New spin on Genesis 2 & 3(eating the fruit)

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I have an interesting spin in regards to what Genesis says about Adam and Eve eating the fruit and being sent out of Eden.

We hear that Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden because of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil since they were commanded not to. However, after reading chapters 2 and 3 more thoroughly I do not believe that is why. The verse in question about not being allowed to eat from the tree of knowledge is:

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

If you look at Genesis 3:22 afterward you see the reason for Adam and Eve being cast out of the garden.

Genesis 3:22 And he said: Behold Adam is become as one of us, knowing good and evil: now, therefore, lest perhaps he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.

23 And the Lord God sent him out of the paradise of pleasure, to till the earth from which he was taken.

According to Genesis 3:22, Adam and Eve were actually cast out to prevent them from eating of the fruit of life, not because of eating of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If they had eaten the fruit from the tree of life they would have lived forever. It doesn't say anywhere they were sent out of Eden for eating of the fruit they already ate. Yes, eating from it was a sin because they directly disobeyed God but again, that does not seem to be why they were cast out of the Garden of Eden.

Edited by apexviper13
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Congrats on learning more... While clearly new to you, this is not really a new...

This is gone into some detail in Alma 12:21-22 and Alma 42.. Check there for details on why they couldn't be allowed to partake of the Tree of Life at that point

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Congrats on learning more... While clearly new to you, this is not really a new...

This is gone into some detail in Alma 12:21-22 and Alma 42.. Check there for details on why they couldn't be allowed to partake of the Tree of Life at that point

Well it actually is kind of new because the common interpretation is the fruit of knowledge of good and evil was the reason.

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Alma 2 and other scripture teach us that because they sinned they were cast out of the presence of the Lord. Being in the Garden meant they were in God's presence. The Tree of Life was protected by cherubim and a flaming sword. Real cherubim are not the cute little angels that float around, but are warrior angels of a high order.

Partaking of the tree of life would have made them immortal IN their sins. They would have not been saved, but would have been demons, even devils to the devil (2 Ne 7-8).

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I have an interesting spin in regards to what Genesis says about Adam and Eve eating the fruit and being sent out of Eden.

We hear that Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden because of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil since they were commanded not to. However, after reading chapters 2 and 3 more thoroughly I do not believe that is why. The verse in question about not being allowed to eat from the tree of knowledge is:

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

If you look at Genesis 3:22 afterward you see the reason for Adam and Eve being cast out of the garden.

Genesis 3:22 And he said: Behold Adam is become as one of us, knowing good and evil: now, therefore, lest perhaps he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.

23 And the Lord God sent him out of the paradise of pleasure, to till the earth from which he was taken.

According to Genesis 3:22, Adam and Eve were actually cast out to prevent them from eating of the fruit of life, not because of eating of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If they had eaten the fruit from the tree of life they would have lived forever. It doesn't say anywhere they were sent out of Eden for eating of the fruit they already ate. Yes, eating from it was a sin because they directly disobeyed God but again, that does not seem to be why they were cast out of the Garden of Eden.

I don't see how those two reasons are not the same reason. If I say you can choose x or y but if you choose y, you cannot have access to x then by choosing y the person has also chosen to not have access to x and taken out of those circumstances that allow him access.

Metaphorically, it would be like an 18 year old wanting to start to live on their own. If he says to his parents I want to be responsible on my own without you doing everything for me, even though I might want to get some advice from you every once in a while, then fine. The parent might say, thats your choice but then I am taking back the credit card, the key to the house and you are out on your own. You can't have both, responsibility and be taken care of completely. It is one or the other.

In order to face life and death situations than the person can't be without the concequence of death. That only makes sense. Because they chose the tree of death (knowledge of good and evil) then they can't also have the tree of life.

"Dad, I want to learn the responsibility of buying a house. But, could you pay for it?" "Well, what do you want? Do you want to learn responsibility and the concequences of being a free agent or do you want me to pay for it and I keep the responsibility?" It has to be one or the other.

Not letting them have access to the tree of life is part of the deal they agree to by eating the fruit of the tree of death. In my mind, it should really be called, "the Tree of Death, with a potential for knowledge of good and evil".

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Guest tbaird22

Something far more interesting to me is that Hugh Nibley notes in his book Old testament and related studies that when satatn attempted to deceive Eve he told her (paraphrase) "God was once man and after he ate of the fruit he became divine"

not that any of this has to do with your thread... :D

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I have an interesting spin in regards to what Genesis says about Adam and Eve eating the fruit and being sent out of Eden.

We hear that Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden because of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil since they were commanded not to. However, after reading chapters 2 and 3 more thoroughly I do not believe that is why. The verse in question about not being allowed to eat from the tree of knowledge is:

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

If you look at Genesis 3:22 afterward you see the reason for Adam and Eve being cast out of the garden.

Genesis 3:22 And he said: Behold Adam is become as one of us, knowing good and evil: now, therefore, lest perhaps he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.

23 And the Lord God sent him out of the paradise of pleasure, to till the earth from which he was taken.

According to Genesis 3:22, Adam and Eve were actually cast out to prevent them from eating of the fruit of life, not because of eating of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If they had eaten the fruit from the tree of life they would have lived forever. It doesn't say anywhere they were sent out of Eden for eating of the fruit they already ate. Yes, eating from it was a sin because they directly disobeyed God but again, that does not seem to be why they were cast out of the Garden of Eden.


I'd also like to point out that all fruit in the garden were given to them to partake from... this includes the fruit of knowledge! And from god... so the fruit itself can't be evil.

And if you also pay attention to why god tells them not to eat it is because they would die if they did. but if you read in the PoGP account God gives them permission to eat it anyways if they so choose.

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I'd also like to point out that all fruit in the garden were given to them to partake from... this includes the fruit of knowledge! And from god... so the fruit itself can't be evil.

And if you also pay attention to why god tells them not to eat it is because they would die if they did. but if you read in the PoGP account God gives them permission to eat it anyways if they so choose.

Yes, this is why I think if we liken it to the 18 year old deciding to leave the house and all the comforts from Mom and Dad's home, this is similar to the decision made. I think the deception though is that Lucifer made Eve think she was going to be instantly knowledgeable about everything like the Gods. Of course, a lot of that knowledge of good and evil is through experience which cannot be instantaneously had through a fruit. Then, they realize the true price to pay for the privilege of experience, free agency and accountability.

.... just like the 18 year old realizing the true cost of living once they are out on their own because they never had to face those challenges before. But, in this case, by choosing to "be on their own" then they have to be cut off from being immortal. That makes sense to me. It is by their choice and a necessary requirement of that choice that they were cut off and made to die, not a punishment.

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