
Dr T

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Hello all,

In solemn reflection on the tragedy that struck the United States five years ago today, I wanted to propose a moment of silence. I would also like to hear where you all were that day and what you were doing when we were attacked.


Dr. T

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I was at work at an eye clinic. We turned on the tv when the first plane hit, thinking it was an accident. We all stood and watched as the second plane hit. Almost all of our patients cancelled their appointments, and the staff gathered around a small tv and watched the rest of the day.

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I was at work in my office at home when a coworker MSN me saying “it’s awful what is happening in NY”? I said what? :dontknow:

She told me to turn my TV on.

Just as the TV tuned in and I realized what had happened the 2nd plane hit , I felt sick and numb.

Then the planes started to fly over head shaking my house. I know we were on the Emg flight path most military bases are. They kept coming and coming and the windows shook for hours.

My phone rang and my husband said “Every thing is OK” I’m thinking “yah right”

He told me to place his battle pack and gear on the back step; he could not stop to talk.

As the day turned in to late afternoon the planes finely stopped but for the fighter jets over head. The news told us that all planes were diverted to Canadian airports, explaining the noise.

Then the quiet settled in. there was hardly a car on the street near our house, I guess every one was doing what we had been doing all day watching TV.

It’s the same kind of quiet that settles in to the base I live on now, when we know casualties have happened before the families know.

I finely turned the TV off and made dinner.

One of my older sons turned it on and came and told me I had to see “this”.

I told him I was making dinner. He yelled at me. This could affect my husband!

I snaped at him "I was doing what my husband wanted me to do “I’m making dinner”! :angry2:

He did come home in the middle of the night, tired from de-boarding planes and searching them and the passengers.

I will never forget

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Here on the west coast it was early...still dark outside....I was on the PC checking email when my Brother IM'd me and told me to turn on the TV.....I could not believe what I saw.....the Tower was burning and they were saying a plane had slammed into it....I woke my wife, we woke the kids....we huddled around the TV...we could not believe they would show people jumping from the upper floors....that's when the second plane hit.....we all cried for those people and had a family prayer to protect those who were there and give comfort to those families who lost their loved ones. It was an awful morning....the kids didn't want to go to school and I didn't want to go to work....the country stood still that day...it was unforgettable and unimaginable.....
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I was up getting the kids ready for school and turned the TV on, i thought it was some movie at first glance, then i looked up and saw the second plane hit, i got sick! and sent the kids to their room so they werent watching i tried to call my hubby but he has a top sec. clearence job at a test site, they were locked down, i waited hours before i got his call,

God bless every family that went threw this

Lisa Jo

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I was driving to school when my friend was talking about watching the first plane and how they thought it was an accident, but in first period they had us go down to the library (i was in a dance class) to watch the news and we watched as the second plain hit...i remember seeing that seen over and over and over it made me want to cry, all day the teachers had it on in the back ground and we tried to go about school as normal, and when we got home my mom had it on and we watched it some more. i remember all the songs that came out after that they were all so good and heart tuching.

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I was getting my son ready for school and the phone rang. My husband called me and told me to stay home because WTC got hit. At that time, we lived really close to Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs. Then I turned on the TV and saw both buildings collapse. I think seeing them collapse hit me more than watching the plane smash into the buildings.

But for me the attack on the Pentagon hit really close to home. My cousin was a stenographer at the Pentagon and he said that morning he had major car trouble and so after trying to figure out what was wrong with the car, he called in but found out that the Pentagon had been hit. He quickly turned on the TV and started to freak out. He was supposed to be in the office that morning taking notes where the nose cone of the plane hit.

He has never had any trouble out of the car since then. Very much divine intervention. So, he and his wife retired and are the caretakers of the their church's cemetary and memory garden.

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I was standing in the bathroom, doing my hair. My Grandpa had the news on in the front room and yelled for my Grandma to come see what was happening. Of course, my 15 year old curiosity got the better of me and I had to go watch too. I don't remember the first time I saw it. It was a blur. All through school that day, all the teachers had the news on and it kept replaying. It reminded me of when Columbine happened and how everyone became horrifyingly obsessed with watching those scenes over and over again. It's disturbing to a 15 year old mind to find out that attacks can happen on your home land. And then that was all everyone talked about for months. It's sad that it takes something that big for people to start respecting their country, and I think today, a lot of people have forgotten how it felt. For a while, we stood united. It was beautiful. I just hope something like that doesn't happen again.

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Thank you for sharing your perspective from at 15. I agree; it is sad. My family went to a water park the other day and my oldest son was wearing swim trunks of the US flag. As we stood in line a junior high girl said, "OK, that is WAY too patriotic" in a sarcastic tone. I looked at here and asked, "How do you figure too patriotic? What does that mean to you?" and she stammered around for a minute probably feelings silly. My children are growing up proud to be a US citizen-they will respect the land, etc. :patriot: (wow, was I the only one that just heard "God bless America" in the background?) :D

Dr. T

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Thank you for sharing your perspective from at 15. I agree; it is sad. My family went to a water park the other day and my oldest son was wearing swim trunks of the US flag. As we stood in line a junior high girl said, "OK, that is WAY too patriotic" in a sarcastic tone. I looked at here and asked, "How do you figure too patriotic? What does that mean to you?" and she stammered around for a minute probably feelings silly. My children are growing up proud to be a US citizen-they will respect the land, etc. :patriot: (wow, was I the only one that just heard "God bless America" in the background?) :D

Dr. T

i thought i heard "Battle Hymn of the Republic"

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