A Solution To Illegal Mexican Immigrants


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I suggest that all Americans stop being lazy and learn Spanish before they're left behind.

Jason, I totally disagree that Americans will be left behind if they don't learn Spanish. The more educated Latinos are all about learning English, as they know that is the official language. The ones that refuse to learn are the illegals who probably won't be much of a threat to anyone.

The language I would rather my child learn is Chinese, if I don't want him to be left behind.

I agree; when I visit a country I make an effort to learn their language instead of expecting them to cater to me.

And Chinese would be a good choice as China is making major progress in becoming a dominant world power. Those Disney DVDs might help you with that. :lol:

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Yes Outshined, I've already thought of that! Could be a good start. :D

well that in itself is a pretty ignorant way of looking at things...since it seems u are already judging a whole culture based on your prejudice and lack of views. IF it looks like a duck walk like a duck chances are its a duck. The reality is that most people who are white have a serious problem that all of a sudden they are no longer going to be the majority on this country and since the USA has for so long been a largely white populated country it seems everyone is freaking out because they are no longer going to be the majoriyt but the minority and ohh let hell brake lose if that were to happen if for once you would put yourself in the shoes of the other majorities in this country.

So you think it's fine for all these lawless people to come here and prosper, taking resources from those who are here legally - both natives and immigrants? AND make our crime rates sky-rocket?
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I want to learn another language. I want to learn computer language.

I want to learn how to talk to all computers.

That's what I am doing on the internet now.

And when you talk you are going through a translator.

But I'm not satisfied with my current level of understanding.

There is more I could say than you know.

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Okay everybody: I think we can agree that there is a problem that needs a solution. I know we can avoid the problem, pretend the problem is not that bad, do nothing or we could make the problem worse. If 80 percent of Mexico wants to be part of the USA what can or should we do.

I really feel that complaining about the problem will not help. What are the suggestions? Send the illegal’s home? - In less than a year they will be back. Pass another law to limit how many can come - we know that does not work. I suggest nothing tried so far has worked. Why continue or escalate or increase something we know is flawed and does not work?

I believe that if we declare that we will annex Mexico that just the idea will have an impact on what people are thinking. Maybe the Mexican government will consider reforms to satisfy their citizens and think about making some internal changes. The point I am trying to make is.

1. Billy aching - does not work.

2. Not wanting them – does not work.

3. Passing laws against them coming - does not work.

4. Sending them home – does not work.

5. Ignoring their coming – does not work.

We know a whole bunch of things that do not work. Why not try something that has not been tried yet?

The Traveler

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I have yet to meet a Mexican who want's to see his country become a part of the United States. They're a proud people who would fight us tooth and nail should we even feign annexation.

Bad idea.

I would agree with this statement. If anything, they want US to become annexed to Mexico. I think you would find it hard to convince the Government of Mexico that they would be better off giving up their way of doing things in favor of doing things the way the US does things.

I think that widespread corruption of public officials would be a major hurdle to cross if they were to become part of the US. You would see a lot of powerful, wealthy people who would be branded as criminals in our system.

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I have yet to meet a Mexican who want's to see his country become a part of the United States. They're a proud people who would fight us tooth and nail should we even feign annexation.

Bad idea.

Bad idea? If they know that coming to live in the USA could cost them their country and they do not want Mexico to become part of the USA - That fact alone will not change a thing? I think not - I think that if you are really correct two things will happen. Mexicans that do not really want to be a part of the USA will not only stop coming but the second thing is they will make efforts to stop others from coming. Right now even the Mexican government encourages illegal entry into the USA - the government even sponsers and prints information for Mexicans to come illegally to the USA. If such actions would cost them their country - you really do not think they will consider forstering illegal entry into the USA? Think again!!!

The Traveler

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What are the suggestions? Send the illegal’s home? - In less than a year they will be back.

Send them home and spend some money to secure the border. Right now, it's super-easy to get across. Those who do it the legal way and who will live by our laws and pay taxes just like we Americans do are welcome.

They have been sent home and money has been spent to secure the borders. Borders are not the problem - the problem is that there are incentivies on both sides of the border for illegals to risk all they have including their lives. Unless we create pressure on both sides of the border - I do not think things will change. I really believe that making an attempt to annex Mexico will change how Mexicans view the problem.

The Traveler

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I have no problem with allowing them to become American citizens...

... as long as they will obey all the laws of our land...

Just have them take an oath that they'll obey all our laws, or we'll ship them all back to Mexico.

And if they try to come back, illegally, across our border, we should continue to keep shipping them back.

End of story.

We shouldn't shoot 'em

... or try to hurt 'em...

... so just keep shipping them all back to Mexico...

... unless they obey all the laws of our land, of course.

... or at least as well as we do.

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They have been sent home and money has been spent to secure the borders. Borders are not the problem - the problem is that there are incentivies on both sides of the border for illegals to risk all they have including their lives.

Not true that borders are not an issue. The borders are nothing more than an old fence with holes in it in some places. There are barely any resources to patrol some sections of the 2000 mile (or so) long border.

