Canada's Polygamist Winston Blackmore

Winnie G

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Larry King Interview With Polygamist Winston Blackmore.

I tuned in to Larry King by accident since I can’t find were my remote controls were pack so I surfed in to Larry’s interview with Winston Blackmore.

I live near were this Canadian group lives now.

I was imprested with the character of this man, vary open.

He makes it clear that he never joined the FLDS church and Warren Jeffs' church.

He said he know Warren Jeff’s father well and remarked how open and friendly Warren’s father was and how that all changed when Warrens father had his stroke and the whole compound thing began. He was excommunicated by Warren Jeff even though he never joined. His way of controlling his followers if they saw Winston Blackmore as any kind of leader. :whip: He is however their groups bishop.

It was interesting to say the lest, he does not wish to aspire to leader or prophet of what Warren has left behind. He all but called Warren a coward for not facing the charges and running away.

Winston told Larry that the RCMP in Canada has investigated his group and nothing has come of it, yet. He is how ever having tax troubled because they never organized their group as a church.

I know this group was different because of their openness. He says all his wives work out side the home some are schoolteachers and nurses etc. :clap: They do not live that wearied compound life style Jeff’s created. Not all those who live in this group are polygamist’s ether. He was clear that polygamy is not for every one and some choose to live monogamous lives. They are open to others choices.

I think it is being replayed for those interested.

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CALLER: Hello. Mr. Blackmore, do any of your wives work?

BLACKMORE: Just about all of them do.

KING: They all do?


KING: And while they're working, who's watching the kids?

BLACKMORE: Well, they take -- they take turns. I mean, there's nurses; there's schoolteachers. There's some going to school to become, you know...

KING: Do you ever gather with all of them?

BLACKMORE: As often as we can.

KING: With all the wives?


KING: And all the kids together?


Sounds like the answer to the modern-day problem many career women face today in regards to whether to have kids or a career. Polygamy would actually be more fitted to the information age than the agrarian model. Also, 20 wives and 80 children -- since Canada has a birthrate shortage his group should be welcomed.

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Maybe I read it incorrectly, but I thought that Winston himself said that 16 is legal with parents' permission. However, two of his wives were under 16.

Unacceptable, in my book. In fact, 16 is unacceptable in my book - legal or not. A girl's parents should never give consent to such a thing. What is the reason for it these days? Why can a young lady not go to school and enjoy being a teenager? Why the rush to have kids? Age 18 is bad enough.

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Here's a recent article regarding Blackmore:

Group's leader expects to be charged soon

Winston Blackmore is being investigated for allegedly sexually exploiting girls in Bountiful

Daphne Bramham, Vancouver Sun

Published: Originally published 12.05.06


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The one thing i did get from watching it was he does not score high on the creepy meter.

Those articles seem to differ on the facts as they see them.

his membership in the FLDS church for one. How can you be Ex some a church you never joined according to Blackmore.

Their seems to be two groups in this town, one seem to be FLDS and the other groups is Blackmore's.

It will be interesting to see which group goes down.

One thing the Vancouver paper field to note was you can not force mothers of Canadain born children out of the country hence forcing citizens from their country.

Their is a movement to make polygamy legal, I wonder if calling wives companions will be their saving grace.

I don't think you can be charged if your not legally married to anyone. In his case it is more like sleeping around and since none is on welfare and are financially capable of supporting the children then the law does not have much to say about it.

Like most smart people they put a lot of thought in to it,

Blackmore also said not every one in the group he lives with is married to more then one wife. He said it is not for every one.

if there is a difference between Jeffs and Blackmore it will come out in the end.

The RCMP will do their job, "They always get their man" ;)

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Winnie, setting aside all other issues around Blackmore and his polygamous marriage...what do you personally feel about the age of consent being only 14 where you live?

Do you think that is an acceptable age at which to officially allow children/teens to be having sexual relations? Do you think that this is a means by which some men/women will take advantage of the teens that, I at least feel, are not fully mature mentally to deal with sex and marriage?

