New and hoping for a new home on the WWW


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I'm a 30-something stay-at-home mom of 5, including 3-month-old twins, which leaves me a little isolated. Truth be told, even before the babies came along, I was a bit of an internet addict. I enjoy good conversation. My trip here has been a long one, through several online forums that have left me wanting, mostly because of the inevitable anti-Mormon threads that come along and make me feel unwelcomed in online communities. Most places also involve all types of unsavory discussions, and I'd prefer to be talking with people who seek goodness and that which invites the Holy Spirit to stick around. I love the Gospel, good music of all kinds, anything with butter and sugar, time in the mountains, good books especially of the historical fiction and fantasy genres, a good laugh, horses, and America, too. Sunset walks on the beach would be nice, if my husband and I had the time, or a beach handy. Nice to meet you all. :bye:

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