No More Navel Gazing

Guest MrsS

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Guest MrsS

ROME (Reuters) - An Italian priest is resorting to some innovative theology to rid his church of young women's bare midriffs.

"God knew what your navel looked like even before you were born, so there is no need to expose it in church," commands a sign at the entrance to the church in Cinisello Balsamo.

Guards at major churches in Italy routinely keep out people wearing skimpy attire. But Father Felice says he resorted to the signs because his parish cannot afford guards to keep out the low-cut jeans and high-cut tops, newspapers reported Monday.

I readily agree ~ and wish it would spread to the United States and into the work place! I am so tired of seeing my coworker's navel and the fact that she treats her body like it is a memo pad. She has tatoos on her backside! :yuck: her legs and the back of her neck :wow:

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ROME (Reuters) - An Italian priest is resorting to some innovative theology to rid his church of young women's bare midriffs.

"God knew what your navel looked like even before you were born, so there is no need to expose it in church," commands a sign at the entrance to the church in Cinisello Balsamo.

Guards at major churches in Italy routinely keep out people wearing skimpy attire. But Father Felice says he resorted to the signs because his parish cannot afford guards to keep out the low-cut jeans and high-cut tops, newspapers reported Monday.

I readily agree ~ and wish it would spread to the United States and into the work place! I am so tired of seeing my coworker's navel and the fact that she treats her body like it is a memo pad. She has tatoos on her backside! :yuck: her legs and the back of her neck :wow:

I have to agree with you on the belly button, AND the 'back crack' that the new low-rider jeans show sometimes... SO unattractive and unpleasant for me to look at. I really don't like tattoos (especially the ones on the lower back), but to each his/her own, I suppose.
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Here Here!

Let's make women wear long dresses that cover your whole bodies!

In fact, let's go one better and have you all wear Burkas like women in Taliban controlled Afganistan! That way, we won't have to even look at you in a "sexy" kinda way.

Great idea.... :glare:

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Here Here!

Let's make women wear long dresses that cover your whole bodies!

In fact, let's go one better and have you all wear Burkas like women in Taliban controlled Afganistan! That way, we won't have to even look at you in a "sexy" kinda way.

Great idea.... :glare:

And it's not a female vs male thing... I don't like to see butt crack!

And the workplace is not the place to show navel. Save that for after hours.

Tattoos - well, male or female, I just think they're ugly.

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In church, I see nothing wrong with proper decorum. If one is a regular attendee of a church, I think it perfectly reasonable to ask men and women to dress appropriately. However, when we turn away others with guards who may not be familiar, we do a disservice to the great commission. Jesus hung with the prostitutes and lepers and tax collectors. He spent his time reaching the "undesireables". He loved them and called the religious elite a brood of vipers...and something more fitting to the conversation here...white washed walls. If we reject entry to someone from the church, we become pharisees and sanhedrin and have proved how little we have learned the past two thousand years. We lead by example, not exclusion.

Some woman wants to come in with the triangle of her thong showing and her belly button piercing showing, let her in and give her love and acceptance in a fashion that shows that love and acceptance goes beyond how you look but who you are. Some guy comes in wearing a budweiser t shirt and cut offs with no socks over tennies...let him in.

I do not know if this is fact or urban legend, but I have heard it said that Ghandi had read the Bible and decided this Jesus guy seemed okay in his youth. So he went to a church and was told to sit in back on the floor since he was Indian. The white folk got to sit in chairs. Based on appearance he was not shown to be welcome and Jesus lost what would have been an effective ambassador due to the human intervention of the church who is supposed to uphold the values of the great commission..

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I agree that all are welcome. I have never seen an LDS chapel that didn't have the words "Visitors Welcome" on the building.

I can say that someone coming in with a Budwiser shirt, shorts and tennis shoes with no socks would probably feel more uncomfortable being there than those around him or her.

Common decency says don't come to church with the triangle of your thong showing. Like everyone would be glad to see me with plumber's crack showing. Yech.

Ben Raines

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Okay, let's keep this in proper context. Italy has few young women who have abdomins that resemble a middle-aged plumber's. However, in the land of the free (supersize) and home of the wave (tital wave if they plunge in the pool) I have to say that in public maybe our young women need to buy some polyester pants and cover up a bit. Not so much for modesty but for the sake of the viewing audience.

Come on, back when Christie Brinkley and Farrah Fawcett were the fashion role models there was a massive fitness craze taking place -- and people were healthier (and looked better). Please, if sister Christina Agulera and Britney Spears are setting the fashion today then please, can people work out a bit more?

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Here Here!

Let's make women wear long dresses that cover your whole bodies!

In fact, let's go one better and have you all wear Burkas like women in Taliban controlled Afganistan! That way, we won't have to even look at you in a "sexy" kinda way.

Great idea.... :glare:


Actually, I find the mystery quite sexy :blush: .

I do like the italian humour in the opening post.

If there is one thing the Italians are good at, it is sarcastic humour.

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Guest Monica

People need to use good judgement and common sence when they dress to go to places.

Personally, my pet peave is seeing people dressed in the same clothes they just used to wash their cars in a restaurant for dinner. EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

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Thomas Jefferson said, "Only a fool would be offended by someone that intended to offend but it takes a bigger fool to be offended by someone that did not intend to offend."

I think a better solution would be more in the line with how the L-rd dealt with Moses when Moses was not dressed aporpretitly. Remember Moses before the burning bush and the L-rd said "Moses take the shoes from off your feet for the ground thou standest on is holy ground". Perhaps someone should hand the ladies a light robe to "cover their nakedness" at a sacred place - when they leave it could be collected. Perhaps it is time to teach before dividing the sheep.

I thought to add a story. While traveling with my work I came upon a young man that had not been to church for some time. I envited him to come with me but he said it was Saturday and he did not have any Sunday cloths. All he had was a clean tee shirt and levis. I told him I would wear the same and we would go to gether.

The Traveler

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I agree with the thought of let them in.... teach them .... feed the sheep.

I know that what I think is immodest or disrespectful may be totally different than someone else's idea. I happen to like some tatoos.... some are beautiful and meaningful. And, I think that any female who would wear clothing .... or lack of..... just to show off herself and what she has for the world to see.... is just plain disrespectful in the house of the Lord. I think it's disrespectful in the general public also.... but more so in a church. But than, on the otherhand.... you have the member who is cheating on his wife (or her husband) ..... and coming in and taking sacrement every Sunday..... whose the worse?

A young girl came to church wearing a prom dress one Sunday..... halter type... was asked to cover her top half before she came into the chapel..... I found nothing wrong with others standing up for and asking for respect for the House of the Lord. Everyone knows what common decency is..... some just don't care to show it.

I really like what Trav said about the clothing issue.... made me smile... that is member missionary work :)

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