I can show you a place that would be easy to get across... See this photo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Borderbeachtj.jpg

See the wiki article for some interesting facts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S.-Mexico_border

I strongly feel that most of the problems could be solved by building a secure wall or fence, and greatly increasing the patrol force.

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I think most of the problems with illegal immigrants would be solved if we easily allowed them to become legal citizens.

... no limits on how many can come to our country

... no fees to pay for the process

... no test to take to see how much American history they know

... just simply allow them to be citizens.

The only thing they need to do is obey all our laws, as most of us do, in this country.

Instead of spending so much money on building better fences just ask them to obey all our laws.

... except for the ones we have that make it harder for them to become legal American citizens.

I think most of them obey our other laws, at least as well as we do, in this country.

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If you want to be a teacher, policeman, fireman, or even work at a fast food joint in places like Texas, Arizona, California, Nevada, Florida...you'd better be willing to be fluent in Spanish. Otherwise you'll be an unemplyed "gringo".

That's begging for a discrimination lawsuit...and it will come sooner or later.

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If you want to be a teacher, policeman, fireman, or even work at a fast food joint in places like Texas, Arizona, California, Nevada, Florida...you'd better be willing to be fluent in Spanish. Otherwise you'll be an unemplyed "gringo".

I wouldn't want to live in an area like that anyway. And by 'like that', I mean an area in the US that doesn't speak primarily English.

Call me self-centered or whatever, but I love my country and don't want it to be 'globalized'.

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I grew up in Texas and still go back on occasions and it's not as Fiannan tries to make it appear.

But there are quite a few hispanics, which is totally fine with me, because I enjoy eating the food they like to make.

And btw, in Texas, they are big on eating beef, and a lot of cows like to dress up like chickens.

And there aren't a lot of veggies like around here where I live now, and a lot fewer good Asian restaurants.

I have more diversity to add more spice to my life here. :)

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I have two trains of thought on this matter:

1; Part of my position in my company is to recruit new talent and I have to say being in AZ, one of the things that cross my plate is are they bilingual because it doesnt matter if they can walk to a location I cannot place non spanish speakers in some locations mainly as it it does not serve the customer base and two because the employee cant make money.

2; I am not a citizen, I am eligable for citizenship but have respectfully declined. This is because I am very proud of who I am and would ask no less of an American. However I am here legally as a permant resident and follow all the rules and regulations that are put before me.

Illegal immigration upsets me as I had to jump a lot of hoops to be a legal resident and in a way it puts what me and my husband did down as we worked hard to be together legally.

So my point is, it irrates me to see a nation catering to individuals that have not taken the path the legally enter the country and make reasonable efforts to become intergrated with society. I believe that the immigration process is tough but it should be its there for a reason. I just think the borders should be more secure and the punishments for breaking laws while here illegally should be stronger.

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If you want to be a teacher, policeman, fireman, or even work at a fast food joint in places like Texas, Arizona, California, Nevada, Florida...you'd better be willing to be fluent in Spanish. Otherwise you'll be an unemplyed "gringo".

That's begging for a discrimination lawsuit...and it will come sooner or later.

Not necessarily. Many jobs have certain quailifications, being bilingual would be one of those qualifications in some areas. I know that one of my employers regularly advertises job openings and makes no bones about how a bilingual candidate would be preferable in certain geographical areas, for no other reason than the need to communicate effectively with a customer. This is a large, well-known national company with roots in the state you hail from.

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I believe that the immigration process is tough but it should be its there for a reason.

Really? Why should it be tough to legally live here?

As long as someone will obey all the laws of our land... or at least as well as most Americans do... why should it be tough for him or her to live here?

What other "hoops" should they have to jump through to live here legally?

And btw, don't get me started on qualifications for any job. A lot of that is hogwash, IMHO. :excl:

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my husband is a permanent resident and yes it was a hard process to go through. so I don't like how all the illegals get everything we just forked out a lot of money for.

I hate to say is but the church itself is not helping the problem- before you bash me think of this-

how many of those illegals have temple reccomends? isn't one of the ??? are you living the law of the land, if you are here illegally your answer would have to be yes.

I know of some missionaries who have brought there future wives over the border illegally and then married in the temple. My cousin went on a mission to mexico, and married a girl form there ( he did legally though, even if it took a little bit longer) but he had companions who did so.

I think the best thing and easiest thing the USA can do to help slow the flow of illegals is to stop giving every baby born in us citizenship unless one parent was legal. that would stop a lot of women coming into our country to give birth.

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It is going to take a very long time to stop illegal immigrants from entering America. It would take a nexponential commitment of resources including men, money, construction stuff just to maintain some type of barrier and even then it doesn't guarentee they will stop coming. I just sympathise with people who have to do these types of things for reasons to stay alive or making a better future for their children. The question I put is this, Would we do the same thing if we were in their situation?

Just my two cents :D

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And btw, don't get me started on qualifications for any job. A lot of that is hogwash, IMHO.

What, you don't like certain jobs to have qualifications? What kind of business are you in that doesn't require any type of special training? Heck, even McDonald's has Hamburger University, or whatever it is called.

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