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Maybe I'm a fuddy-duddy, but I'm not a fan of Grease. I never have been. The moral of the story is, sell yourself out, dump your morals, and change to get the guy. Sex and acceptance are more valuable than principles.

So why do high schools keep doing it? Why do LDS kids keep participating, with their parents' blessing? I'm admittedly going tomorrow. One of my best friends' son is in it, and he was in our primary class when he was a little guy. My friend asked me to go with her, and I just can't tell her "no". But I'm all annoyed and judgy about the whole thing under the surface.

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That was the last musical we did in my high school and I refused to participate. I feel the same. The moral is to do compromise your standards to get a guy. The stage version has swearing and middle fingers too. I told the drama teacher, "I'm not doing that." They missed out on a lot of good singers in our school because they thought it was tacky.

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That was the last musical we did in my high school and I refused to participate. .

Same here! Of course I played Daisy Mae in our "Li'l Abner", which is really not much better. . .

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I went through different phases regarding Grease. Overall, on a purely surface level, I happen to find it a fun story with fun music. But, yes, I agree with Eowyn.

As a youngster, I do recall being horrified at Sandy joining the greaser crowd. When I was a little bit older, I found myself wondering just what was so wrong with that particular crowd?

... and when I was even older, I realized it wasn't the particular crowd, but was indeed the principle of changing herself to please others and I was once again disgusted.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I went through a similar progression as Backroads...being confused, or liking Sandy better at one point or another...

My memory is not really good one day I had this "bright" idea to share this movie with my kids (the teens), because we all enjoy musicals.

Needless to say I was morified about all the sex...we ended up turning it off early. I apologized to my kids and explained that I didn't remember it very well, obviously. One of my sons said, "Yeah I was wondering why you would want us to watch that..."

So yeah, Eowyn, I'm with you. I have no idea why High schools in particular would want to recreate a show that encourages teenage sex, or why LDS families would participate...

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Fun fact for ya,

Marie Osmond was originally cast as Sandy but turned down the offer.

Personally I like Grease, I agree with what everyone has said, but I really like the songs and not all of them are about sex. Everyone focuses on Sandy but Danny made changes as well.

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Looking at things from a parenting perspective, we find that many things with no redeeming value, have value. They have value as examples of things with no redeeming value.

That said, Grease doesn't really even have much value as an example of something with no redeeming value. I can walk my kids to a casino and they can learn about how wickedness never was happiness. I can take them to a jail or prison and they can learn about future-destroying consequenses. We can watch Diary of a Wimpy Kid and learn about how sometimes things can stink even though there are no bad guys. I can make dinner and they can learn to marry someone who can cook, and how to endure hardship. Heck, when old enough, they can watch Threnadier moving through the sewers and learn about the natural man and evil and such. But they watch Grease, and see the glorification of the mundane and false portrayals of what brings happiness.

I'm not a fan either.

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I'm taking it that no one here watches the Walking Dead, eh?.......

"Warm Bodies" anyone? Really, how many times can you watch Suits on the loose?

Your kids are seeing worse than "Grease" watching the Disney Channel these days. I thought a

few of you were "Twilight" fans......................

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I actually quite like the music of Grease, and some moments in it are quite funny, but I agree the moral message is pretty poor.

Grease 2 is far worse. It's basically the same story all over again, except gender roles are reversed and the "Sandy" figure is English instead of Australian. (And when I say "English" I mean a ridiculous kind of P.G. Wodehouse stereotype dreamed up by an American who's never actually met any English people.) And it doesn't even have any decent songs in it.

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I'm somewhere smack dab in the middle of loving it and hating it. So I guess that puts me in the indifferent category. I first saw Grease (the movie version with John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John) when I was very young. Besides from a few of its more well known songs, the only other thing that I really remember is the line: "She's got a bun in the oven." - and I had no idea what that meant! I haven't really seen it since, I don't think but as an adult looking back, my feelings are more of a nostalgic nature - Grease was part of my childhood.

