Just a bit of inspiration...


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Seems like every time I turn around lately I bump into an article on the Word of Wisdom, or physical fitness, or healthy eating - maybe someone is trying to tell me something :)

After several years of letting myself get on the pudgy side, I've decided it's time to take myself in hand. I've ruled out Crossfit training, and I can't stand gyms, so I've started walking on the treadmill at home and doing some light weights to a dvd. After two weeks I've not had much weight-loss but I am feeling pretty good.

Just read the thread on 'crossfit' training with interest, as a friend of mine is into it and I recently did some research on it. I'm not scared of hard work, but I don't think it's for me, the routines look downright dangerous for the back and joints. I suppose it might be ok for people who are young and flexible, though it's not for me.

I saw this video recently and was positively inspired by 'Arthur' and his transformation. If he can do it, so can I...I hope! I won't be using his training regime, but what he's done to lose weight and get fit in spite of some pretty debilitating physical issues, is impressive.

Anyway, since it's helped me to get moving (for now), I just wanted to share this bit of inspiration with anyone who is trying to get motivated to exercise and get healthy. :)

Someone come and say hi to me from time to time - I'm happy to share the exercise journey with anyone who wants to chat.

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Oh yes! When you look at the way he kept going even with a back and knee brace on, it almost defies belief. He also looks about ten years younger and so vibrant after losing the weight and getting fit - amazing transformation. A similar thing has happened to my friend who has been doing the Crossfit training along with running. She's lost about 40 pounds over the past year and while she's not 'skinny', she looks slim, healthy and her skin is glowing. I see that same glow in Arthur's skin and joy in his countenance - I want some of that!

So, back on the treadmill in the morning. I"m not a runner (I prefer brisk walking with some jogging in between) so I'm trying to increase my time, speed and elevation every few days. Nowhere near the 'healthy glow' stage yet but I'd love to be there one day :)

Do you have a treadmill?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Diet is very important! My husband and I have both changed our eating habits--eating healthier, exercising regularly. I have lost 24 lbs and he has lost 26 since February. It's coming off...slowly but surely!

We also keep track of our calories every day by logging our meals using an app. It's helped us to be more aware of how much we are eating and which foods that we thought were healthy that are really not! We are educating ourselves :)

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Diet is very important! My husband and I have both changed our eating habits--eating healthier, exercising regularly. I have lost 24 lbs and he has lost 26 since February. It's coming off...slowly but surely!

Wow, that's fantastic - good for you! Feel free to check in any time for some support or just a chat about how it's going. You and your hubby are an inspiration :)

We are doing the same as you are - educating ourselves, although I have to admit my husband is doing much better than I am as I have a weakness for sugar I'm trying to control.

I am enjoying my time on the treadmill, but must admit time is a factor for me. I work fulltime in a stressful job and still have two young children at home so I'm nearing exhaustion most of the time. It's hard to get motivated because once everyone has gone to bed and I finally have some time to myself to exercise, I seriously just want to collapse somewhere. I'm not a morning person, but I might have to switch to mornings instead of evenings as I'm just so tired at night.

I am determined to keep on..but it's hard finding the time and motivation.

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A lot of the stress can be alleviated by this one lesson I learned when I was 24 years old. At that time, I was getting a bunch of speeding tickets.

Anyway, my friend gave me this advice: You don't have to slow down. You just need to slow your mind down.

That really helped me. Instead of rushing everywhere in high stress mode. I can now tackle all the necessary activities in a calm manner whistling while I work. With proper nutrition, I would still have a lot of energy at the end of the day.

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  • 9 months later...

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