What do you think of this dating experience I had?

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He IS cocky, yes. Most teens that come here are not looking to have intense discussions with us older folk. He's treading into areas most of the others do not go. But I've worked with enough youth over the years (my two sons and daughter, included) to know that many think they know everything. They do not want to be challenged, but to have everyone tell them how bright and right they are.

LDSChristian is finding out this is a tough crowd. If he wants an audience that will accept everything he writes and coddle him, he'll have to visit his grandmother.

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These are just a few of my experiences. I once was 19 and I knew more than many kids my own age regarding the gospel. But compared to what I know now, I knew nothing. And as we've had many discussions with you on gospel subjects and dating, etc., I'm thinking you are another typical 19 year old LDS kid: a good guy, but a long way from really knowing much.

You're partially right, I am 19 and a good guy but I do know quite a bit.

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You were wrong in stating you knew as much as LDS twice your age. You were honest in saying you didn't know the answer to that question. Was I wrong in thinking you now realize you don't know as much as adults twice your age? If so, my mistake, and so sad for you.

As I said, 1 Peter indirectly touches on it. There is an LDS interpretation for it, such as you are using, but it is one that no one else could determine without modern revelation to point it out. You asked about scriptures for baptism for the dead. 1 Peter 3:18-22 does not discuss baptism for the dead. It discusses that the gospel will be preached to those who died back in the days of Noah and the Flood. With LDS views, one can attach a baptism for the dead meaning to it, but it is very indirect, and meaningless in talking with Christian scholars.

1 Cor 15:29, OTOH, directly references baptism for the dead, and so can be discussed with Christian scholars on such a level.

Your standards of evidence are okay for a teenager, but not sufficient for scholar work.

What I said about 1 Peter talking about baptism for the dead is more than just a LDS interpretation, it's due to what's said right in the text. You can also put John 3:5 with 1 Peter 3.

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Not sure I really agree with that. I see other teens on here that behave themselves much more maturely in the electronic world than I have seen from this purported 19 yo. In fact, I can't recall any other teens behaving so badly in the two years I've been here.

Perhaps it's ODD?

Or just narcissism?

Simply a troll?


I've been nothing but mature on here despite how you people have treated me.

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Why is no one else agreeing with you, LDSC? You are making yourself sound ridiculous with all of your insistence that you are mature, smart, etc. I suggest you stop jumping in so quickly, think about what we're saying to you, and learn something.

As for the baptism for the dead: you are wrong. All of my LDS scholar friends would laugh at your insistence on it. Your efforts to say, "yes, I am!" has people here laughing at your statements, shaking their heads sadly, and hoping you learn a little humility before you head off on your mission. Maybe you should try a little more introspection, instead of self-congratulatory narcissism.

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Sadly, he's going to end up learning a lot of things the hard way with such an attitude. I worked hard for a lot of years to know what I do, and I still know there's tons more to know. He thinks he's my intellectual equal, I suppose. We'll see how a world of experience helps him see how little he knows.

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I've been nothing but mature on here despite how you people have treated me.

Maybe I don't know enough about your life and how you were treated and raised, but you seem to have a rather skewed version of maturity.

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I honestly don't care what people say. I'm proud of who I am. I have no reason not to be because I'm a child of God. God made me who I am and I couldn't be happier than being me and I wouldn't dare tell God he made a mistake. You can say scholars would laugh all you want to say but what I get out of the scriptures is through prayer and asking God for guidance when I read the scriptures. You claim I don't know much about the church or scriptures yet I know I do. What I'm disappointed in is how members of Jesus Christ's church treat others such as how you people have been toward me. You claim your experience and age has made you mature. All I see is egotism and age discrimination. You claim that because I'm younger I don't know what I'm talking about. I don't know everything there is to know and I know older people are smarter, with some exceptions, but I know more than people give me credit for. You people have laughed and mocked at me saying I'm mature yet you've never met me. I do know I'm mature; I know this because of how I am, how I treat others, the knowledge I have in regards to life in general as well as the gospel, being able to go through hardships, and many other contributions. My parents have done a wonderful job raising me and I'm proud to say I'm doing my best to live the gospel of Jesus Christ just as I will continue to try to live according to the gospel. In Jesus Christ's sacred name, I will not allow people's words to get me down such as what people on here have said.

