Apophis=Earth's Holy Ghost enactment?


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After studying some history of the Apophis asteroid, I couldn't help but feel that the appointed times of this asteroid come rather close to my predictions of when the last days will be in full effect.

What if Apophis will be Heavenly Father's way of doing the enactment of cleansing the earth with the holy ghost? The 2029 "barely passing by" could serve as a warning to people who have not yet repented at that time, while the 2036 prediction could be the real deal and those who haven't repented yet and "raptured" will have to face the wrath of Apophis?

Like in the movies most asteroids would "burn up" the face of the earth, kind of like how the enactment is stated in some passages of the scriptures.

Before you start saying "no" to that, I know as a fact that while some people dont see Heavenly Father as a "Special Effects" person, I would have to say the great flood was a pretty flashy way to die, so why not also an asteroid?

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First, one has to determine whether the Great Global Flood was as great as many people think. There is no geological evidence of a Great Flood, but regional ones have been noted.

Second, it may be that the Lord will use an asteroid as part of his last days. How it will be used, we do not know, but there is speculation on it. For example, we know that the city of Enoch must return, and it may look like a giant asteroid heading for earth.

But the destructions of the last days are probably not all confined into one asteroid named Apophis.

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<Insert Stargate comment here>

on the serious side of things-

While I do think God makes use of natural phenomena to accomplish things, such as the Flood, or the burning of sodom and gomorrah.. I don't think it will be Apophis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rameumpton says: "First, one has to determine whether the Great Global Flood was as great as many people think. There is no geological evidence of a Great Flood, but regional ones have been noted."

So are you following the world's view on this?

The entire earth was flooded/'baptized'. Here's an article to help you decide:

LDS.org - Ensign Article - The Flood and the Tower of Babel

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I believe there was a Tower and a Flood. I'm just not convinced that all the languages in the world developed from the Tower, or that the Flood was global.

Often legend tends to trump historicity. And that's fine. I do not mind teaching the legend for sake of spiritual symbolism and understanding. I don't mind using the scriptures to show there was a great tower or a Noah. I'm just saying that archaeology does not show there was a change of languages at Babel, nor does it show a global flood. It doesn't mean they didn't happen, but the evidence is not sufficient to insist on a historicity of such claims.

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