Canuck Mormon

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Everything posted by Canuck Mormon

  1. About 2 years ago I had this same conversation with my wife. The only difference is that we have no kids, but I do have a child from a previous marriage. My wife was deeply concerned that I would want out of the marriage because of her new beliefs. This is what I said: "I didn't marry you because you were a Mormon. I married you because of who you are. The church was just one of many things we had in common." Do I feel sad when attending by myself? Sure, who wouldn't. But if anything, her faith crisis has brought us closer together. We talk about church things all the time. We have dissagreements, like anyone would, but we respect each others freedom to choose what they believe. Glad to hear that you are commited to each other.
  2. Aaron Ekhart (I think that's how you spell his name).
  3. Caeful Lakumi. Remember that this is an American website, and anything critical of the US with get the thread locked. Only Americans can bash other countries!!
  4. "NEW POSTS" BUTTON PLEASE!!! Makes it so much easier to see what I have missed. Oh and thanks Pam for resetting my password and email!!
  5. Let me know when you break out of the rose coloured bubble you seem to live in. Thanks. I'm done.
  6. Missed my point entirely. I never said that someone causes someone else to go inactive. It certainly that persons choice. However, what choice does someone have when they feel they have been lied to and people around them that are supposed to be there for support, treat them as second class and say things like "They just wanted to sin", or "They never had a strong testimony.". What sane, rational person would want to keep going to that place? The bolded part is exactly what has been said and is exactly the attitude that disgusts me. "If you testimony was real before you wouldn't have these issues." "How weak is their testimony that a little thing like not knowing whether there were two people or one can shake their faith." This is the attitude that my wife faces every Sunday. How Christ like!!
  7. This attitude right here is what causes a lot of people who are struggling to go inactive. How dare you assume what their testimony was based on! My wife was one of the strongest members that I had ever come accross. She served a mission and for the better part of her life, was the only member in her family. She was left out of family events, shunned by aunts and uncles, but she stayed strong. Then she read "Rough Stone Rolling" and discovered some things. Things that she was told on her mission were just the "anti's" lieing. Turns out they were correct. So for you to say that her testimony wasn't "built on the strong foundations of the restored Gospel that is for sure!" is a smack in the face. You don't know what these people go through. You don't know what they are like. You don't know how they struggle to try and stay in a church that treats them like sinners. These people can't talk to anyone in the church about because of this attitude and it disgusts me.
  8. Everyone out west wants smaller government. Ok, maybe not everyone, but a vast majority do.
  9. Sure it could have been handled differently, but it needed to be handled. Imagine all those GM and Chrysler employees suddenly unemployed. And it wouldn't be just them. The suppliers would lay of thousands, the auto dealers, the mechanics. Dealer mortgages would fail, banks taking less risk and not allowing any loans. The financial impact would be staggering. Done right? NOPE!! Needed to be done? Absolutely.
  10. So that passes for journalism these days? An inflamatory headline, throw in a bunch of coincidental happenings and twist everything to your view, then don't even answer the question you asked in your headline? Pathetic. Did Obama do everything perfectly with GM and Chrysler? No. Did Obama do what he should have to save GM and Chrysler? Yes. Have both companies paid back all the loans (with interest)? Yep. These problems in these cars were well known long before Obama took office. Instead of blaming him, why not blame the NHTSB? They're the ones who issue safety recalls, not the president.
  11. I heard that this is why the US hockey team played so badly in the Bronze medal game. They were depressed because Bieber was now their problem!!!! For time and all eternity!!!!:p:p
  12. So if I walk in to a store wearing a rainbow t-shirt and the store owner then ASSUMES I'm gay, he/she can deny me service? Are we going to start issuing "gay ID's"? Maybe we'll give them the Mark of Cain....oh wait, that one is taken. This is a rediculous law and should be struck down. If they want to protect religeous freedoms, than protect religeous freedoms, not pass a blanket law.
  13. When I was in customer service, the thing I was taught to do is to make people happy to give you money. It's not easy, especially in the auto service industry, but it can happen. Pam, I would always wait until they were off the phone until I told them the prices, that way they would see that they need to pay attention. I know it doesn't always work, but for those times that it does, makes the job better. Of course, what do I know. I got out of the service industry years ago and my level of stress has decreased significantly!!
  14. If Jack Layton was still around then I would agree that they might win the next election, but with Mulcair? Not a chance. I am expecting another lame coalition government with the PC's holding a slight edge in the next election. Then the Liberals and the NDP can go back to doing what they do best. Holding up progress!! :p:p
  15. It means nothing. Those "fired" senators will still vote with the Liberal party, as they always have. The only difference is that they are not officially part of the party. It's grandstanding, that's all. Anybody with a memory west of Manitoba will not vote for a Trudeau. His dad decimated the oil and gas industry in the 80's and people are still very, very bitter about it. I don't get all the hate for Harper either. Sure he's not perfect, but he's also guided this country through the Global Financial Crisis and we are a lot better off than some other countries. And lastly, I don't think he'll beat Harper because I think Harper will retire before the next election.
  16. Sorry but Canada has a strict "You broke it, you bought it" ploicy!!
  17. My 14 year old has a smart phone. Not an expensive one, but a cheap smart phone. His plan does not allowing picture messaging or any data unless on wi-fi. He texts his friends and checks Facebook when at home. He also knows that we can request a check of his phone at any time. With me, my wife, my ex-wife all working and him getting shuffled between houses, we all thought a phone would be good. He texts me and lets me know when he is home. He texts his mom to find out if he is to meet her somewhere or just wait at my house. Are there issues with it? Sure and he knows the consequences of misuse.
  18. The guy who wrote Battlestar Gallactica. Steven Channel (I think).
  19. If that's the case............................I'm out!!!
  20. Biking - but that's only a 4-5 month oportunity up here.
  21. Last time I was in Salt Lake, we ate at the restaraunt in Brigham Youngs house (I forget the name). We noticed that one of the main couses was Coke Cola Pork. I think that gives you an answer. PS - Coke Zero is the best hands down. This coming from a guy who drinks a lot of pop (soda for you Americans).
  22. I remember growing up in Primary and being taught about Joseph translating the Book of Mormon and hanging on the chalkboard was the picture of Joseph sitting across the table from Oliver with a sheet between them, and Joseph is reading the plates. Please tell me how I am to think that this was not the way it was done? I'm not saying the church lied, they just left out the details. This is what bothers a lot of people. And for members to mock, dismiss, claim they have weak testimonies, only drives these people further away.
  23. This isn't old news for everyone. Some people are just finding out that what a lot of people claimed back in the day about the translation process is actually quite true. I grew up looking at the picture of Joseph sitting at a table, looking at the plates while Oliver sat across the table, separated by a sheet hung across the table, writing down what Joseph said. Imagine my surprise to find out that's not the way it happened. Imagine asking your mission president if what the anti's were saying about the translation process was true (head in a hat) and being told no, only to find out later that it actually was true. People struggle with these issues. I know of several personally. mdfxdb has a point. Why wasn't/isn't this taught in Sunday School?
  24. Our PC is basically a paperweight now. It runs Windows 7, but we never use it. I have a Galaxy Note 10.1 and my wife has an iPad. What do we need a desktop for anymore? At work we just switched over to a Windows 7 machine. We are still running Xp on the majority of our machines. I happen to get a Windows 7 as a beta tester to see how our design software works on the new platform.
  25. I didn't see any mention of a "Magic Egg". You may want to change that. Just saying.