Weight Watchers 360


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I haven't done the new program, but I lost 25 pounds on the old program a few years ago. I think it's a good tool to teach us how to manage our food choices better. I use a lot of what I learned doing that in what I'm doing now.

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  • 3 months later...

I successfully lost 20+ lbs with WW about 5 years ago, then worked for them for 4 years. It's all good. They are continually tweaking their program and renaming the new version, which I suspect is mostly a marketing strategy. It was tiresome for me when I was an employee because we were always having to learn a new program. I likely the old cardboard calculators from when I was losing, just fine.

There is a higher percentage of success with people who attend meetings in person, than with online programs. It's all about motivation. Whatever works for you is best.

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My wife and I started this about 2 weeks ago. I;m down 4.5 and my wife is down 4.3. So far so good. The big thing is to make sure that you track your food. I didn't for the second week and only lost 0.3.

Good luck.

Tracking is key. When I used to weigh in members, if they weren't losing, it usually was due to not tracking. Also, there will be weeks when you do everything right and not lose anything, or even go up! Just keep at it and the scale will go down. Typically people plateau for a while, then drop. Then plateau again, then drop. Graph your progress in eTools so that you can see the line going down.

I started running while I was losing my weight. It was a huge help for maintaining my weight these past 5 years. Something to consider. (All runners hated it at first, so that's no excuse.:) )

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  • 1 month later...

I was on the plan about 4 years ago with the points plus, now I do the 360. I have lost on both. What is mainly new is most of your fruits and vegetables are free. Helps you to choose better foods to eat as well. You also work on different aspects of your lifestyle and track those too. Like making sure you have breakfast. I love WW, but I'm so lazy at following it. Mostly cause I'm on the road a good deal of the time. I need to plan ahead better.

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