
Guest fadedleaf

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Guest fadedleaf

I apologize if this has been done before; however, I have an issue with using profanity and dealing with others that use vulgar language around me. I am employed in factory and do a lot of shift work. Those who work around me use a lot of profanity. I find myself often saying words I wish didn't come out of my mouth (regrettably I found it's true that words won't come back). I never tell anyone I work with my religious preference, but I still feel ashamed when I use such words.

Does anyone have or had the same problem, and if so are there suggestions on how to over come this habit? Genuine answers would be appreciated.

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It's a conscious choice. You have to force yourself to stop before speaking. If that means literally biting your tongue, keeping a mint in your mouth or whatever you need to do, stop yourself before speaking. You will probably still think the words, but focus on just stopping speaking. It will take time and real effort.

Once you are able to stop yourself from speaking (and I mean all speaking--don't try to replace the words), then you will be able to focus on controlling your thoughts and replacing the words with ones you feel better about.

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My husband is a soldier/ranch boy from a small town. Therefore, he swears. I've discussed it with him, and he pretty much says he will probably never stop swearing because in his mind words are just words and I suppose I can see his point.

That being said, he does respect the surrounding company. At first, think about making an impression on those around you and work from there.

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My husband used to have a problem with swearing - especially with taking God's name in vain. He finally realized how much he was hurting me with his swearing when I told him that each time he said a cuss word or took God's name in vain, it was like an emotional knife was literally cutting me from the inside out. Since then he has started trying to not cuss - at least not around me. He still has a way to go to stop completely, but he is working on it.

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