Not on issue, just a question for the gents

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Guest SquidMom

Let's hope dreams don't mean anyting.

Mirky dreams = Blackhawk Down meets Saving Private Ryan Normandy scene meets Band of Brothers Carenten scene meets Aliens meets Predator meets The Walking Dead meets Dracula meets Independence Day meets werewolves and witchcraft, with some traffic stop & domestic violence call shootous mixed into the picture.

Wow. Um, stress at work?:)

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Pregnancy dreams are both crazy and awesome. All those hormones just make your subconscious that much closer to the surface (my theory). I will never, ever forget a dream I had that involved 2 Dr Whos and the main cast of Naruto. And believe me, I wish I could :(

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Has anyone else ever controlled a dream?

I have sometimes been aware of a dream not going in a direction I liked and managed to decide to change what happens. Doesn't always happen but has happened enough for me to remember doing it.

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..... "well, I hope he was hot!"

My wife has at times mentioned similar type dreams, it's also known to me (by my own observation) that just about any "cowboy" with tight jeans with their back too her is going to get her glance .... sometimes frequent glances, sometimes stares. That includes strangers, neighbors, cousins, my brother .... even a few ward members.

In fact, when her facility needed nurses years ago & they were hard to get out in these parts, she ran an ad in a large newspaper & professional magazine with a picture of a cowboy's backside in tight jeans .... got lots of attention & several applicants!

I usually just look at her & shake my head trying to keep from laughing at her.

The only time I have ever responded verbally was when she was watching our home teacher doing some work around our place (he is 20 years our younger), & then my comment was simply a soft whisper as he was just a few feet away, "He does like wearing tight clothes doesn't he."

She turned beat red, cracked up laughing, & disappeared real fast.

So in answer to your question, it wouldn't phase me at all, I'd probly comment about cowboys in tight jeans & embarrass her.

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