Guess I'll say hello too ;)


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I just joined here and thought I'd look around a while before I posted but thought now, what the heck, I'll say hi now ;)

my husband and I were converts, who left the church after 3 years and asked to have our names removed, and had our request granted in 2001....

That said...for the past 2 years I have been contemplating going back, and hubby is ok with that whenever I am comfortable finally doing so. (will he go back too? I've no idea but he hasn't ruled it out)

I visited my friends Ward before she moved away last year on her last Sunday in our location.... it was a F&T meeting... I broke down in tears when her husband greeted me with a hug, yet I've not gone back...I just don't know where to begin....

anyway, I'm a 40 something mom of 4 married to a guy in the military....

in a nutshell, that's me.

Off to read more....

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Welcome. I spent 20 years in the military (now retired). The Church is a great place to experience peace and joy, share your burdens with others, and develop a loving relationship with Christ. I hope we can answer many of your questions and concerns here, and perhaps encourage you to return as time goes by.

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