Newborn and finding things to do


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Leave the house? I know you probably don't want to be around large crowds, but are there any stroller-friendly public trails near by? Or even just a walk around your neighborhood? Go and visit a family member or friend who'd *love* to see the baby, and who you know would know the concerns that come with having a newborn around? (washing hands, cradling the head, etc.)

You could also take turns leaving the apartment while one of you stays home with the baby.

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Walk in the park, have a picnic, walk in the mall, go for a scenic drive, visit family. . . I remember that feeling! That first few months is more about surviving than thriving, but the sooner you get good at leaving the house with the baby and all his stuff, the better you'll keep your sanity!

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It been so long since I had a newborn. I loved the hibernation time. I'm a little jealous :D

Its spring/summer in most of the US now. Its warm enough to take the baby out. Just avoid large crowds. Take hand sanitizer with you.

Enjoy this time... it goes by too fast!

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Brand new baby? No problem. When my first kid was born, we got a Baby Bjorn at the baby shower. We sling the baby on my husband's or my chest and off we go. He was 6 weeks old when we took him to the NFL stadium to root for the home team. Slept through the B2 bomber flyby and the fireworks at touchdown. He's been a regular at sporting events. We went to the movies a lot as he can sleep through anything. Even took him camping. Partied at all the friends and family just like before he was born. Took him on a 1000 mile interstate trip at 3 months old. Took him half-way around the world at 7 months old.

That Baby Bjorn was awesome. He got too big for it when he turned 6 months, so we got this hiking backpack where you strap the baby on the chair and sling him on your back. Really awesome. That's how I took him on the 20-hour airplane trip.

Now, I know first-born babies are still saddled with helicopter parents. The first few times I took the baby out, I would bring his baby bag that has everything and the kitchen sink. After a while, I learned to go places with just the stuff that fits in my purse.

And it helps that I breastfed. I can take the baby anywhere and feed him as necessary anywhere without having to carry any equipment and worrying about bottle temperature, etc. Oh, except for when we passed through China. It is illegal to breastfeed in public in China and they don't have mother's rooms. I ended up feeding the baby in the restroom. Yuck.

Oh, and we changed him to the holistic pediatrician. The holistic pediatrician gets us on the proper diet to ward off the common ailments going around town at specific times. Really helpful too.

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