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Another way you could look at Little Mermaid is that she made a mistake and in the end had learned her lesson. I don't believe Ariel would repeat striking a deal with a witch again. So you could see this tale as a lesson about falling down and picking yourself back up again.

I think the Prodigal Son is a story to consider. Wasn't he prideful, reckless and lustful in his doings? He approached life in the exact opposite way that the Lord (and his father) had instructed. But when he began to lose it all, he realised the error of his ways, and came crawling back to his father for forgiveness. And his father forgave him, and all that he had done. So in the end, it all worked out for him, too. But I believe that his heart had changed, and I think that is what makes the difference. If you were to live unrighteously, fall on your face, then have things pan out, and then laugh about it all haughtily - that's a problem.

Bini, you nailed my point perfectly. When I read, or take part in people's conversations about movies they will and will not watch, movies they like or do not like, different interpretations are always given, either in support or against.

Some people rave about Twilight and others say Twilight is teaching your daughter to love Satan, and to love the "bad boy." One person in our Elder's quorum specifically said,"Twilight is teaching our children to give up the light and embrace darkness. Remember a Vampire is pure evil." A woman in Relief Society said, "Twilight is a book for women who want to commit adultery. It is virtual adultery."

Others say, no it is just a story about a young woman's crush on a man. Him being a vampire is moot. Whose right, whose wrong?

Thus, I like to point out discrepancies in movies that some people say are good and others say are bad in these conversations.

The Little Mermaid is a perfect example of how a movie can be interpreted differently. Whose right, whose wrong?

I think it more interesting that when a person points out Ariel made a deal with the devil, people then say, well it worked out in the end -- however -- it didn't work out for Cain when he made a deal with the devil, and thus the conversation can go on and on.


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Guest LiterateParakeet

I can't find the song I am looking was before this one...but this will do...

Listen to the lyrics...anyone here really want your daughter to play Rizzo and practice this song over ad over and over?

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Regarding Ariel:

  • She spoke to the devil (the sea witch) instead of to the angel (her father), and suffered for it.
  • She did not achieve her goal in her deal with the devil.
  • She put herself in great peril by dealing with the devil, and with no profitable outcome.
  • The angel had to sacrifice himself to save her from her own foolish actions.
  • In the end, she lay helpless before the devil and had to be saved by the actions of a third party.
  • She was granted her desire in the end by the angel, not by the devil, and only by the gratitude-inspired grace of the angel.
I love Disney's The Little Mermaid; I remember watching it with my wife at the Scera in Orem and thinking, "Is this really the first good Disney animated movie of my lifetime, since Sleeping Beauty? Or will this movie not stand the test of time?" I thought it would, and told my wife as much. I think my opinion was justified. The soundtrack alone is probably the best Disney soundtrack ever.

Having said that, I see plenty of less-than-admirable things about the movie's plot. But to compare it with drek such as Grease is, in my opinion, nonsense.

This is an awesome analysis, Vort.

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Two uses of the "f" word, and one use of "J". Took my 12 yr. old for her b-day!

It seems that you can't go to a PG-13 film without the F-bomb. Not that I'm trying to smooth it over.

I have another thought, but I think I will create a new thread for it instead of pirating this one.

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No, I am playing the devil's advocate. By the way, I love The Little Mermaid I also love Grease.

However, if we go by moral of the story, then we have to look objectively at every story line, and unfortunately Ariel made a deal with the devil, but things worked out OK in the end.


Do I need to ban you to keep the moral of this thread from being that one can advocate for the devil and have it work out okay in the end? :P

Edited by Dravin
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Maybe I'm a fuddy-duddy, but I'm not a fan of Grease. I never have been. The moral of the story is, sell yourself out, dump your morals, and change to get the guy. Sex and acceptance are more valuable than principles.

So why do high schools keep doing it? Why do LDS kids keep participating, with their parents' blessing? I'm admittedly going tomorrow. One of my best friends' son is in it, and he was in our primary class when he was a little guy. My friend asked me to go with her, and I just can't tell her "no". But I'm all annoyed and judgy about the whole thing under the surface.

There are a lot of books and movies that I liked/loved growing up and before becoming a member...but now that I am a member, I realize that those things no longer fit into my standards or ideals.

Most of the movies that I loved, I can now only watch when it is on TV, because the bad words or slightly provocative scenes have been edited out. Examples? Steel Magnolias, Top Gun, and Predator just to name a few.

I never realized Steel Magnolias had so much bad language, until I finally saw the original a few months ago for the first time. I was shocked!! I guess I had only ever seen it on TV before that.

Oh my gosh, I made the mistake of watching the new Footloose. AWFUL! It is getting to the point that I can't even watch many PG-13 movies, because--in my opinion--they are now the equivalent of what R movies used to be. But that is just my opinion.

By the way--I didn't read this whole thread yet, just the OP.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

No, I am playing the devil's advocate. By the way, I love The Little Mermaid I also love Grease.

True Confessions...I love both movies too....

My objection is to watching it WITH my teenagers...awkward! And to them doing it as a play, because it glorifies teenage sex.

But I love the music....don't blame me I grew up with Rednecks..Grease is (musically) a step up from country music.

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