I think i'm doomed... or at least im very afraid


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please don't judge me

I lied in my interview about maintaining the law of chastity. I am still a virgin, but have had minor sexual encounters with at least 3 women. I have abandoned my old ways altogether and repented,(i respect my current girlfriend to the best of my abilities) though when asked in an interview i'f i'd been sexual active at all in the PAST, i lied and said 'no' .. it's too late and i've been ordained to a higher preisthood. a stinging sense of guilt overwhelms me. Even now i am far too afraid to confess to my bishop, and feel enormous guilt over lying to a representative of the Lord. I am ashamed for what i have done in my past, but i am even more ashamed i lied about it and have been ordained. I feel that i have the full potential to be worthy(as i feel i honestly am) but the fact that i lied bothers me so much. I pray that the Lord can forgive me for lying & knows i never intended to.

any advice/tips?

i don't want to be excommunicated! or anything like that...

but i know i cannot go without punishment if i confess

i'm open to all advice/opinons,

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I want to, quite frankly im afraid

That's where it starts. If you don't want to, then you're not serious about it. In any case, without talking to your Bishop, there's nothing else anyone can tell you that will make a hill of beans difference.

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I want to, quite frankly im afraid

Fear is not a fruit of the Spirit, it is a fruit of the Adversary. He still has a grip on you as long as he can keep you wallowing in the misery of your sin. He wants us to be as miserable as he is. Jesus Christ wants you to have joy. Turn to Him, confess your sin, and experience the joy that comes from your scarlet sins being made as white as snow.

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He said he does want to.

He want's to, then he doesn't. Just do it or don't. This is black-and-white. Either you want to get past this and talk to the Bishop, or you don't want to get past this and don't talk to the Bishop. Either way, what he's really saying is that he doesn't want to deal with the consequences.

LostLDSMan, Time to man up and take care of business. Talk to your Bishop, take this load of your shoulder, take your licks, then continue progressing, having put this wall behind you.

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well i don't feel i can confess..

were i to drop it and let go

and continue living a righteous life & up to the standard, would it really be so bad?

i mean no point in torturing myself right? -____-

If something needs priesthood resolution sweeping it under the rug is not going to make it disappear. Particularly if it is premeditated.

As far as there being no point in torturing yourself I agree. Resolve the issue, talk to your Bishop.

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Dropping it, letting go, and living a righteous life and certainly extremely important parts to repentance. In fact, I think that is the summing up of repentance.

However, without confession, you are going to find it extremely difficult to do those things.

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theoretically.. this is possible.. hmm...

well i have much praying and pondering to do

I certainly don't have any room to talk, but from my understanding...no. It is not possible to fully repent if you don't follow the outline the Lord has given us. Theory doesn't work in reality, thats why it is called theory. For sins of a sexual nature we are required to confess to a "judge in israel" i.e. your bishop. You can hold off and wait until later down the road, but every time you partake of the sacrament or exercise the priesthood it will be with the knowledge that you are doing it dishonestly....and somewhere there is a scripture talking about "drinking damnation to your soul" when you partake of the sacrament unworthily. Now, its all a very simple fix....just talk to your bishop, explain that you were not entirely honest in your previous interview and want to fix it. He will more than understand and you will walk out knowing that you did the right thing and can move on.

Just make the appointment and come clean...it isn't worth it to take a chance.

again...pot calling the kettle black, but these are things I know to be true regardless of whether I choose to follow them myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with Dravin. You can't ignore it. If the spirit is telling you you need to talk to the Bishop to resolve this, you need to do it. Confession to proper authorities are INTEGRAL steps in repentance. Don't be afraid. There is a way out and it's not as bad as living with guilt. Been there. Good luck.

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