Gov. Perry's Rally


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I think it's becoming harder and harder for national conservative candidates to throw Mormons under the bus politically, no matter how much they may want to privately. This is one of the major benefits (?) of the influence of a certain commentator whose name I won't mention, but which rhymes with "Ben Gleck".

The GOP primary field is so big right now is so big, that any one of them who makes a die-hard enemy of any of the talk radio big boys is effectively ending his career. "Gleck" can't steer voters to a Mormon candidate, but he can easily steer a hefty chunk of them away from Perry if Perry becomes too stridently anti-Mormon.

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Leap Of Faith | Talking Points Memo

Back in 2002, when a reporter asked Texas Governor Rick Perry how his faith informed his politics, he replied, "I don't think it does, particularly." Additionally, he seemed to treat the act of praying as a fairly private matter.

Times change don't they? Nothing like a politician using religion as a tool to gain support.

Edited by john doe
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Guest Sachi001

Do you suppose they would consider Mormons to be Christian enough to participate in this rally for "Christian unity?" Perry prayer rally puts 2012 prospect in spotlight - Yahoo! News Maybe they are that open minded, but I'm just curious.

Knowing my fellow Texans. When it suits their needs. Otherwise Mormons are cultist kooks going to hell. Give them another 50 years.

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It's amazing to me that in this day and age we can finally elect a black President, but yet we cannot elect a man because of his religious affiliation.

We have come a long way, but just can't seem to get over the hump yet. It's a sad story of the mentality of some of the people of this country, and even a sadder story of their so called 'spirituality' to judge someone just because of his religious beliefs.

Just wanted to clarify that I'm talking about the LDS gentlemen running for President, not the Gov. of Texas.

Edited by FlaviusHambonius
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It's amazing to me that in this day and age we can finally elect a black President, but yet we cannot elect a man because of his religious affiliation.

We have come a long way, but just can't seem to get over the hump yet. It's a sad story of the mentality of some of the people of this country, and even a sadder story of their so called 'spirituality' to judge someone just because of his religious beliefs.

Just wanted to clarify that I'm talking about the LDS gentlemen running for President, not the Gov. of Texas.

Well, JFK did get elected, even though his being Catholic was a HUGE deal at the time (infact, a lot of very similar things being said about the LDS candidate were said about JFK, such as that the Catholic Church would essentially be in charge of the country, "because all Catholics are required to answer to the Pope", etc.)

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