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I have 3 young daughters. Maureen, can you or someone else explain to me the difference between a wedding and a funeral?

Your wedding marks the end of all your problems. Your funeral marks the other end.

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I have 3 young daughters. Maureen, can you or someone else explain to me the difference between a wedding and a funeral?

Your wedding marks an end of all your problems. Your funeral marks the other end.

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I have 3 young daughters. Maureen, can you or someone else explain to me the difference between a wedding and a funeral?

Well I guess in some ways they are a little similar in that they both celebrate life. But hopefully for both, the main difference would ideally be in the age of the lives celebrated.

It's hard to imagine daughters married when they are still young, but once they meet that right person and you like that person that they've picked, weddings can be quite happy and fun. :)


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