Missionary update


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My son , Anziano Bytor, left the MTC yesterday bound for Italy and was allowed to call his mother and I. I was wandering around Best Buy at lunch time when I received the call.

At the conclusion of our conversation he recited the First Vision and gave his testimony in Italian.....very awesome. I didn't understand the words, but the Spirit was incredible. Nothing quite like standing in appliances at Best Buy with tears streaming down your face. "sir...are the prices that bad?" :)

at 6:15 this morning I received a call from his mission informing me that he had arrived safely and that he would be assigned to serve in Montepulciano for his first assignment.

He left with a group of 26 all traveling together and he said they were going to baptize the whole plane...can't wait to hear how that went!


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Grazie! E tanti auguri! Che bella cosa! (...'nna jurnata 'o sole...n'aria serena doppo 'na tempesta...Pell'aria fresca, pare gia 'na festa...che bella cosa 'nna jurnata 'o sole...ma 'natu sole...chiu bell'oine...o sole mio...sta 'nfronte a te...o sole...o sole mio...sta 'nfronte a te...sta 'nfronte a te...)

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Repent and refuse no more. :P

I donno... a part of me would want to hear about a story like;

An entire plane, save 1 person, were all baptized in a great moment of spirituality. The one person refused, screaming "I only said I'd convert if offered a role in a bad star wars film" no one knew what that meant and let the person brood in the corner while the remaining passangers had a fulflilling talk about Jesus.

(Something to that effect)

Though I do admit that sounds mean...(Mormon Missionaries I've talked to on the interwebs are really nice people). If it actually happened, I donno what I would do, I'd be surprised, that's for sure:lol:

Religion is not something that was talked about in my house, my friends weren't religious, it's not something I've ever talked or thought much on until I reached my teens.

I was baptized and had first communion but it was only because my grandparents wanted that (and I was told I'd get a ton of money for first communion, so I went along with it not at all understanding what any of it meant).

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Will do....as soon as I know it :-)

sooooo... not sure how to tip toe into this but...

are you a Priest at one of the Temples of Syrinx

it's totally cool if you're not, it does have a lot of Subdivisions... Gimmie some Feedback but don't put yourself in the Limelight and Rush yourself with :lol:

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