I know I should... But I have no motivation


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Lately, I've been really struggling with my spirituality.

I haven't been praying and reading the scriptures like I should. I'm beginning to realize that I really need to do something about this. Like my life "depends" on it, in a sense. When it is late at night I get the reminder that I should pray and I just don't do anything about it. I know all the quotes that say "If you don't want to pray, that's the time that you really should.' etc, etc. However, I am really lacking that motivation within myself to change my habits.

So I guess why I made this thread is so I can feel like I'm not the only one and if I'm not the only one, what are some things that have helped you to find that motivation. Of course, I know that each person is different and the things that worked for you may not work for everyone. I'm just looking to find a light at the end of the tunnel.

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Lately, I've been really struggling with my spirituality.

I haven't been praying and reading the scriptures like I should. I'm beginning to realize that I really need to do something about this. Like my life "depends" on it, in a sense. When it is late at night I get the reminder that I should pray and I just don't do anything about it. I know all the quotes that say "If you don't want to pray, that's the time that you really should.' etc, etc. However, I am really lacking that motivation within myself to change my habits.

So I guess why I made this thread is so I can feel like I'm not the only one and if I'm not the only one, what are some things that have helped you to find that motivation. Of course, I know that each person is different and the things that worked for you may not work for everyone. I'm just looking to find a light at the end of the tunnel.

I set goals for myself that I know that I can and will accomplish. To me a goal is more than just "want to" it's a commitment. I know that I can read at least one verse of scripture every night. So, that's my goal--just one verse a day. Of course I usually do more than that, at least a chapter every night, but there are some evenings I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open to read one verse. So, if I only get the one verse read, at least I've reached my goal. I also read my scriptures on my iPhone because I can read them late at night when my husband is already asleep and it doesn't bother him.

As for prayer, I just know that I need prayer in my life, so I just plug away at it night after night with my personal prayers--even when I'm not feeling like it. Sometimes, I just have to get down on my knees, even though what I really want to do is crawl into bed and fall asleep. I simply make myself do it. I don't know where I get my motivation from to do it, but somehow I do. What helps me also is that I try to say prayers that express my gratitude rather than only asking for blessings. There have been some major traumatic events that have occurred in my life, where I really need to ask for specific blessings, and I just feel better knowing I can ask for those blessings when I've all along been saying my prayers and always expressing my gratitude for all that I have.

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When I was in primary we got prayer rocks. Put it under your pillow, or on the floor bedside where you swing your feet over to get up in the morning! :D Some other ideas.. Set an alarm on your cellphone that alerts you to do AM and PM prayers. Make it a habit. I have two alarms set every Sunday to get my butt ready for church. One alarm set at 9:30 (get showered and dressed), and one set at 10:30 (get to church!) -- my ward starts at 11 :]

For motivation in general, sometimes it takes "going through the motions" before you genuinely get to a point where you feel motivated. Usually, when you get involved in positive activities and habits, it's not too long before the positive affects take affect, and make you feel awesome!

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For motivation in general, sometimes it takes "going through the motions" before you genuinely get to a point where you feel motivated. Usually, when you get involved in positive activities and habits, it's not too long before the positive affects take affect, and make you feel awesome!

I really like what you said about going through the motions. I guess a quote that comes to my mind is "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it." This gospel, while it is easy to follow, I find that the things that are asked of us are the hardest to follow at the same time.

Thank you to everyone that has responded and possibly will respond. Your advice is very helpful. :)

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I think it's normal to hit spiritual slumps. And as Dr. Suess says, "unslumping yourself is not easily done".

There's a few different methods that have worked for me. Sometimes I have conversations with myself and get reacquainted with what I really want. Other times I act according to my values instead of listening exclusively to my feelings. And other times, I just wait it out. Being in a slump gets old. And when I get sick of it, that usually gives me adequate motivation to get myself out. And still other times, I do what you are doing. I reach out for advice hoping that someone will say something that will hit home.

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I read your post yesterday on my tablet. Really didn't comment, but then I have been thinking about.

Prayer is something that should just be a habit now. You should just pray because you should pray. Not all prayers are going to be great and maybe even worth while. But you should always pray even if it is just for the spirit to help you want to pray.

Scripture study is a different thing. After coming back from my mission (Long time ago now) it was hard to really study the scriptures and try to find something new. Mostly because I knew most of the stories by heart.

So there are ways to solve this.

1. Study by subject-- Find subjects that you don't know much about. use the Bible Dictionary, Topical Guide. And just start studying things. I find it pretty amazing to see how the gospel is all linked together. (study New and Everlasting Covenant)

2. Read your favorite chapter. Sometimes reading about wars isn't always worth while. Just find a chapter you like. You can read 2 Nephi 4. You can read Alma 30. I have chapters that I know of. Sometimes depending on the mood I just pick some other chapter to read. It might even be something somebody brought up at a talk at church that I didn't know about.

3. Find a book. You should always read the scriptures! But there are plenty of LDS (Doctrinal) Books out there to help you learn and grow. My problem is I tend to like to read books more then the scriptures. Something like that. I have to find a balance. If you ever need ideas, seems like somebody on lds.net about ever month asks for book ideas.

Last about Motivation. I am just starting to look at this idea more. Humans have a problem where we can't walk in a straight line when blind folded. You can watch this from NPR.

I heard about this on Mythbusters. But for us in the church the idea is kind of overwhelming to me.

Pretty much the Natural Man can't walk Straight when he is blinded (either by darkness or not looking)

The only way to walk straight is to hold onto something! After learning this idea (that we can't walk straight) Lehi's Dream starts to make more sense.

Hope that helps.

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