I'm planning a baby shower!


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I volunteered to plan a baby shower. I'm very excited and wished that it was scheduled in spring instead of summer, but I'm working around her wants and needs. I realise that I literally have months and months to brainstorm and pull this off but I'm eager to get started right away. What things could I get out of the way now? Should I get the invites done? Maybe start putting together guest party bags? I'm footing the bill for this one but I am having someone else chip in. She'll arrange catering, so I don't have to worry about that. I'm almost thinking maybe I should just start with invites. Any specific suggestions on those? I didn't have much to do, regarding preparations, for my baby shower but it was an Adult Only party. Is this something I should consider adding on the invite? Should I add a registry, too? The mama-to-be is very easygoing, works full time, and has left details up to me.

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I'm a procrastinator so I don't think you should be planning anything right now. lol

However, If I were going to then I would probably be thinking about activities you want to do.

I don't know the mother's plan so do what you will with this idea but I really liked it. Something I recently heard about is for each guest (those who can't come can send them in the mail) to bring a bead and a note of well wishes, wisdom, advise, etc. Their good thoughts, not just "congrats", for mom to be. Then at the shower the beads are given to mom with their notes and they are strung into a necklace or something. The mom can then have it with her at the delivery and it can be a physical reminder and a way for the ppl she cares about to "be with her" at the birth.

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If it's Adults Only, definitely mention this on the invite. I'm one who personally doesn't believe in registries for myself, but my office is throwing a double baby shower for me and Other Pregnant Coworker. Other Pregnant Coworker has a registry, and apparently my lack of one is frustratring people. So if this girl has a registry, by all means, mention it.

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The preparation I would do now is to come up with a theme, and starting pinning/bookmarking ideas for that. Figure out exactly what you want to do with the theme, because you should work the invitations in with it as well. You've got lots of time to work out ideas, so fortunately you shouldn't have any hindsight of "I wish I'd thought of this in time."

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am just heartbroken right now. Yesterday she was rushed to the ER for bleeding. They're running tests and she won't know the results until Sunday, however, the ER doctor told her that she is high risk for miscarriage. I can't believe this is happening. I'm upset over it but obviously I can't begin to imagine what she is going through. If anyone reads this, please, prayers would be great.

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I am just heartbroken right now. Yesterday she was rushed to the ER for bleeding. They're running tests and she won't know the results until Sunday, however, the ER doctor told her that she is high risk for miscarriage. I can't believe this is happening. I'm upset over it but obviously I can't begin to imagine what she is going through. If anyone reads this, please, prayers would be great.

Oh, that's so sad. I'm so sorry for your friend!

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Thanks guys. This has been heartbreaking for me because she is my sister and this is her first baby. People keep saying that it's better the baby was lost in the first trimester but it's still very saddening. Friends and family had already pulled together items for the expected child, and of course, I've been knees deep into planning this shower. We all were rooting for baby to arrive safely and soundly. I think I've cried more than my sister.

I still have a friend that is expecting, and her shower is in March, just before the birth.

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