new to all this..need advice, thanks


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I am from UK and was baptised into C of E as a baby as is the norm here.

I have never really clicked with that church but have always felt like I needed to find the right way to be closer to God.

I have a child who is autistic and it takes a lot of faith to keep going at times.

Over the last few months I have been drawn to look at Mormon info and straight away felt really at home with it all. I didnt drink alcohol or smoke anyway and have stuck to the Word of Wisdom over the last few months by giving up coffee and tea.

I am reading the Book of Mormon and have the leaflets from LDS online which are the same ones the missionaries use and I am going through them.

The difficulty I have is that I dont really know how to take it further or even if I can?

I have Aspergers which is a milder form of the Autism my son a result of this things like going to church, giving testimonies, even talking to the missionaries would be excruciating for me so I have been avoiding it.

I know I cant be baptised without all that so have been wondering about just living my life this way without actually taking that step if that makes that enough? or do I have to go through the baptism to practise as a Mormon.

As I said i am living my life the Mormon way by reading and learning from the scriptures, keeping to the Word of Wisdom, praying, and I am even trying to introduce Family Home Evening.

My husband is catholic but he respects other religions and has no problem with me going down the mormon route.

I really feel like God is showing me how to be a Mormon and wanting me to do it but my difficulties are putting constraints on it.

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Congratulations on finding the church.

I'm very shy (probably not as severely as your experiences), and so it took me a while to be willing to sit down with missionaries. Would talking on the phone be more comfortable to you? Or e-mail? The church does use internet missionaries (I only discovered this when I called and asked for BOM to be sent to my PO Box, and refused to give my home address).

Still, part of the fun for me of church membership is the experience of community that I get going to church.

I suggest that you explain up front to the internet missionary how you feel. Maybe they can work out some way for a local member to accompany you to church, to answer questions quietly at your pace. If you just walk in and attend (which you are certainly encouraged to do), you will probably be greeted very enthusiastically - but maybe you would be more comfortable with someone who you had met beforehand.

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Interestingly, you can online-chat with a missionary now!

Yes, I agree with Yehshen. Go at your own pace, but do continually challenge yourself to learn more. Eventually, you'll have to get to that crossroads to baptism. The flesh may present challenges, but with faith, this too can be overcome.

If you go to, you'll see lots of online resources that you might want to try out.

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Give the missionaries a try. Let them know your situation and that you have to take it slowly. They'll understand and pace it to your needs. You may also want to visit with the local bishop and explain all this to him. It may be that he can find ways to help you enjoy the service (many of our chapels can transmit the audio of our main meeting into other rooms of the church, so you could sit quietly in another room and listen). They will understand that saying prayers, having responsibilities, etc., are a challenge, and will not ask you to do anything you are not ready to accomplish. It may be that there are others in the congregation/ward with Aspergers or Autism that will understand your situation, and may be able to assist.

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I think you'd get different answers from everyone here. Some would say read the Book of Mormon straight through. I didn't like doing that ... I wanted more of a summary approach. I would read

1) the Articles of Faith (quick summary of gospel that is considered doctrine)

2) the book (wirebound) the missionaries actually teach from called "Preach My Gospel". You can download from the LDS web site.

3) And believe it or not, Mormonism for Dummies by Jena Reis and Christopher Kimble (my apologies if mispelled names). This book is actually deeper than it sounds, but it is remarkably user friendly, and the writers are pretty well respected.

Although warning: I just joined the church 5 months ago, so what do I know?

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If you decide to be baptized it can be done with only the people involved. The confirmation can be done at the same time. I am thinking probably three people counting you? If you have missionaries teach you they can be the ones to do the baptism and confirmation. By that time you will probably feel more comfortable with them. You could have your husband be with you to talk to the missionaries. Not for him to learn but as someone to be there you feel comfortable with. Oh you could have lady missionaries talk to you if that would be easier for you. They could be with you to attend meetings as well if that would help.

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Thanks..have seen that book on LDS website will have another look at that...I printed off the leaflets but not that.

Have you only just been baptised then? How long did it take you to get to that stage?

It took me about six months from when I started reading about the religion (last May) and when I was baptized (I believe November 23, 2011). My timing...not the church's. I think the first official meeting with missionaries was in September. Other people, I'm sure, will report dramatically different timetables.

They say to pray and you will be told whether the BOM was true. I knew by July. But still, it's a big commitment, and I wanted to be sure.

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Let me present a different idea for you: Contact your mission president's office and ask to speak to him.

Why him? A mission president will typically be a very experienced man who has held a lot of past leadership positions and will be more mature to handle and listen regarding your situation... than the typical 19-21 year old. He will be patient as he listens to you, about your situation, about how you're learning and studying... but that you have a hesitation about learning more. Maybe he'll have a solution for you?

Perhaps he can help by being a resource for you by phone? Perhaps he can assign a specific set of missionaries to teach you... chosen specifically to help you be more comfortable? There may be a perfect missionary right there, right now, who is ready to teach you in a way that is most comfortable to you.

But unless you ask, who else will know?

Many years ago, I called my local mission president. I had a concern to speak to him about. He was able to help me and I could feel his love and concern. He told me that if I ever needed to talk, to give him a call. I really appreciated that. The mission president I served under on my mission was like that.

You've got nothing to lose. Welcome to the path!

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Just want to say thanks to everyone for your help:)

I am really so glad I came across this place as I have no one to ask about all the things I need to know.

I am going to carry on working my way through the Book of Mormon and living the WOW ....the longer I do this the more it feels feels like I have come home and found my place:D

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Hello! I'm brand new here and it's kind of an incredible thing for me to come across this first thing because I'm going through something similar. I was diagnosed with Aspergers just a few weeks ago - I'm going to be 20 in September - and it's very confusing for me. That's actually why I joined this site so early in the morning lol (my thoughts wouldn't let me sleep)

Anyways, I do know how you feel about talking to people and how impossible it can seem. Also, I'm not really going to church right now but I'm wanting very desperately to start again. Whenever I tried in the past, it was thanks to a friend who was kind enough to include me (drag me to) activities or sunday school with her. And she was my shield for a while. You just need a church buddy to help you get integrated so that you might one day be comfortable enough to take those steps. I hope that one will come your way soon. You're doing excellent so far and you're a real inspiration for me! Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Congratulations on finding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. If you haven't already, contact the missionary's. They will teach you at your pace and help you every step of the way. Your Heavenly Father is very pleased that you have recognized his Son's Church. Pray for continued guidance and assistance and it will be given to you.


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What area do you live in? Just trying to find out which Mission you would be part of.I'm in the London England Mission -maybe a senior missionary couple would be good to teach you? They have life experience & maybe more time than a regular missionary-no offence to young Missionaries who are often very mature.

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Hi, i'm also in the UK and understand your situation. I'm in Staffordshire and have been a member for 14 years.

I hope you've had most if not all your questions answered but the main thing I wanted to pick up on is that you dont have to share testimony or anything like that to be a member of the church. Everything is at your own pace and only what you want to do.

take care

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  • 1 month later...

I hope I may be able to help here. There is a young man (about 40 i think) who is special needs. They give him small assignments in Sunday School (such as asking who he would like to give the prayers). Philip cant even speak properly so just points.

I myself dont go to Church as often as I would like due to health reasons. So they gave me an assignment to make cards for Relief Society but now I finally have a calling to do Family Search.

Before that my best freind suggested I followed the meetings at home by reading and studying the lessons etc. It was especially good in those days though because I used to play the organ.

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