Talks on Depression


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Guest LiterateParakeet

Depression is a very complicated topic. There are so many, many possible causes, some chemical, many not. I really don't think church talks are the best source of help on this. At least that it has been my experience that church sources have not been helpful in matters of mental health. This is not meant to be critical of the church or the leaders.

If you could be a little more specific about what the issue is...I mean if it is not chemical, then perhaps I would have some suggestions.

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Wingnut, I appreciate those, and I espcially appreciate that you didn't link me to a normal google search on depression with LDS at the end :)

LP, I don't know, I also don't know if he knows.

I also suggested to start listening to Joel Osteen, I know I have mentioned him in another topic lately, but I think if we can get his message of our worth to, and ability through Christ, then we will be so much better off.

But if it came up to be chemical then I would assume he would need to see a doc and get some meds. I hope this is just a "down in the dumps" type of spell for him.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

If it is a down in the dumps spell, then the links Wingnut gave you will be helpful. If it is something more, then they likely will not help. If it is something more, I highly recommend therapy. Somethings cannot be resolved by reading a few articles, the scriptures and other suggestions in the articles.

Not that any of those things will hurt of course. And for some, that might be enough. However, in our church we don't try to "pray away cancer" or other serious medical aliments, we use doctors along with prayer and priesthood blessings. That is what I am trying to say here...your friend may need therapy, in addition to the things the articles talk about.

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A relative asked me if I knew any talks on the topic, but I don't. Do you guys have any good ones on the subject? Conference obviously preferred, but devotionals, firesides, anything would help.

My favorite: Myths about Mental Illness. By Elder Alexander B. Morrison Of the Seventy - Ensign, Oct 2005

The Ensign article is a summary of a book he wrote entitled Valley of Sorrow: A Layman's Guide to Understanding Mental Illness for Latter-Day Saints. Seven bucks used off including shipping. I've bought a dozen or more copies over the years, and have handed them out to bishoprics and stake presidencies, and also mailed a few to people on boards like this. Very useful information that everyone should have, and many don't.

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My favorite: Myths about Mental Illness. By Elder Alexander B. Morrison Of the Seventy - Ensign, Oct 2005

The Ensign article is a summary of a book he wrote entitled Valley of Sorrow: A Layman's Guide to Understanding Mental Illness for Latter-Day Saints. Seven bucks used off including shipping. I've bought a dozen or more copies over the years, and have handed them out to bishoprics and stake presidencies, and also mailed a few to people on boards like this. Very useful information that everyone should have, and many don't.

I have the book. I got it not long after going through a serious episode (lasted over 3 years, even with medicine). I really enjoyed the book. I think it would be particularly beneficial to a family member of one going through depression.

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Christ can heal any illness, including depression. The reason why we use doctors and drugs in addition to priesthood blessings is because our faith is weak. If our faith were strong enough, we would be healed of any affliction, including depression and including depression caused by chemical imbalances.

Having said that, there is no reason for us to be frustrated or lose hope in the Lord's healing power just because we haven't been healed by spiritual means. Our purpose here on earth is to develop faith. So if we find ourselves lacking in faith, well then, it looks like we are in the right place. Now's a great time to take a step up.

I believe that any person who seeks answers to their problems through the Spirit will be led to the right place for them, whether that is to a doctor, to a helpful organization, or to a priesthood holder for a blessing. I have been blessed at all stages through my spiritual development to find answers to my problems through the Spirit. The answer to all our problems lie in speaking and listening to our loving Heavenly Father.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Christ can heal any illness, including depression. The reason why we use doctors and drugs in addition to priesthood blessings is because our faith is weak.

Sometimes we are not healed because it is not God's Will. Take Pres. Kimball for example. Remember the health issues he had. You really don't believe his faith was weak do you?

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