Spiritual Creation


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I was reading over the creation in Gen 1 and Moses 2 with both accounts the next chapters say that no flesh was yet on the earth, does this mean that the accounts of the creation in the above chapters are about the spiritual creation. They also mention in Gen1:27-28, Moses 2:27-28 that man was made on the 6th day but it does not mention being made of the dust at that time. It is not mentioned until later in the next chapter of both Gen and Moses when the creation of man is mentioned a second time.

Also in D&C 77:12 it says that man was formed out of the dust on the 7th day.

So I would like to hear your thoughts on wither Gen 1 and Moses 2 are about the Physical or Spiritual creation.

Edited by Casper
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I was reading over the creation in Gen 1 and Moses 2 with both accounts the next chapters say that no flesh was yet on the earth, does this mean that the accounts of the creation in the above chapters are about the spiritual creation. They also mention in Gen1:27-28, Moses 2:27-28 that man was made on the 6th day but it does not mention being made of the dust at that time. It is not mentioned until later in the next chapter of both Gen and Moses when the creation of man is mentioned a second time.

Also in D&C 77:12 it says that man was formed out of the dust on the 7th day.

So I would like to hear your thoughts on wither Gen 1 and Moses 2 are about the Physical or Spiritual creation.

generally that is what is assumed as well as its assumed that the physical creation order followed the spiritual. its also reinforced in genesis after all the creation is done and accounted for, the next chapter says " 5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the eground.

6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living fsoul."

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Abraham chapters 4 and 5 are the spiritual creation. I have perceived the Genesis and Moses versions as the physical creation.

If Christ is the Carpenter then Elohim is the Architect.

As you read Abraham 4 & 5 you will notice that the creation work is done by "the Gods," whereas in Moses and Genesis the work is done by God.

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