Since reading this thread, I had Googled Grease, and am under the impression that the original Broadway version was more vulgar than the movie version or more recent musicals. I like the idea that we use the world around us as a teaching moment, addressing sensitive issues, and answering the hard questions that accompany those issues. I think if we want to, we can find disgrace in pretty much everything, even Joseph's Technicoloured Coat could be interpreted in having some risqué parts - like when he's trying to flea Potiphar's promiscuous wife. I actually did that play in elementary school and had a blast.

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I'm taking it that no one here watches the Walking Dead, eh?.......

The best zombie shows, are studies of the human condition. About finding and losing hope. Giving up or carrying on. How people handle impossible situations. The true meaning of love and frendship.

I mean, Walking Dead is hardly a shining example of worthy entertainment. But it has more going for it than Grease.

(I'm a fan of Twilight. Without Twilight, I wouldn't be able to make fun of Twilight.)

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I'm taking it that no one here watches the Walking Dead, eh?.......

I had to comment this.

Not sure if we're thinking of the same Walking Dead but I recently played it on the PS3 and it was AWESOME. The language is inappropriate but the story is extremely entertaining! I actually played it through three times in a couple weeks. One of these days I'll check out the series.

Oh, and I'm going to see Warm Bodies tonight! Girls Night Out, y'all.

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I had to comment this.

Not sure if we're thinking of the same Walking Dead but I recently played it on the PS3 and it was AWESOME. The language is inappropriate but the story is extremely entertaining! I actually played it through three times in a couple weeks. One of these days I'll check out the series.

Oh, and I'm going to see Warm Bodies tonight! Girls Night Out, y'all.

I went to Warm Bodies with my wife. I really enjoyed it.

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For those who are being a downer on Grease, I wonder how you felt about the movie "Titanic"?

Titanic, the teenage love story on a ship that is sinking -- all about fornication and cheering on their romance. ;)

Gosh.. I was in 7th grade when Titanic came out and I went to see it with classmates.

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For those who are being a downer on Grease, I wonder how you felt about the movie "Titanic"?

A beautifully polished turd, pretty much par for the course for James Cameron.

But in the Hall of Reprehensible Movies, Big has a special wing all its own.

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Honestly, there's not many movies off the top of my head that I ever felt to walk out on. When it comes to sap I will forever love Far And Away, Legends of The Fall, and The Notebook. I've watched all three many times over and over again. The first two, I saw when I was in 3rd and 5th grade. Still have a special place in my heart for them now as an adult. Oh, and oddly enough The Crow is like a really romantic movie to me, even though there's some intense scenes.

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I liked Big. Is that the one with Tom Hanks? I actually saw it recently, like last year, and I looked at my husband like.. What the heck? She's having a fling with a kid in a man's body. But I try not to overthink it. Someone brought attention to me that The Lion King's Simba and Nala weren't only lovers but siblings.

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I liked Big. Is that the one with Tom Hanks? I actually saw it recently, like last year, and I looked at my husband like.. What the heck? She's having a fling with a kid in a man's body. But I try not to overthink it.

Which is the point. The very young (as you were), the foolish, and the corrupt just enjoy the lovely story, without bothering to consider the fact that (1) the movie glorifies fornication (which is pretty common, after all), and (2) the movie glorifies PEDOPHILIA. What it says is, "It does not matter of a boy is only 13. If he has the physical equipment ready to go, then fornicating with a 29-year-old woman is sweet and comedic." And that is not overthinking it; that is simply hearing what is being said.

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Which is the point. The very young (as you were), the foolish, and the corrupt just enjoy the lovely story, without bothering to consider the fact that (1) the movie glorifies fornication (which is pretty common, after all), and (2) the movie glorifies PEDOPHILIA. What it says is, "It does not matter of a boy is only 13. If he has the physical equipment ready to go, then fornicating with a 29-year-old woman is sweet and comedic." And that is not overthinking it; that is simply hearing what is being said.

Although, from what I remember, the woman did not realize that he was a boy in a man's body. So it wasn't like she was a predator intentionally, or at all, really. I do agree that if you think long enough about it, it'll likely rub you the wrong way but a lot of stories will. A lot of children's stories are about young girls (teenaged and probably not even 18 which is considered a legal adult in America) that are rescued by a handsome prince and who is clearly quite a bit older than she is.

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