Are Mormon's Christian?? are the teachings of Mormonism Biblical??

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2. We are also awaiting a separate angel than Moroni before the destruction of the wicked. Spoken of by Daniel “the abomination of Desolation”. According to the Prophet Joseph there are 2 “abomination of Desolation’s.” The first was the destruction of Jerusalem and the 2nd is during the great tribulation. I agree.

Excellent. You can easily see why, without Joseph Smith's revelations, we would take the angel described in the Book of Revelation as one that would appear towards the end of time.

3. Absolutely, everybody is entitled to the priesthood of God, the authority to act on behalf of God the father and his only begotten Jesus Christ.

“Does the scriptures not refer to God's people as "A holy nation, a royal priesthood?"

yes it does, it was one of my favorites. A holy nation is referring to Zion, the very building up of the Lord’s kingdom in these last days. The Melchizedek priesthood is really “the Priesthood after the order of the Son of God, Christ Jesus.” But due to reverence for his name it was changed to Melchizedek who was the king of Salem. Father Abraham paid tithing to his holy name. Members of the Church can trace their priesthood lineage back to Christ himself.

While Evangelicals have not adopted the names of Aaron or Melchizedek, in practice, our doctrines in this seem quite similar. Most members in your church attain priesthood. Females perform spiritual work as well. Thus, though not so titled, in many ways they too serve as mediators between the lost and God.

. Baptisms for the Dead is done by the same law of Proxy that Atoned for our sins through the suffering of the Son of God. The Temples which hold these sacred fonts are directly made after 1 Kings 7:44 which reads “And one sea, and twelve oxen under the sea”.

I visited the temple in Langely, BC, prior to its opening for the membership. If I'm not mistaken, that scripture is actually quoted. Our guide often quoted the Bible, and the Old Testament was probably used more than the new, for obvious reasons.

5. “I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.” 2 Corinthians 12.:2. Again paul mentions the degrees of Glory.

This is definitely one of those cases where Paul would seem to give a nod towards your doctrine, if you already have a testimony of it. For those of us restricted to the Bible as scripture, his allusion is just not enough to build doctrine upon. His overall point in the passage is that he's had many experiences with God, but chooses not to glory in them, or be puffed up.

6. I believe Every person is in the World is looking for the truth. Due to the stigma of the church and especially since the internet came around, more and more Anti-Mormon sites are popping up and calling us non-Christian and a cult. When in fact, we are aligned with the Bible more than they are. “Mormonism is the pure doctrine of Jesus Christ – Joseph Smith Jr.”

I just read a study in an Evangelical magazine, Christianity Today, which reinforced your statement here. 60% of surveyed LDS reported a negative reaction to their identification as Mormon. This compared with about 47% for Evangelicals. My guess is that some of this comes from the current political climate. Nevertheless, it is true, that you currently endure some stigma.

7. Like you, I wouldn’t question anyones relationship with Christ. However I find certain doctrine such as the Trinity, Grace by faith without works, and the very thought of an eternal hell that our loving father would send us too rather contradictory to the Bible.

You probably already know about FAIRLDS and Jeff Lindsey's site. They also defend LDS doctrine with lots of sources. However, for a solid look at LDS and Evangelicals interacting respectfully on these topics, I have two suggestions:

1. Do some digging around this site. Use the advance search, and look for these topics. There have been many excellent strings on these very topics.

2. Consider obtaining the book: How Wide the Divide: A Mormon and an Evangelical in Conversation. It is co-authored by a BYU professor and one from Denver Seminary. The two are friends, and they are respectful. However, they spell out their differences directly, and do not try to just brush over differences. The book is available at Deseret Books,, and Ironically, the secular vendor is the cheapest. :-)

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Actually, the Roman Catholic Church ordains its priests with the Melchizedek Priesthood. And the Eastern Orthodox does believe in baptism for the dead, they just do not practice nor teach it.

So, be careful on your claims so you aren't over reaching.

Ram? Can you... Please quote source that proves that the Eastern Orthodox church believes in Baptism for the Dead, but doesn't teach or practice it?

Because it seems a bit strange to me that a group could believe something, but not teach or practice it. Unless members are learning about it by osmosis. ;)

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Actually, the Roman Catholic Church ordains its priests with the Melchizedek Priesthood. And the Eastern Orthodox does believe in baptism for the dead, they just do not practice nor teach it.

So, be careful on your claims so you aren't over reaching.

Ram? Can you... Please quote source that proves that the Eastern Orthodox church believes in Baptism for the Dead, but doesn't teach or practice it?

Because it seems a bit strange to me that a group could believe something, but not teach or practice it. Unless members are learning about it by osmosis. ;)

I'd like to know the answer to FunkyTown's question.

Also why do you think the RC church ordains with the Melchizedek Priesthood? Have you a reference for this? I've always thought the offices of the Catholic churches were much more aligned with those of the Mormon Aaronic priesthood, i.e.

Mormon Aaronic: Deacon, Teacher, Priest, Bishop

Anglican and RC: Deacon, Priest, Bishop

Orthodox: Subdeacon, Deacon, Priest, Bishop

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Actually, the Roman Catholic Church ordains its priests with the Melchizedek Priesthood. And the Eastern Orthodox does believe in baptism for the dead, they just do not practice nor teach it.

So, be careful on your claims so you aren't over reaching.

I am sorry to be bold and dont take it as arogant, but i have researched this and have came to the conclusion neither of these statements are backed up with truth.

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Also why do you think the RC church ordains with the Melchizedek Priesthood? Have you a reference for this? I've always thought the offices of the Catholic churches were much more aligned with those of the Mormon Aaronic priesthood, i.e.

Mormon Aaronic: Deacon, Teacher, Priest, Bishop

Anglican and RC: Deacon, Priest, Bishop

Orthodox: Subdeacon, Deacon, Priest, Bishop

Ram appears to be right about the priestly ordination in the Catholic Church: The Order of Melchizedek | Catholic Exchange

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Ram? Can you... Please quote source that proves that the Eastern Orthodox church believes in Baptism for the Dead, but doesn't teach or practice it?

Because it seems a bit strange to me that a group could believe something, but not teach or practice it. Unless members are learning about it by osmosis. ;)

This is actually an LDS source, but it seems to back up Ram's assertion: Baptism for the Dead in Eastern Christianity – Temple Study - LDS Temples, Mormon Temples, Study Blog

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Interesting stuff, PC! And thank you, Ram. I wasn't aware of either of those things. That's usually why I want people to quote source. It's so much easier to take on board and share with others than if I said, "Catholics have Melchizedek Priests." "Where did you get that?" "A guy named Rameumptom told me." ;)

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