Can Someone Recommend A Good Blogging Site?


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Blogger is probably the most popular. It's free and easy to use. Wordpress is another very popular one. Wordpress offers both free and paid services. Another platform I've seen around a lot is Squarespace, but I've never looked into it, so I don't know anything about their services or features.

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I use wordpress and I have friends that use typepad

I knew there was another one I couldn't remember -- Typepad.

wordpress has a feature that shares you blog post on facebook automatically. That's probably a popular feature now on most blog platforms.

Facebook will do it for you, regardless of your platform. I import mine using Networked Blogs, which is a Facebook app.

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If you're willing to shell out about $20 you could likely get your own domain and hosting company, then you could do your own wordpress powered blog. :)

Twenty bucks isn't much but I'm not wanting to spend money. Just want simple and easy.

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