Allergic to sweet and sour sauce??

Guest ldsashley

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Guest ldsashley

My 20 month old son has never had any kind of allergic reaction to anything before. Today, he had some sweet and sour sauce from A&W (he's had the McDonalds one before, which I would guess is kind of the same thing). After he ate, he was really red all around his mouth and a spot on his forehead that he touched once with the sauce on his fingers. It didn't seem to bother him, and it went away in about half an hour. Is this an allergic reaction? Is there an ingredient in sweet and sour sauce that's a common allergen?? I know allergic reactions can get worse with each exposure so I'm just not sure if there's something I should be watching for now.

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Yeah, it sounds more like staining to me.

That said, with my first daughter, we thought she might be allergic to strawberries. She had been eating them once, and her face got all splotchy and red. She didn't have any trouble breathing, wasn't swollen, and was still just as happy as ever. (This was her third time eating strawberries -- the first two were uneventful.) She looked normal again in about half an hour. A friend suggested (based on her own experiences) that maybe it was a topical reaction, since she had been feeding herself. The next day, we gave her strawberries again, but made sure to watch her carefully, and we fed them to her, not letting her touch them (and subsequently touch her skin). She still got red and splotchy again, but still wasn't otherwise affected. We waited a month or two before trying to give her any strawberries again, and she was fine, and has been ever since.

Just one person's experience.

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