Is this forum representative of the what I can expect at church?


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I didn't look just now, but I don't remember anyone accusing you of lying to your priesthood leaders. Your claimed situation was highly unusual and it was asked what they thought of it. At least that is my recollection of the conversation.

Well, they did. Can't quote it cuz the thread was closed.

Again, trolls come here quite often claiming all kinds of outlandish things. Rarely do their assertions turn out to be true. There was no reference point with you, so questions were asked. You took offense to those questions.

I took offense to the fact that even after I explained the situation, and explained that my priesthood leaders had approved it, that the critisim continued. It should have been enough of an explanation and left at that. I expected there to be questions, I just thought that this forum was going to be an LDS friendly forum where love and kindness was the norm. I felt attacked (and others PMed me and appologized for the attacks, so I wasn't alone in seeing them as such) and misunderstood. I understand that there have been trolls, but you guys need to also understand that there are honest, good, LDS people who come on here looking for a community to be a part of. I wanted to start things off right and be open and honest about me so that I could be a part of a wonderful LDS community. I have NO problem with questions, I just expected it to be a more positive experience. I doubt that the questions would have been asked the same way, or accusations leveled in the same way if we had been face to face (and yes, I understand that there is a difference).

I don't believe there is a core group that doesn't like you. I think there are some who are biased based on they way you have responded to them and others. I suspect you probably think that I have some sort of agenda against you. That is absolutely not true, but I certainly get that vibe from you.

If you honestly think I came in here with an agenda, you are sadly mistaken. I don't have any agenda at this point other than to try and enjoy the time I do spend here. I try to be funny. I am honest. I try to give good advice. I try to be polite, and loving. I admit that some things have gotten my hackles up and I have gone in to defend myself, but not with any agenda. There are some people on here who I have learned that I am not interested in interacting with, and I have tried to just avoid those people.

I DON'T UNDERSTAND why this is an issue, and why I feel like I am having to defend myself right now. I am guessing that maybe finding such a gullible person who will get emotionally envolved with posts is fun for some people, and they are just pushing buttons and getting off on it. I don't know. I do know that there are times when I feel like I shouldn't post what I think because I am afraid of being attacked. Why on earth would I 'report' things that I find offensive? Isn't that kind of like me going to the school bully and telling them that I am being bullied? I'm sorry, I am so sick of having things ascribed to me that aren't true. I don't have a freaking agenda. I don't lie to get temple recommends. I'm not ignorant. I'm not judgemental. I'm not the million other negative things that have been said about me in the last few weeks. I'm a good person, and THIS isn't worth it.

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I don't think any forum is truly representative of any group. When I lived in the NW I was involved in a kiteboarding forum and I met allot of kiteboarders in real life that just never even heard of the forum. They were too busy kiteboarding to spend time posting stuff on a forum.

Likewise I think this forum does not represent what you find in person. Also I think that broken families are disproportionally represented here as many like myself come here for advice and end up staying. I'm basing that assumption on myself of course..I think many on this forum are the walking wounded..not that regular wards don't have people with struggles, I just think don't think that functioning "typical" "standard" families are in abundance here.

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If you honestly think I came in here with an agenda, you are sadly mistaken.

You may want to reread John's post, he suspects you think that he has an agenda (against you), not that he thinks that you have an agenda.

Why on earth would I 'report' things that I find offensive? Isn't that kind of like me going to the school bully and telling them that I am being bullied?

No, it'd be like going to the principle. Reported posts go to a forum where all the moderators see them, so even if it's a moderator you are reporting the rest of the moderator staff will be able to see and make a determination.

Edited by Dravin
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If you honestly think I came in here with an agenda, you are sadly mistaken. I don't have any agenda at this point other than to try and enjoy the time I do spend here.

I didn't say you have an agenda. What I said is that I don't think anyone here has one against you.

I DON'T UNDERSTAND why this is an issue, and why I feel like I am having to defend myself right now. I am guessing that maybe finding such a gullible person who will get emotionally envolved with posts is fun for some people, and they are just pushing buttons and getting off on it.

I don't have any idea why you would think that you are defending yourself. I was responding to your allegations of there being some core group of people out to get you in some way. If anyone was put on the defensive it was me, since you were the one making the allegations. I was attempting to explain why you received the kind of treatment you did. You can accept that or not, but the fact is you are the one going on the offensive here, not me. I'm done with this subject. In fact, I'm closing this thread. You can PM me if you want to continue talking about this, and you know about the 'report post' button. Use it if you feel so inclined, and the mod team will discuss it and take appropriate action if they feel it is needed.

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