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Hi all,

I'm a Texas born, country boy, truck driver... and I'm a Mormon.

In my 50s, but only been a member for about 8 years.

My wife, 2 sons and I all joined together.

Even though we knew each other since the 8th grade, we didn't marry till we were 21 and had our first son at 30 (so they were actually still 10 and 13 when we joined).

Even after 8 years, we're still the only ones who have joined from either side of the family, but we're working on others and know that everyone moves at their own pace.

We're very blessed to have a son out on his mission and the second one has just turned in his papers (we should know in a few weeks where he's going).

We're big time into food storage and having on-hand every "needful" thing.

In addition to the Lord and my family... there's a soft spot in my heart for guns, camping and astronomy (just to name a few off the list).

Heard of this place from Mirkwood... thanks for the invite Mirk.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Skyentists... very nice Eowyn.

For PAM (or anyone else curious about my screen name),

I have a wicked sense of humor... maybe too wicked...?

Prior to my conversion to the Church, I founded the Drunk Machine Gunners Club (and yes, it was just what the name implies... a club for people who liked to drink... and shoot machine guns).

At one point we all got custom plates for our vehicles; things like DMG GUY, DMG GAL, DMG FUN, DMG FAN, etc, etc.

Anyway, my wife insisted I was the DMG NUT... and of course she was right, and that's still the license plate on my truck today.

As one might imagine, although I am a Temple recommend holding member of the Church, I am a bit rough around the edges.

Some might say I'm putting it mildly, but I digress, Heavenly Father is doing a swell job at smoothing those edges down.

I've been prompted to do some serious reading of the Book of Mormon and have read it 12 times in the past 14 months (I figured anything worth doing is probably worth doing a dozen times... I'm kind of hard headed, so the repetition helps).

I'll be starting on doing the same with the New Testament here pretty soon.

I have a military background (as does my wife and other family members), am a CCW instructor for the DPS in AZ, and an NRA instructor in several disciplines... there's also a couple law enforcement officers in the family (and just to show there are no hard feelings, I'm always buying them donuts... they're not as appreciative as one would expect... {snickering to myself}).

Firearms are (in a manner of speaking) part of who I am... I still even have a machine gun and a couple gatling guns too.

Anyways, I'm still friends with a lot of those folks from the DMG club, but I stay pretty busy with family, work and church callings, so other than dinner occasionally, that's about the extent of my interaction with them these days.

I hope that explains a least a little bit...

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Thanks again for the "welcomes".

Pam, when I said I'm a bit rough around the edges, I meant things like showing up to out door church activities wearing jeans, cowboy hat and a t-shirt (with beer logos on it...). :)

Normally I wouldn't go out of my way to be so ornery (ok, maybe I would), but no one else in the family (meaning my parents and siblings) are members of the church, and my younger brother is quite the adventurer and always sending me t-shirts from all over the place. They either have something to do with scuba diving, sky diving or beer. I always make sure to send him a pic of me, in whatever he's recently sent, holding the Book of Mormon.

I consider myself an equal opportunity annoyer.

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By the way... I don't even miss beer... but it was a real struggle to give up coffee.

Having "grown up" (as much as I arguably have), I can relate to the struggle. I spent several years (prior to joining the Church) working to perfect my recipe for "Blackgang" (Engineering) coffee.

I got pretty good at it, then married a Mormon girl and converted.

Before I welcome you to the board, I do have one pressing question to ask: which service branch were you?

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I'm trying to work out how I can mess with my Bishop and include a sockpuppet in the deal... hmmm.

I did call the Bishop from Vegas once (it was just a couple weeks ago; I was there for work) and told him several members had called, to have me place a bet for them. I was just wondering if he wanted in too?

He (knowing me very well) said he could see an interview, in the not too distant future, between the Stake President, him and me. I said that'd be great, but in the meantime, did he want in on the bet?

He said "Really... Reeaally?... You have nothing better to do right now, than harass me?"

I told him, "Nothing comes to mind".

He's got a great sense of humor and wouldn't know what to do, if I wasn't harassing him from time to time.

Now... as for the military, I only played weekend warrior for 4 years... Army National Guard 2/180th Field Artillery. Not at all the same as active duty, but several years later I followed my wife around for 8 years while she was active duty (we tried to join together, but they wouldn't let me in, since I'd messed myself up in a motorcycle accident). She was 4 years Army, Military Intelligence, Korean Linguist, then they made her mad and she said so long and went over to the Coast Guard for 4 more.

I was surprised by the question though... On another board I visit, they're more interested in whether you're a cat or dog person and what your sidearm of choice is.

I mean like... everyone knows dogs are more faithful than cats, and that Glocks are the official handgun of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

All right... I'm gona have to get off for a bit... my arms are getting tired from stirring the pot so much at one sitting...

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