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Hi, I need some tips to make my figure fit. I am working on computer from two months and for this reason I am being fatty day by day . cant get time to exercise and my only way to be fit is to have a balanced diet . I want to know which foods are responsible for being fatty . I should mention that here our national food is rice . and its making me fat I know that . Then how much rice should be taken to not to be fatty?

Edited by estradling75
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Hi, I need some tips to make my figure fit. I am working on computer from two months and for this reason I am being fatty day by day . cant get time to exercise and my only way to be fit is to have a balanced diet . I want to know which foods are responsible for being fatty . I should mention that here our national food is rice . and its making me fat I know that . Then how much rice should be taken to not to be fatty?

Contrary to popular opinion, I don't believe rice makes you fat. There are tons of rice eating people in India and in the Philippines (where I come from) and they are not fat.

Try to stay away from processed foods. Try to stay with organic and natural stuff.

But even when you're on the computer all day long, you can still work in some exercise. You can take a 10 minute break and do some yoga. Not only does it stretch your muscles it also relaxes your brain.

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Depends on what kind of rice you eat. White rice is high in calories, and so if you're watching your weight you're better off with brown rice, which overall is better for you and helps reduce high cholesterol. As for workouts, I agree, you can pop in a 10 minute exercise regimen during break periods. Every little bit helps, and on a daily basis, will make a difference in the long haul.

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White and brown rice are so close in calories that it doesn't matter. Brown rice does have more nutrients, though.

If you're counting calories, you always go with the lesser of the evils. Rice does vary in calories but your average 1 cup brown rice is about 230 calories, and your average 1 cup white rice is about 400 calories. That's a big enough difference for me. For someone that isn't mindful of portion control, rice can certainly put weight on you.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Edwardcullen

Ya! I do agree with you. Counting the calories that you intake and keeping it much below than you burn daily helps you to lose weight effectively. You can dedicate some time for physical exercise, say at least 30 min a day to keep you fit and healthy.

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  • 3 months later...

If you are doing some work in which you not getting time for any physical activity then you should control you diet first.

Eat fruits and vegetables they are good source of nutrition avoid junk food and fast food.Do a little walk about 30 mins that will keep you fit.

Edited by Zarnes
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Guest fitnessgyms
fitness gyms thought there are only 15-20 percent people in India who are aware how to keep good health and I think half of them are doctors. I know every person whether he is rich or poor wants to remain healthy but they dont know the exact criteria of doing so. Moreover the awareness should be among children atmost because only children eats here and there and doesnt bother to wash there hands before having the food and doesnt bother what they are eating. I think the best and cheaper way is to guide children and let them aware to keep themselves healthy during the school premises as a work shop or whatever feel like good and everyone knows that if these 21st century children gets awared they will tell their parents not to eat junks and which would be better for our future as we all know that our nation will going to be a developed nation and so we can also called it a healthy nation.
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  • 2 months later...
Guest Alton

If you're individuals, you always go with the smaller of the evils, Grain does differ in calorie consumption but your regular 1 cup brownish rice is about 230 calorie consumption, and your regular 1 cup white-colored rice is about 400 calorie consumption....

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  • 2 weeks later...

A good diet plan surely help you in maintaining body weight. Be consistent and take care of yourself. Eat variety of foods, fresh fruits and green leafy veggies are great source of nutrition and vitamins. They improve body metabolism and hence help in burning fats of body.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited) · Hidden

Hi, I need some tips to make my figure fit. I am working on computer from two months and for this reason I am being fatty day by day . cant get time to exercise and my only way to be fit is to have a balanced diet . I want to know which foods are responsible for being fatty . I should mention that here our national food is rice . and its making me fat I know that . Then how much rice should be taken to not to be fatty?

It really depends on the level of activity that you're getting everyday. carbohydrates are supposed to give you energy. if you're not using that up, then the body ends up storing the unused reserves into fat. the best way to keep your figure fit is to exercise regularly. Also, you need to be aware of your health problems, like for me, I'm still struggling with a cholesterol problem. I'm hoping to lower my bad cholesterol levels by making some crucial lifestyle changes like regular exercise and smarter food choices. I'm also looking for products that can help me like Flora Pro Activ. I'm really excited about this because I just discovered it recently through a friend.

Edited by leonasmith77
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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I need some tips to make my figure fit. I am working on computer from two months and for this reason I am being fatty day by day . cant get time to exercise and my only way to be fit is to have a balanced diet . I want to know which foods are responsible for being fatty . I should mention that here our national food is rice . and its making me fat I know that . Then how much rice should be taken to not to be fatty?

It really depends on the level of activity that you're getting everyday. carbohydrates are supposed to give you energy. if you're not using that up, then the body ends up storing the unused reserves into fat. the best way to keep your figure fit is to exercise regularly. Also, you need to be aware of your health problems, like for me, I'm still struggling with a cholesterol problem. I'm hoping to lower my bad cholesterol levels by making some crucial lifestyle changes like regular exercise and smarter food choices.

Edited by leonasmith77
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  • 7 months later...

health is precious and we should always take it serious and take care of it. It is good to have complete knowledge and information about health. For good health do exercise everyday,take proper sleep,eat healthy food and always try to eat less than your hunger.

Click here for more information.

Edited by JackAlbertson
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health is precious and we should always take it serious and take care of it. It is good to have complete knowledge and information about health. For good health do exercise everyday,take proper sleep,eat healthy food and always try to eat less than your hunger.

Unless you're an athlete.

Or anorexic.

Or on medication that suppresses your appetite.

Or trying to gain weight.

Or, or, or, or.

Similar exceptions with exercise (on bed rest for a high risk pregnancy, sick and needing to rest, etc.)

But I'll agree with the rest :)


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  • 10 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Having rice is not a problem. Even our system manager works 8 hors a day where most of the time he is required to stay put at one place. Try talking a walk for 2 minutes at regular intervals. Drink enough water. You can try a few stretching exercises as well

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