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Hi ladies!

OK here's my newest update :] I got back from my 3 week babymoon in Europe a couple weeks ago. Hubby and I had a BLAST! For those that are considering traveling while pregnant, I recommend going during your second trimester, as this was the most comfortable time for me during my pregnancy (apart from the constant need to pee!).

So right now I'm 28 weeks and 1 day along. I can't believe that I'm quickly approaching my 7 month milestone.. Before I know it, September will be here and so will baby! It's totally mind-blowing. Well I've gained about 30lbs total and I'm feeling great. Overall I think my diet has been pretty balanced. No specific cravings, except for Cheerios and blueberry muffins.. No real aches or pains either. So I'm thinking I've had a pretty pleasant pregnancy thus far :]

Today I have an appointment with my OB. He's going to test my glucose for gestational diabetes. From my understanding, this is a standard procedure that they do with everyone at this point in pregnancy. Hopefully I'll pass without any problems but if I do end up with gestational diabetes, at least I know it'll be a temporary thing, as commonly it goes away after birthing. So wish me luck on that! I'm not thrilled about drinking the sugary juice they gave me for this morning.. Ew!

This pic is a few weeks old. I'll need to post a recent one cos I've actually grown HUGE since this pic was taken. Anyway, thanks for letting me share!

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Thanks for the update Bini. I'm glad you are doing well through this.


Next week I get my LAST ultrasound until baby is born. So I'm really excited for that. Basically it's a fetus growth U/S to see how well baby is developing etc etc and what position baby is in. My OB said that she is already in the delivery position, upside down. I thought that was pretty cool.

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