Do you have a home gym?


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We don't have one, not really anyway. DH has a weight room but there's no treadmill or elliptical in there. We used to have a gym membership but that has expired and since we can't take baby to the gym it doesn't really matter. So I'm online right now browsing cardio machines and there's a lot of them. Honestly I'm not familiar with the many brands available, so I'm hoping there's someone here that can recommend one. We don't need anything super fancy with all the bells and whistles. We just like to run and as long as the track is going forwards and not backwards, that's good enough for us! Oh but I actually prefer ellipticals to treadmills. So if you have one in your home gym, yay or nay?

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Go to a store specializing in running equipment and get yourself fitted with the proper running shoes. Then go to a sports store and get a baby jogger.

Now go and run around the neighborhood.

We have a complete home gym with a treadmill and an elliptical and that ski-ing thing. We don't use it as much as we go out jogging. We sold the ski-thing, we gave the treadmill to father-in-law and the elliptical is sitting in the garage getting ready to be sold on craigslist.

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Go to a store specializing in running equipment and get yourself fitted with the proper running shoes. Then go to a sports store and get a baby jogger.

Now go and run around the neighborhood.

We have a complete home gym with a treadmill and an elliptical and that ski-ing thing. We don't use it as much as we go out jogging. We sold the ski-thing, we gave the treadmill to father-in-law and the elliptical is sitting in the garage getting ready to be sold on craigslist.

I don't want to run around the neighbourhood pushing a BOB. Especially with the air quality that we tend to get around this time of year..

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest FixingTheWrongs

Yes, I have one at home but it is portable and doesn't take up a lot of space.

An ab wheel, a set of heavy dumbells I can alter the weight on and two 15 pound dumbells I carry for running are what I have and use. Though I do use the edge of the bed or couch for dips. I feel I really am not missing anything special at the gym. I try and do a variety of excersices at home and feel I'm fairly well rounded. My work takes me to different buildings and some have gyms that I can make use of the weight room for free on my lunch so I don't feel the need to goto the gym or buy a membership.

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I found some fairly cheap gym equipment on KSL, an elliptical to be more precise, ballpark $300. I still really really want one for just inside the house. I also have an ab cruncher, I forget what it's called but I got it from a friend and that thing actually works pretty well too, at least opposed to trying to do sit-ups yourself..

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When I had a gym membership I mostly just used the elliptical machine, so GH bought me a good one a few years ago. I really like it. It's a Horizon ( , to be exact, though it wasn't a refurb and we bought it directly from the company's website on sale for around $500. It also makes an excellent clothes hanger, albeit a little pricey.

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  • 1 month later...

As a personal trainer and Beachbody Coach, I have both a home gym and a variety of Beachbody programs, but I always tell clients to do what they enjoy most. Some like running outdoors, some biking and some would rather stay home and walk on a treadmill while watching TV. The number one thing to do is start with your priorities. What is your main goal? Lose weight? Build muscle? Develop cardiovascular endurance? Conditioning? From there, decide on what you would enjoy most to achieve your goals. Elipticals and stairmasters are better as far is non impact goes than say, treadmills. The most important factor in your health, however, is your nutrition. You will never outrun a poor diet. Hope all this helps a little more.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Omarion

We have a complete home gym with a treadmill and an elliptical and that ski-ing thing. We don't use it as much as we go out jogging. We sold the ski-thing, we gave the treadmill to father-in-law and the elliptical is sitting in the garage getting ready to be sold on craigslist.

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