President Thomas S. Monson (Sunday am session)

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Throughout the agency men and women have sought for knowledge and understand of their place in this world.

This knowledge and understand is available to all mankind.

Where is such truth to be found and how do we recognize it?

He that keepeth God's commandments shall receive light and truth is a powerful promise.

The knowledge shall come to as as we are obedient to the commandments and laws of God.

Life would be simpler if we would obey such rules completely.

Many of us learn the wisdom of obedience.

There are rules and laws to help ensure our physical safety.

There are commandments to help ensure our spiritual safety.

Obedience is required of us.

Obedience is the first law of heaven.

Obedience is a hallmark of Prophets. It has been a strength to them throughout the centuries.

We also have access to this strength as we obey God's commandments.

The great test of this life is obedience.

No greater example exists of obedience than that of our Savior. Ever was He obedient.

Are we willing to obey? The answers we seek and the strength we need in this challenging world can be ours if we follow His commandments.

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