Any advice on how to have patience for the next 9 months?

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I had a prompting to delete this thread that I had written - but I don't see how I can so I just removed everything I wrote before. I would still like to ask this question though;

There is a missionary at my branch, transfers are coming up soon and I was wondering if there are any restrictions on writing to him once he leaves? I asked him and his companion a couple times when his companion was transferred, the first time I think they told me I'm not allowed to because I'm a girl - my family and I would have to write a letter and address it from us. But then there was another time we asked and they told me I could get special permission to write...

So I don't really feel comfortable asking for the third time - I was hoping maybe someone could let me know if there's anything I should know before sending him a letter?

Edited by ashestamour
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Leave the poor guy be, I know your excited and all but I wouldnt write more then once or twice and leave it short and simple hi doing good, things here are great hope things are ok.

He needs to focus on his mission and serving the lord, also the spirit can be very strong and emotions can be confused I would hate to see you get hurt because of mixed feeling or seeing something there that is not.

Best advice is to let him be and let everything settle if in 9 months you still feel strongly then after his mission you can talk about your feelings and maybe dating.

Focus on yourself for now on your personal growth and healing you went through some terrible things recently and you need make sure you are whole as a person and feeling good about yourself and your place in life before you invite someone else into it.

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Yes I agree with you and I wasn't planning on writing him often. I am just wondering if there are any restrictions on me being able to? It seems like I remember hearing them say I may not be able to because I'm a girl and not from his home - unless I get special permission.

I have been very respectful to him and his mission, anyone who isn't aware of the feelings I have for him wouldn't be able to tell that I do. I keep my distance as much as possible so he knows that I don't want anything to happen between us right now, but I know he's still aware of the fact that I like him.

I truly feel in my heart that if this Elder didn't like me in the same way he would definitely put a stop to this, he knows how I feel, he also knows what I went through. I know that he wouldn't want to see me hurting; he's stated how much he wants me happy. There was another girl who clearly had feelings for him in our branch and he put an end to it. (with a little help from me and my mom of course - he wasn't sure how to handle it.) haha.

I also was planning on focusing on myself for the next few months, hopefully I'll be getting my license and I'll just continue working and strengthening my testimony.

Thank you for your response, I appreciate it.

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I heard it varies from mission to mission. Depends on what the MP dictatesI wrote to a former missionary of mine and he wrote back. I also wrote a nice letter to his family and they wrote a nice one back to me. Stick with a letter from you and your family and stick to a simple "Hi.How are you? Can you use specific prayers?' That sort of thing.

Use the next nine months to build yourself will make you a better person and, perhaps, a better girlfriend to this elder or a better girlfriend for someone you find down the road.

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