I Have a Few Simple Questions To Ask Everyone!


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I am in a psychology class at my school and we are doing a group project. I need you guys to answer 3 questions for me. :)

What was your mood today?

What were your activities today?

Why do you usually dress the way you do?

Wasn't sure if I put this in the right section. Hope I get some good answers. :)

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What was your mood today?

Positive, happy, pleased with myself & the world.

What were your activities today?

Sang a 30 minute broadcast of uplifting non-denominational music (Music & the Spoken Word), attended Church & the 100 year commemoration of Seminary fireside, hometaught 2 families, napped, watched the last part of the 49ers - Giants football game.

Why do you usually dress the way you do?

My dress is a compromise between comfort and society's expectations that we are both pleased with.


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What was your mood today? Relaxed, calm.

What were your activities today?

Church, got home taught, slept, did hw, hung with a friend, made lunch.

Why do you usually dress the way you do?


I got home from church, changed into grey leggings/sweat pants with black short shorts over them and a pink t shirt. And, 3 hours later the HT were knocking. I crawled out of my nap and sat on the couch feeling a bit awkward but not wanting to change.

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What was your mood today?

Calm and happy

What were your activities today?

Went to Church for 9.30am. Got home at 2pm. Had lunch.

Changed into pyjamas.

Read some from two LDS books and went over the work for the Class for this week's Adult Institute

Why do you usually dress the way you do?

Being properly dressed is important to me. I like to look nice for me, never mind everybody else.

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I am in a psychology class at my school and we are doing a group project. I need you guys to answer 3 questions for me. :)

What was your mood today?

What were your activities today?

Why do you usually dress the way you do?

Wasn't sure if I put this in the right section. Hope I get some good answers. :)

Today? Well, I'm sick today so I'm feeling sorry for myself :(

activities: I also had to work on Sunday...still feeling sorry for myself

dress: I wore the most comfortable thing I could get away with, no make-up, and I didn't even put in my contacts, so glasses. I usually have the following priorities in my dress 1. suit the current situation (be it weather or social or practical) 2. comfort to avoid distractions 3. dress to convey attitude of respect to others and myself

Edited by jayanna
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What was your mood today? Content

What were your activities today? Played taxi to my kids to get them where they need to be.

Why do you usually dress the way you do? Because my husband and I like how it looks.

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My mood today: Mixed- happy and optimistic but slightly ill and cantankerous as well

My activities: Dropped son off at daycare, went to work, ate breakfast, made copies, worked on a project for the principal, made phone calls, will soon be eating lunch, then serving lunch duty, back to more copies, writing a lesson plan, drawing, picking up son and prescriptions, grocery shopping, making dinner, spending time with son, cleaning apartment, and off to bed

Why I usually dress the way I do: Most of my time is spent at work, so my typical attire is what is most comfortable but still acceptably professional for work.

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What was your mood today? Same as always, I don;t vary a lot -- kinda steadfast you might say

What were your activities today? Got up, get ready, went to work, answered this survey.

Why do you usually dress the way you do? Cause it's my 'look' Dress pants, starched dress shirt, no tie. (Casual Friday dress)

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