he's proud that Hollywood is still out of touch and leading the way.

I agree.

First, I think Clooney is probably full of it. It is by no means obvious that Hollywood has been any more progressive in civil and women's rights than other sectors.

Second, in what possible way do you think that Hollywood of today is leading the way? What way?

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