I need help getting out of an abusive home

Guest Orelinde

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Do you live on a bus line? Are there any places of employment you could walk to? I used to walk to work an hour each way and sometimes rode the bus if I had enough money, but that was rare. What about a nanny job? You might be able to find a live in position that would allow use of their car. What about work study programs at college? You mentioned that your grades are suffering, so I assume you're in college. How did you make that happen?

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It may sound a bit extreme, but what about the military? It'll get you out of the house for a while, and it just might get the point across to your parents that you are an adult and deserve to be respected as one. I know a few women who got away from overbearing parents that way, and all of them have put the experience to good use.

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Guest Orelinde

Thank you for all of your suggestions. To answer your questions:

There are some places of employment within a mile or two from my house but I haven't been able to get work at them. I have applied online to them several times but none of them have ever called me back. I even hounded them a few times and called and asked several times for an interview-which they did give me-but they never gave me a job.

Since I haven't been able to do many in person applications I have applied for as many online applications as I could-even at places that I didn't want to work at. I have had interviews and the interviewer always says it went well but they never give me a job.

I actually tried the military but they said they wouldn't take me because I have so many severe migraines.

I am in the process of trying to find a work study position, but haven't heard anything yet. Even if I were to get on it wouldn't be enough to help me leave though. The pay is very low because the hours are few.

I have been looking for live-in nanny jobs but haven't found one yet.

The reason I am able to go to college is because my Mom wants me to go. My parents wont help me accomplish anything unless THEY think I should do it. It's strange because they aren't college graduates and my Dad especially refuses to ever get a college education. My Mom has an excuse for why I can't do anything else (because anything else is not what she wants) but because she wants me at college she takes me there. What I wanted was a job so I could earn the money to get out and go to school elsewhere but she doesn't agree with that so she wont help me accomplish it. Like I said I apply online and do what I can myself but no luck yet.

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Do you live in an area where there is LDS Employment? I ask because each center offers a job interviewing workshop that helps you to present yourself the best way possible.

Second tip: Print up a bunch of copies of your resume (after you have it reviewed at an LDS workshop). Drop it off at potential employers. Ask to speak to managers or owners, shake their hand and give them your resume. Make sure you highlight your skills and applicable experience.

Third tip: The problem with abuse, is that it takes away your self-confidence in being able to do things the way you want to do them. Even in your post, I can tell that you're giving us (yourself) excuses.

Review the following video link. You need it.

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Yes, I am 25.

I'm sorry but your comment isn't necessarily accurate.

I don't know how much of my post you were able to read but I tried to explain that I have no money.

Many children growing up have the blessing of kind parents who help them become temporally and financially independent. They help pay-or entirely pay-for them to go off to college, get a car and pay for gas, pay for their cell phone, etc. until they graduate and start making good money of their own.

My parents, being abusive, never gave me any of that. I explain some of my experiences related to that in my post but those were not the only instances. I have tried several times to convince them to help me, but they never did. So I grew up without money and opportunities to gain money and become independent.

Money is a common concern for adult women who are trying to escape from abusive relationships. Married women-who are even are much older than me-say that they do not know how to leave their abusive spouse because they have no money and nowhere to go. Many times their abuser keeps them from jobs and opportunities to make money of their own. Though I am single, my parents are the figures in my situation that have kept me from earning the money to get up and go.

I hope that helps to add extra clarity.

Many children growing up have kind parents who also do NOT help them financially. There is no requirement for parents to support their adult children. Many, many people work their way through college and don't have their parents paying their bills. It CAN be done.

The posters here have given great advice. You CAN do this!

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Lots of people these days are getting student loans and jobs to pay for school. I did it. My kids are doing it. You're 25 and living at home. Time to start spreading your wings and learning how high you can fly. You're an adult, it's okay to start acting like one. That may sound harsh, but eventually you have to do it. I doubt your parents want you to stay at home with them for the rest of their lives either.

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School loan? Move into the dorm? Stay with a friend/get a room mate while you look for a job? I moved out of my parents, only having had a driver's license for two weeks, and had never had a job. This is possible, not easy, but possible. I went without furniture for a while, I had 1 towel :) that I used for mulitple purposes...no one is going to ride in and hand you a new home. You will have to go out and find your way. It is hard, it is scary, but if you really want to get out of your home situation, you have to do it, not someone else. At 25 you can get a school loan and live in the dorms. you can do this.

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