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14 no i dont, but I dont make the laws, if I did I would go back to 21.

I dont even know when and who changed it.

someone around that age must have coned some judge some were.

I do know 14 year olds are doing it,

I don't have all the answers, but I have known women who were married off at 15, my mother in law and a women from Iran, she acted and 16 when I meet her as any 21 year old wife and mother, I would not have known if her hubby had not told me, he made her attend high school and she was miffed about that.

She did the books and ordering for her husbands store.

I wonder if you have the maturity you are raised to have.

My mother in law said that was the normal age to marry were she grow up.

She just buried her husband this last March. There has never been a devoice in her family.

I cant say that in mine.

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Winnie, I agree that I find 14 an uncomfortable age at which to state it is legal to have sex and be married too. I do know that 14 year olds and younger are having sex..this isn't unusual, especially when it's with other teens...they're just experimenting, and some kids will continue to experiment with all sorts of things whether it is against the law or not.

I feel that it must have been pressure from older people that brought down the age of consent...unless there is paperwork to show that in this particular case there was a large pressure group of teens? It would be interesting to see if there was, and on what grounds they wanted the age of consent lowering.

I know that in some other parts of the world there are different laws about the age of consent, I always suspect that it is adults who have an ulterior motive to have the age lowered, rather than being for the benefit of the teens involved...

Perhaps there should be a separate law which covers consenting sexual acts between teenagers, rather than a blanket law which states that teens and any other person having sex with someone below the age of consent is committing statutory rape...I believe that it is not considered stat. rape if both teens are under the age of consent...or so I've heard, not quite sure tho.

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I don't even think there is a statutory rape law any more in Canada.

We could not stop a man 24 from dating our daughter at 14, she ran away and our hands were tied, BUT we were still $$$ resposable under the law. Lovely laws.

Thank goodness she did not act out that long. The law tied our hands and we were left helpless.

I think what ineeds to be done is persons over 21 who have sex with anyone under that age should be held accountable, that is statutory rape in my books. :angry:

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From what I can see the age of sexual consent in England is 16. Not sure about marriage. In the USA there are some states that allow a "woman" at 12 to get married with parental permission -- although I believe only a few are at 12 or at 14 with most being 16 for females. I have a relative who got pregnant at 14 and got married to the man. They have now been married for 30 years and have three beautiful children.

WinnieG I know of no country where one must wait until 21 (or had to wait until 21) for either marriage or sexual consent.

The one legal grey area is when the legal age of consent is at, let's say, 16 but the marriage age is at 14. Generally courts in the USA have assumed that if a man is legally married to someone under the age of legal consent then he has assumed responsibility for her and that is aceptable.

Note, Mary, the mother of Jesus, is generallyh assumed to have been 14 when she was pregnant with Jesus and Mohammed married a 9 year old girl (but did not have relations with her until she reached puberty).

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From what I can see the age of sexual consent in England is 16. Not sure about marriage. In the USA there are some states that allow a "woman" at 12 to get married with parental permission -- although I believe only a few are at 12 or at 14 with most being 16 for females. I have a relative who got pregnant at 14 and got married to the man. They have now been married for 30 years and have three beautiful children.

WinnieG I know of no country where one must wait until 21 (or had to wait until 21) for either marriage or sexual consent.

The one legal grey area is when the legal age of consent is at, let's say, 16 but the marriage age is at 14. Generally courts in the USA have assumed that if a man is legally married to someone under the age of legal consent then he has assumed responsibility for her and that is aceptable.

Note, Mary, the mother of Jesus, is generallyh assumed to have been 14 when she was pregnant with Jesus and Mohammed married a 9 year old girl (but did not have relations with her until she reached puberty).

Personal question, Fiannan. Not sure how old your children are, but I know you must have a daughter in there somewhere. Would you give your consent for her to be married at 14? How about 16? How would you feel if she told you she was getting married to a 45 year old on her 18th birthday? Would you hold the man who was about to be your SIL in high esteem?

Just curious...

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There's a Michael jackson joke there but I will refrain myself.

