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I can see where you're coming from but I have a different view.


The midichlorians were not really a surprise... there was an indication of this in a previous book about how the Emperor can detect force-sensitive people through some force detector, although it wasn't a blood content thingee. When I read that book (can't think of the title right now, it was loooooonnggg time ago), I associated the force detector as detecting the Holy Spirit in us. So yes, the midichlorian thing kinda makes it less mysterious, but then that's what I liked about being LDS versus being Catholic - the removal of that "mystery". Symbiotic organism kinda like the Holy Spirit. Check.


Confused politician? Not so. Remember, 2-3 was the veil of darkness. We all know the Jedi got wiped out... so... Yoda, great that he is, can't be flawless. Good versus evil is the greatest thing about Star Wars. It's not watered down at all. It is an affirmation that good can turn evil and evil can turn good. Episode 4-6 showed how Vader went from bad to good. Episode 1-3 showed how Anakin went from good to bad. Same formula really.

Whiney emo teenager:

You gotta read the for-young-readers series Jedi Apprentice (Obi-wan as an apprentice of Qui-Gon) and Jedi Quest (Anakin as an apprentice of Obi-wan). It's not just about midichlorians. And while you're at it, also read the New Jedi Order (Luke's Jedi Academy). It gives a good contrast of Yoda's jedi philosophy and how Luke changed it to be more "in the world but not of the world".

I read the Han Solo books that came out right after the first 3 and they were great.

Jedi and Yoda, There was no discipline depicted and even my whiney teenagers were complaining how pathetic and whiney Anakin was. Anakins descent could have been awesome and gripping but it was just irritating. At least he held true to the previous character and it's grating "Are you an Angel"? But honestly I would rather saw off parts of my anatomy with kite string then read a Jedi Apprentice young readers series. . The new Jedi Order might be doable, did I see one was co-written by R.A. Salvatore? There may be hope.

Your vast knowledge or Star Wars lore unfortunately does not change what took place on the screen and it was a disaster for everything (except their amazing execution of sound effects) that I held dear about the original story setting. While visually entertaining, I walked away without any hero's and feeling very let down.

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All I can say is WOW. Years ago, I met some one on line who was a lighting engineer for Pixar. He would always talk code and how the "next big movie which the announcement, was not released yet" He was interesting but have not seen him in the chat channel for a couple years now.

Lucas probably wants to retire so this is why he is handing over the Reigns of the company.

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