
The Mick

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My name is Michael, or "Mick" whatever floats your boat. I used to post on this forum under "The Kid in the Korner"

I left the church for about a year and a half trying to find the truth. About three weeks ago I realized how big of a mistake I made and I’m trying to turn my life around.

It would be great to have people to answer my questions or just help me work things out.



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I remember you, Where have you been?

Sometimes when we need to make a change it is hard because as teen, friends influence your day to day choices. If the road you are on is too rough...take another road.

Welcome back and ask away.

I've been looking for god in other ways and i over thought things when it came to faith.

Oh I know how hard this is going to be... the last few days i've been openly mocked for returing to the church. But i know that its the right thing to do....

Every bishop is diffrent, so every wards standerds are a bit diffrent from ward to ward.

So theres a basic guidline, but things would be so much better if i was told exactly what i need to do.

Is there anyway i could go about doing this?

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I would just suggest that you speak with your current Bishop, he will be best at helping you work through this.

The first step back is the hardest. Yes you will have some hard times as you make these positive changes in your life. Just remember why you wanted to change and don't lose sight of your goals. :)

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[i've been looking for god in other ways and i over thought things when it came to faith.

Oh I know how hard this is going to be... the last few days i've been openly mocked for returing to the church. But i know that its the right thing to do....

Every bishop is diffrent, so every wards standerds are a bit diffrent from ward to ward.

So theres a basic guidline, but things would be so much better if i was told exactly what i need to do.

Is there anyway i could go about doing this?

Hey Mick...welcome back to the board :) If it makes you feel anybetter, I know that there are a lot of members who go looking for God in other ways, many don't find their way back and they are still out searching, some have found something that they can relate to much bettter somewhere else. As for over thinking some things..... I do the same thing myself. I just learned to stop questioning the things that are going to bring me down. I am a firm believer in "Put it on the back burner" and let the Lord answer it Himself when everything is said and done.

As for being mocked....no one should have to go through that... yet, some of the best things in life are worth the agony. You are doing this for you...not anyone else.... good for you! and stand your ground!

We are here to help you any way we can.

and if it makes sense... I changed wards before to try to find one I was more comfortable in.... I knew I needed to go to church to keep my faith going strong.... and I wouldn't go to a ward where I was very uncomfortable going to. You have to do what you have to do to keep going.

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Thx lindy, I'm going to try my haredest and i really like my new ward. :)

School is starting soon and i go to a charter school where they dont have seminary, what do you think i shoud do?

I think you need to talk to a bishop or seminary teacher to help answer that one kiddo.... I really don't know what to tell you.

Any bishops, former bishops, seminary teachers in the house here who can help answer that for Mick?

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Hi the Mick,

When you say, "I over thought" was does that mean?


I felt like things should be defined in fact and science, like… there is a process to all things is cause & effects. Like the big bang theory, things coming out of randomness makes no sense, if everything happens from a cause then there has to be a god to create what we know… But as for Joseph Smith, there’s just peoples word, and people lie… I thought to myself even if he was a true prophet, how do I know men didn’t corrupt this pure idea. I used to move a lot and a lot of members forgot that they needed to be more like Christ and judged me and my family on our income. I used to think that maybe the church wasn’t the great thing it preached. So I left…

Recently I realized a few things; you can become lost if you follow a man. But not god, as long as I take the first step I can go the distance. The LDS religion makes more sense to me than any other I have come across. How many other groups want you to ask questions? Questions are important because without them you are just a fool. Then again that person who doesn’t follow their heart and what they believe is right based on “fact” isn’t much smarter right?

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Thx lindy, I'm going to try my haredest and i really like my new ward. :)

School is starting soon and i go to a charter school where they dont have seminary, what do you think i shoud do?

I think you need to talk to a bishop or seminary teacher to help answer that one kiddo.... I really don't know what to tell you.

Any bishops, former bishops, seminary teachers in the house here who can help answer that for Mick?

Not sure where you are from but here in the midwest you can either do early morning seminary or home study seminary.....perhaps you should look into home study seminary....... :sparklygrin:

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