Let's say my daughters were teenagers -- and one was 18 and wanted to marry a 45 year old man. If that was her choice, and the man intended to raise a family then so what? That's not much more an age difference than Tom Cruise and his new wife (44 and 27)-- and not too many people got grossed out when Capt. Jack Sparrow (Mr. Depp age 43) and the leading lady (keira knightley age 21)in "Pirates..." kissed on the ship.

Shanstress70, let's pose a question, I am not sure your age but let's pretend you were single and Sean Connery was single. Would you go on a date with him if he asked?

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There's a Michael jackson joke there but I will refrain myself.

Let's say my daughters were teenagers -- and one was 18 and wanted to marry a 45 year old man. If that was her choice, and the man intended to raise a family then so what? That's not much more an age difference than Tom Cruise and his new wife (44 and 27)-- and not too many people got grossed out when Capt. Jack Sparrow (Mr. Depp age 43) and the leading lady (keira knightley age 21)in "Pirates..." kissed on the ship.

Shanstress70, let's pose a question, I am not sure your age but let's pretend you were single and Sean Connery was single. Would you go on a date with him if he asked?

There's a difference in a 14/16 year old dating an older man, and a 35 year old dating an older man, even if the number of years separating them are the same. A 14/16 year old is not an adult and has not 'lived life' long enough to know what they should look for in a man. Heck a 14/16 year old doesn't even know who she is yet and will change so much before reaching adulthood. (BTW, the same is true for an 18 year old, IMO.)

And no, not Sean Connery... but I dang sure would go out with Harrison Ford if I was single and had the chance! ;)

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Not that long ago you had to be 21 to marry in the states, under that took parental permission.

I'm showing my age but it was that way when I was young and still lived in the states.

my mother in-law was 15 but that was the norm were she lived, she was married for 54 years and raised four children. she also became a nurse and supported her family, Dad was a fishermen.

He came from a family of 14 children, they all married and have wonderful family.

I think it boils down to how you are raised, and what is exspeted of you.

In the world we live in know stronger laws must be prevail but I dont see that happening any time soon. :hmmm:

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Winnie, what state made you wait until you were 21? If anything some states have raised the minimum age of marriage from ages like 12 or 14 to 16.

The norm was for people to get married younger in the 50s and before. Do you really think Disney would produce a film nowadays with the heroine being 16 and seeking marriage? How about the film Sleeping Beauty in which the princess Aurora is to be married at 16? In 1959 nobody gave that a passing thought.

And Shanstress70, who is to say an 18 year old is too young to marry -- and marry anyone she pleases? Yes, I tend to agree that 14 or 16 is kinda young but in the past it worked out just fine.

One wonders what the rate of STD infections would be if people tended to marry in their late teens or early 20s again. What has the new ethic of sleeping around for sexual gratification until your late 20s or so done for pathogenic spread?

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That's great that you guys know someone who was married at a young age and it was successful. I think we can all agree, however, that it's not the norm.

Heck, my grandmother chain-smoked about 3 packs a day and was an alcoholic her entire life, drinking from morning to night, and lived to be 80 in pretty decent health. However, I don't recommend people doing it, as chances are you would die young.

Oh, and my step-grandmother got married at age 16 the day after she met the one she would marry. They had a beautiful marriage and were together until he died around age 60. But do I suggest that people get married the day after they meet? Probably not!

Yes, there are some circumstances where this works out, but IMO girls/women should wait a while to get married after they focus on college or other training so that if something happens to their marriage or their husband, they will be able to provide for themselves and their family. And yes, sometimes it is possible for a young woman to get a college degree or other training after getting married, but this is sometimes difficult if children come right away or if the couple is struggling financially.

And I'm really talking about 14 - 16 year olds, those who are not legally an adult.

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I was born in the state of Michigan 1959 the age was 21 for any legal matters.

Every thing from marriage to drinking. people still married under 21 but parents had to give permission.

were do you think "Who gives this women" came from.

in some country's women were still chattle but until the age of 21 minsters use to cover their legal behind's by asking??? :idea:

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