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I honestly don't care what people say. I'm proud of who I am. I have no reason not to be because I'm a child of God. God made me who I am and I couldn't be happier than being me and I wouldn't dare tell God he made a mistake. You can say scholars would laugh all you want to say but what I get out of the scriptures is through prayer and asking God for guidance when I read the scriptures. You claim I don't know much about the church or scriptures yet I know I do. What I'm disappointed in is how members of Jesus Christ's church treat others such as how you people have been toward me. You claim your experience and age has made you mature. All I see is egotism and age discrimination. You claim that because I'm younger I don't know what I'm talking about. I don't know everything there is to know and I know older people are smarter, with some exceptions, but I know more than people give me credit for. You people have laughed and mocked at me saying I'm mature yet you've never met me. I do know I'm mature; I know this because of how I am, how I treat others, the knowledge I have in regards to life in general as well as the gospel, being able to go through hardships, and many other contributions. My parents have done a wonderful job raising me and I'm proud to say I'm doing my best to live the gospel of Jesus Christ just as I will continue to try to live according to the gospel. In Jesus Christ's sacred name, I will not allow people's words to get me down such as what people on here have said.

You have treated the people on this board terribly. You do not view ANYONE as good as you. You have insulted us, called us names, made accusations about things we never did or meant. When we disagree with you, you become angry, hurtful, and bring in a spirit of contention. You rarely act on this board in a Christ-like spirit. You are prideful, self-absorbed, and cruel.

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Here is why you are immature:

You never, ever, ever consider listening anything to the contrary. It's a sign of maturity to at least consider opposing viewpoints.

You never, ever, ever state your reasons for anything.

You have been downright mean to every person in this forum. If this is any example of how you think of and treat people you are not mature.

You are prideful.

You seem to think you have reached the peak of your maturity.

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He's treading into areas most of the others do not go.

And that is precisely my point. Most teens are smart enough, have enough common sense, or despite their cockiness still have enough humility to know there are better ways to fit in and prove oneself.

It's one thing when a teen is obstinate with people they are physically in the presence of and want to impress. To me, there is something wholly different going on when the audience is virtually anonymous and a person still attempts to hold fast to sinking ships when the ramifications are solely virtual. The more I think about it, the more comfortable the armchair diagnosis of clinical narcissism seems to feel. Ahhhhh . . . I think I'll just sit back in this armchair for a while and take a break. :D

But I've worked with enough youth over the years (my two sons and daughter, included) to know that many think they know everything. They do not want to be challenged, but to have everyone tell them how bright and right they are

Better you than me!!! If any of the five teens/pre-teens in my house right now were to act like this, I think I’d pull my hair out. Foolish obstinacy is one thing. Being apparently blind to it and unable to be self-introspective would be a whole different game.
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Age discrimination... Always the last gasp from young folks who demand respect without earning it and to be seen as equals without qualifications.

So if we're such awful people, why are you still here? Just a glutton for punishment?

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Here is why you are immature:

You never, ever, ever consider listening anything to the contrary. It's a sign of maturity to at least consider opposing viewpoints.

You never, ever, ever state your reasons for anything.

You have been downright mean to every person in this forum. If this is any example of how you think of and treat people you are not mature.

You are prideful.

You seem to think you have reached the peak of your maturity.

Not exactly. I do recall appreciating some people making an opposing view but their attitude was without insult. It's not opposing views I don't care for, it's bad attitudes.

I've stated my reasons on numerous things.

I've made threads and posts asking for advice and giving possible theories, good ones including my reasons, yet nobody cares to give some kind of credit.

Prideful means to think yourself to be above others and I do not find myself above anyone.

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Age discrimination... Always the last gasp from young folks who demand respect without earning it and to be seen as equals without qualifications.

So if we're such awful people, why are you still here? Just a glutton for punishment?

The fact that God made us all equal is qualification enough to treat others as equals. I do not demand respect but I do not see how I haven't earned it and I don't get why people feel the need to show nothing but disrespect.

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The fact that God made us all equal is qualification enough to treat others as equals. I do not demand respect but I do not see how I haven't earned it and I don't get why people feel the need to show nothing but disrespect.

Wow, narcissist to the end.

