Political Concerns


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In the Book of Mormon we learn that there are times when evil men take control of the government. I am concerned that we are in those days again. I am warning my 6 adult children to be prepared with strong testimonies, food and water and a local support group where possible.

The earth is responding to the level of evil in the world with increasing storms and disasters.

Politicians are very hard with their language towards each other.

The world economy seems to be on the edge of trouble.

I worry for my 14 grandchildren and what will confront them.

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I'm more or less in agreement, except for the storms and disasters part. Other years have given disasters far worse than anything that has come in the last little while - by orders of magnitude. Even Japan's 9.0 earthquake pales in comparison to some of the China Yellow river floods that killed millions from decades ago.

Something I learned a while ago - just because it's on every dang news channel for a full week, doesn't mean much.

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Buy gold and silver because the dollar will be worthless in the next few years. Commodities will continue to rise. Unemployment will continue to go up. Job growth will decrease. If you TRULY care you will research Ron Paul. He is the MOST liberty minded candidate. He follows the Constitution 100%. He is a father, husband and has grandchildren. He served in the Air Force and is a doctor. He has been telling people of the dangers of big government for 3 decades. He has been right all this time. No doubt that this candidate will be with God when he leaves this earth. Romney and Huntsman I am not so sure.

Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty | Blog

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