Mother’s day is coming; will get to hear from my son, but what of Dad’s?


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You are telling me that I missed the "part of missionary training where (I am) supposed to leave everything behind for 2 years and immerse (myself) fully in service with eyes single to the glory of God" when I said that he was the one who got the calling card?

I followed the rule. He did not. You are preaching to the choir.

What did you say in the other thread about not judging? Get off your high-horse.

Given that you called the other missionary smart... and imply that you wish you would have done so yourself... Makes it a valid point.

You don't really get credit for obeying the law if you would have clearly broken it if you had thought of it first.

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I thought the rule was stupid then and I still think it's stupid. At least my companion was smart. He got a calling card and called home once, twice a week. Untraceable.

Yes, because breaking mission rules is always the smarter choice. :rolleyes:

A sacrifice isn't sacrifice if it doesn't hurt at least a little.

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Given that you called the other missionary smart... and imply that you wish you would have done so yourself... Makes it a valid point.

You don't really get credit for obeying the law if you would have clearly broken it if you had thought of it first.

I know right? Clearly either he bought the last calling card on earth, or I didn't want him calling me a "copy-cat".

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