I do believe one example is you saying that you will not listen to the words or advice of those who are divorced pretty much goes contrary to what you just said.

Your words do not match up with your acts. You have little respect because of it.

Continue posting. It get's better and better every time.

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Not exactly. I do recall appreciating some people making an opposing view but their attitude was without insult. It's not opposing views I don't care for, it's bad attitudes.

I've stated my reasons on numerous things.

I've made threads and posts asking for advice and giving possible theories, good ones including my reasons, yet nobody cares to give some kind of credit.

Prideful means to think yourself to be above others and I do not find myself above anyone.

What do you define as a bad attitude? You seem to think that anyone who doesn't agree with you has a bad attitude.

Again, if we don't see your reasons as good ones, we aren't going to pretend to. You're 19. A lot of us here are college graduates. That may not make us super-smart, but it often does mean we know a lot more about research and presenting facts. Maybe you do have the knowledge, but your writing skills in presenting them leave a lot to be desired.

Your attitude on this board shows that you think you are above us all. You give off the impression that you are better than us because you've made different choices.

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I honestly don't care what people say.

I wholeheartedly beg to differ. This entire post would not have been made were it the case that you did not care. But it is clear from the post that you feel hurt. Rightly so. You are being compelled to be humble when it wasn't a self-made choice. But to assert that you don't care is not wholly honest, and one of the posting styles that gets you in trouble.

I wouldn't dare tell God he made a mistake.

Having weaknesses is not a mistake. This is one area you need to learn more about. Your extreme defensiveness and 'stick with the sinking ship' attitude is a litmus revealing the mistaken understandings. It is OK to not know everything, to not always be right, or to have physical issues. But it is not healthy to attempt to overcome those by pretending they don't exist.

You claim I don't know much about the church or scriptures yet I know I do.

And here is where the breakdown routinely starts. I don't recall anyone saying you "don't know much". What has been said repeatedly is that you don't know as much as you purport. Misconstruing, either through comprehension difficulties, or emotional interpretation schema's is going to continually cause friction. Try not to spin other's words so violently.

What I'm disappointed in is how members of Jesus Christ's church treat others such as how you people have been toward me.

Wow. You know, I think many would say that is precisely the issue they have with you. I think slamjet would take exception to being called the first one to start slinging the mud in relation to your threads.

I don't know everything there is to know and I know older people are smarter, with some exceptions, but I know more than people give me credit for.

Had you only said something 1/2 as honest and self-introspective as that early on, I dare say I think your interactions with everyone here would be far different.
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Your attitude on this board shows that you think you are above us all. You give off the impression that you are better than us because you've made different choices.

Naw, he's better than us because he's a legend in his own mind.

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What do you define as a bad attitude? You seem to think that anyone who doesn't agree with you has a bad attitude.

Again, if we don't see your reasons as good ones, we aren't going to pretend to. You're 19. A lot of us here are college graduates. That may not make us super-smart, but it often does mean we know a lot more about research and presenting facts. Maybe you do have the knowledge, but your writing skills in presenting them leave a lot to be desired.

Your attitude on this board shows that you think you are above us all. You give off the impression that you are better than us because you've made different choices.


There's an example here of someone having an opposing view to mine yet they managed to say what they had to say in a respectful way and I addressed the opposing comment with gratitude. You should easily tell what post I'm talking about and should be able to see how the post is different from others.

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There's an example here of someone having an opposing view to mine yet they managed to say what they had to say in a respectful way and I addressed the opposing comment with gratitude. You should easily tell what post I'm talking about and should be able to see how the post is different from others.

You used that post to not only thank someone, but to be cruel to others. You used that post SPECIFICALLY to badmouth others.

I do care for opposing view-points, it's how people go about it I don't care for. What you said was good because you actually gave some facts and sources which is something I've rarely seen here so thank you.

You snatched this opportunity to talk about how you felt about others' posts, not to thank the individual.

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There's an example here of someone having an opposing view to mine yet they managed to say what they had to say in a respectful way and I addressed the opposing comment with gratitude. You should easily tell what post I'm talking about and should be able to see how the post is different from others.

So either you're a one-shot wonder or you refuse to live by Christ words when he say's love your enemies, or both. So, yea. That post is different from the others. The others where you spout off your superiority complex.

One act does not a righteous man make, or in your case, little boy.

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